
Monday, December 5, 2016

2nd Annual Summer Postcard Exchange Designs

I am so very sorry for how long this has taken to get up!

L&L was honored and happy to host the Summer Postcard Exchange again this year! The idea was that dolls (doll collectors) around the country and around the world would send in postcard designs and we would then print them out and send all the participants a doll sized postcard from each person.

Our humble little event grew this year and we were thrilled to have 41 postcard designs submitted by 37 individuals! We're sorry it took a little longer to get everything ready to mail out this year, and thank you so much for your patience. This was so much fun that hopefully we'll be able to do this again next summer! ^_^

Here are the 30 designs for the postcards for everyone to see:

Postcard 1

Postcard 2

Postcard 3

Postcard 4

Postcard 5

Postcard 6

Postcard 7

Postcard 8

Postcard 9

Postcard 10

Postcard 11

Postcard 12

Postcard 13

Postcard 14

Postcard 15

Postcard 16

Postcard 17

Postcard 18

Postcard 19

Postcard 20

Postcard 21

Postcard 22

Postcard 23

Postcard 24

Postcard 25

Postcard 26

Postcard 27

Postcard 28

Postcard 29

Postcard 30

Postcard 31

Postcard 32

Postcard 33

Postcard 34

Postcard 35

Postcard 36

Postcard 37

Postcard 38

Postcard 39

Postcard 40

Postcard 41

Thank you all so much for participating! ^_^ We hope you'll be able to join in the fun next summer as well!


  1. This looks like so much fun! It is neat to see how people love AG dolls all over the world. Neat postcards everyone!
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. It's such a fun activity and I always love seeing all the neat designs everyone comes up with! ^_^

  2. It was a lot of fun! I did three posts about it on my own blog!

    1. I loved the 2 posts of your dolls looking through the cards, and the post of how you came up with your postcard design! ^_^ Thank you for joining in! I'm so glad you had fun!

  3. What a fun idea. I enjoyed looking at all of the different places. Was excited to see the one from the Penssic 44, that event happens very close to where I live!

    1. Oh wow! That's so neat! I looked up the Penssic after seeing that postcard because I was curious what it was, and it looks like so much fun. ^_^
