
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Leaked New Blue Gown for Felicity's Re-Release

Updated: The wonderful Skayh754 shared detailed photos of how this set looks modeled on her Felicity doll! You can view the photos here:

Another new leaked outfit and another clue Felicity will be re-released in the near future! Now on top of her books being reprinted in the Beforever format for next February, and the leaked photos of her undergarments, photos of this new blue and gold gown popped up on eBay. I have added it to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases. ^_^

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Original eBay Photos:
I love the colors of this gown though actual cut of it looks pretty simple. 

Similar to Elizabeth's light green summer dress, the gold underskirt doesn't look like it is a separate dress, and will just be a piece if fabric attached to the sides of the blue over skirt.

Standard socks. Meh. Not exciting but necessary. 

These buckle shoes looks a lot like Felicity's original meet shoes! XD

Overall I love the colors of this outfit! I was always a bit sad that she didn't have much blue in her original wardrobe aside from that stunning Christmas dress, and the gold compliments it very nicely. I'm disappointed that the gold underskirt isn't a separate piece but not really surprised as it would make the outfit more costly and AG hasn't done that for any of Felicity's later outfits. 

Link to Original eBay Auction:


  1. Hmmm, I don't think I really like this one. Do you think it will be her meet dress?

    1. I don't know honestly, but I wouldn't mind if it was. ^_^

    2. Hehehe. I know what you mean. I don't really care what it is if it signifies Felicity being rereleased. 😉

    3. I do actually kinda like the bold colors though. Love the patterns too

  2. I also like the blue print. The dress style is a bit plain, but I imagine most dresses might have been simple styles. My question is: how in the world do people find these things on eBay?

    1. It's simple, I agree, but like you said, it's reflective of the period. :) People use different search terms, and there are certain sellers who have a track record of leaked AG items.

  3. This one is just kinda bleh. The blue and yellow don't really look good together, and the patterns are kinda ugly.

    1. Hahaha! We have different tastes in colonial wear then! ^_^ I love the blue and yellow, and think the print is really pretty. :D Hopefully they'll create a Felicity outfit you like!

    2. It's very appropriate in pattern and colour for the time period (albeit in man made fibres and no separate petticoat �� but certainly gives the right look)I think it's very pretty. Just can't wait for re-release of Felicity

  4. I'm in love with this it's so pretty!

  5. I am hoping that they bring back an all new Felicity. Perhaps a Marie-Grace Mild Felicity. Repeating what had done before is boring. I want to see some radical changes and I missed Marie-Grace.

    1. XD I like Felicity as she is, but I would love to see them reuse the Marie-Grace mold for a new character. It's a beautiful mold and I wish AG would give it another chance.

  6. I mean Marie-Grace Mold* ��

    ^ pretty much my reaction any time we hear something about felicity

  8. I'm hoping that AG is bringing her back!! I would be so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  9. I am so excited that Felicity is back!
