
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lissie & Lilly: Episode 2 - I Hate Looking Different!

Lissie & Lilly: I Hate Looking Different! (Photostory)

On the first day of school for the girls...

Lilly: Are you excited for classes to start Samantha?
Sam: Yes indeed! I especially can’t wait to visit the library and go to Literature class! What are you looking forward to Sawako Lilly?
Lilly: I’m excited for all of my science classes! Though at this rate, we’ll have nothing to look forward to if Lissie doesn’t hurry.

Lilly: Lissie! We have to go or we’ll be la-
Sam: Lissie, don’t tell me you’re bringing that to school!
Lissie: I want to play ball at lunch! If you don’t give me something to look forward to, how do you expect me to stay on my rear end all day?

Lissie: Samantha! You’ve been here this whole time reading?
Sam: Oh this school has such a marvelous collection of books Lissie! I think I lost track of time. Is lunch over already?
Lissie: Yup, almost anyways. I’m exhausted from playing. I hope I don’t fall asleep this afternoon. Have you seen Lilly?
Sam: No I haven’t, but then again, I haven’t really noticed much since I’ve been here reading.
Lissie: Well, it’s not like we don’t all live at the same place. See you later Samantha!

Lissie: We’re home Lilly! Gosh, it’s not like her to go home by herself.
Sam: Let’s check the bedroom, she might have already gone up.

Sam: She’s not here. Where else could she be?
Lissie: There’s one other place she could be if she’s not here. She must be in our Big Person’s room. Come on Samantha!

Lissie: She’s in here! She’s sleeping on our Big Person’s bed.
Sam: I didn’t realize our Big Person has her own room too! Everything’s huge!

Lissie: I wonder why she’s sleeping.
Sam: Oh Lissie! Look at her face! She’s crying!

Lissie: What happened? Why is Lilly crying?
Sam: I don’t know! Something must have happened at school today.

Lilly: Uhmm… Lissie? Samantha? Did you two just get home?
Lissie: Lilly! Why are you crying? Did you fall or get hurt?
Sam: Did someone check out your favorite book?
Lissie: Did you get less than a perfect score on your assignment?
Sam: Did you lose your homework?
Lilly: Oh no… It’s not like that… I guess I just wasn’t feeling well. I’m sorry to have worried you two.
Sam: Don’t hide from us Sawako Lilly. Please tell us what’s bothering you.
Lissie: If Samantha or I were upset, think of how you’d feel Lilly.

Lilly: You’re right Lissie, I’m sorry. I just don’t really know how to tell you guys. It’s embarrassing.
Today during lunch, some of the other students were… talking to me.
Lissie: Oh tell me who they are Lilly! I’ll teach them a thing or two!
Sam: Shhh! Let her finish Lissie!
Lilly: They were making fun of me. One girl kept calling me teacher’s pet and suck up for knowing all the answers. Another boy said my eyes were slanted and narrow, then they all started to laugh and pull their eyes back too. It was terrible!
Sam: Oh Sawako Lilly… That’s horrid!

Lilly: I know I look different! I know I have narrow, slanted eyes! But there’s nothing I can change
about that. I’m so embarrassed I don’t even want to see anyone again. I hate being different!
Lissie: Don’t ever say that Lilly! They were just jealous!
Sam: Lissie’s right Sawako Lilly. They were just picking on you because they’re jealous of you.
Lissie: Come on Lilly, I’ll prove it to you!

Lissie: They called you teacher’s pet and suck up because they know they’re not as smart as you. You
work hard and you’re always studying, that’s why you get such high marks! You’re even studying the same things our Big Person is studying!
Sam: Those students don’t have your focus and they know it, so all they can do is pick on you because they wish they could be like you.

Sam: Here Lissie, try drawing what our Big Person was stressing over last night.
Lilly: Do you mean the brachial plexus?

Lilly: Is this what you were referring to Samantha? The brachial plexus is the series of nerves that control the muscles of the shoulder, arm, and hand.
Sam: Exactly! It even took our Big Person a whole night to figure out and memorize this spaghetti pile, but you already learned it. What other doll can do that? Medical school students would kill for a brain like yours!
Lissie: This is what we mean Lilly! Don’t you see how wonderful you are?

Lissie: Take a look. What do you see?

Lilly: I see myself. What am I supposed to see?

Lissie: Would you like to know what Samantha and I see? We see a really beautiful lady who is kind, smart, and wonderful.
Sam: You’re really lovely the way you are Sawako Lilly. Your eyes are unique and so gorgeous. You have such a sweet smile. The only thing prettier that your reflection in that mirror is your reflection inside. As long as you are such compassionate, caring, sincere person on the inside, you will never be ugly.

Lilly: … You both are wrong.
Lissie: Wha-
Lilly: You left out the most important part. The most important thing I see are the two best friends a person could ever want. As long as you two are there, I know everything will be alright. I love both of you! Thank you so much for reminding me what really matters.

Sam: Pffft!
Lilly: What are you laughing at Samantha?
Sam: Look at Lissie’s hair! It’s all over the place!
Lilly: Hahahahaha! You’re right! Oh you do look funny Lissie.
Lissie: It proves that I won the ball game today!
Lilly: Speaking of which… Lissie…. You forgot your vest, didn’t you?
Lissie: … … …

Lissie: NOOOOO!!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!! XD
Lilly & Sam: Hahahahaha! :D

I have my first anatomy exam for med school tomorrow so Sawako Lilly really did learn the brachial plexus with me. ^_^ This is a story that means a lot to me because I was bullied and picked on a lot when I was younger because I looked different and got good grades. XD For people that have also been bullied or hurt because they looked different, or were smart, please remember Lissie and Samantha’s words! :D 

PS - Brag note, I'm really excited by how I worked the focus on the mirror photos! Notice that initially when Sawako Lilly looks at herself in the mirror, the reflection is blurry? That's supposed to represent that she hasn't fully accepted herself and 'can't see' herself for who she truly is. Then, in the next photo, the reflection is focused because Lissie and Samantha have shown her how they see her! :)


  1. This was a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I loved that story! It was heartwarming.

    1. Thank you for reading! I'm happy to hear it touched you. :)

  3. I have been bullied so this touched me.

    1. I'm very sorry to hear you have been bullied. I'm glad this sorry touched you. Thank you for reading!

  4. I'm so sorry you were bullied. Unbelievable, you are such a lovely person. And poor Lilly. It's a shame some people (and some dolls) are so unhappy in their own skin they attempt to make everyone else unhappy too. I'm grateful Lilly has Sam and Lissie to show her how special she really is. I wish everyone had friends like that.

    1. I was fortunate enough to grow from this bullying, with my confidence and self assurance in who I am intact. It taught me how to be more sensitive and respectful, but for many people, bullying is terribly demeaning and leaves one feeling worthless and hopeless. It makes a big difference for someone to have someone who loves and supports them! :)

  5. I love this. This is one of my favorite stories you have ever done!

    1. Thank you so much! This one is more personal so I'm happy to hear you really enjoyed it!

  6. Like I always say " Talk all you want but you're words will never hurt me!"😉

    1. Words have a lot of power so we should use them carefully. However, it's also important to be able to be strong enough to resist negative words that are only meant to hurt and not help. :)

  7. I have a question.... are the backgrounds you use the American Girl "Scenes and Settings?" I've been trying to find these particular ones on Ebay with no luck.

    1. Yes! They are the old "Scenes & Settings" books released for the first 5 historical characters, Molly, Kirsten, Samantha, Felicity, and Addy. They're difficult to track down on eBay, especially in good condition. It took me over a year to track them down so the best advice I can offer is just to be patient and keep checking frequently. :)

    2. Okay, thanks so much! I'll keep looking. :)

    3. Happy to help! Good luck tracking them down. ^_^

  8. I know it's really late.... but Samantha is adorable in that jumper! :D
    -Nova ♡

    1. It's never too late to read L&L Episodes! ^_^ Thank you very much!

  9. I �� Lissie and Lilly. There adventures are so cute. My dolls love there story's.

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy to hear you and your dolls enjoy their adventures! ^_^

  10. Julie is Lissie's biggest fan!
    -The Person Who Asked You About the Blondes

    1. That's so sweet, thank you! If they have been from the same time periods, I'm sure they would have been great friends and had a lot of adventures. :)

  11. Lilly is beautiful and it is important that she knows that. (I want her but they don't have her on ebay!

    1. Thank you! Keep checking on eBay. The #4 doll is rare but does show up occasionally.

  12. Ohh so sweet, this made me melt! C: I can't help it, it's soo good!!! :D Great pics with the mirror, I didn't quite catch that the first time I read it. Guess I have to work on that 'cause I like studying pictures.
