
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Maryellen Dressed in Outfits from Other Time Periods

I was really excited for Maryellen's addition to the BeForever line because this is the first historical character release I've been a part of since I re-discovered the AG world back in 2013. On top of that, since Valerie Tripp, who wrote Felicity's books, is the author for Maryellen's books, I had high expectations for the story.

I bought the Maryellen doll and her books shortly after the release. However, the doll and the character do not appeal to me, even after reading her books, which I found lack luster. So in an attempt to warm up to the doll, I tried putting her in clothing from different time periods to see if I could envision her as a different character. At the end of the day, I have decided that Maryellen is not a doll that fits into my collection, but here are the photos for anyone who is curious what "Maryellen looks like in _______ clothes."

*Please do not repost or copy these images without written permission.*

*Note: I did not take any photos of Maryellen in Kaya's outfits due to the deeply religious and personal aspect of her Native American Pow Wow wear. I was not comfortable with having Maryellen try on Kaya's clothing in a "dress up" sort of manner since she does not represent a Native American character in my mind, specifically Nez Perce. 

Which time period/outfits do you think she looks best in? 

Please let me know if this is helpful. I am toying with the idea of doing this for my other dolls as well to create a "photo request" library of sorts for people who want to see what a doll dressed in another doll's outfit looks like. ^_^


  1. I really like Mollys and Samanthas Classic Outfits on Maryellen. Thanks for sharing pics of her in all the different era outfits.

    1. I'm glad you found time photos helpful and fun to look though! ^_^

  2. Perhaps it's because I feel as though I "know" the other characters, but I don't think she looks right in any of the outfits! Poor Maryellen seems so bland compared with the other historic characters and the GOTY dolls. I'm really not a fan of the whole BeForever rebranding: they seem to have lost something along the way and Maryellen just doesn't appeal to me.

    1. I think that maryellen looks really good in every single outfit, my favorite outfit would be jess's meet outfit because looks sooooo beatiful in her.

    2. I think the bland-ness is historically accurate though. The 50's were very vanilla, absolutely nothing happened in that ho-hum decade.

    3. Nothing happened? Seriously? The polio vaccine being discovered, the Korean War, the first rocket launched is nothing? Just because it isn't a huge war doesn't mean there was nothing to the decade.

    4. Jammy Jo, I think Maryellen isn't working for me because she doesn't stand out in terms of looks enough for me. I already have dolls with red hair, light vinyl, classic mold, and decal eyes, doll with bangs, and dolls with hazel eyes. Nothing about her really is unique for me to want to add her to my collection. Usually even if this is the case, I can still fall for a doll if I love her story but Maryellen's first book was a really ho hum for me and didn't excite me the way the other historical characters do. She comes off as very self centered and bratty to my eyes so I couldn't get into the character either. At the end of the day, I'm happy for those who love her and want her in their collections but she is just not for me, though I do love her wardrobe! ^_^

  3. Maryellen looks amazing in felicity's and elizabeth's outfits.

    1. I agree! I think that's also partly because she and Felicity have such similar coloring though, and I still much prefer my Lissie. ^_^

    2. I see your point, but I feel like we're in danger with Lissie. Also, I want a Sawako Lilly, but there is none on ebay! And 54 looks exactly like her but with ivy's face mold. And I want her with Jess's face mold or Ivy herself!

  4. I think Maryellen looks best in Addy's, Molly and Emily's, and Julie and Ivy's.


    1. I also thought she looked good in some of Molly & Emily's outfits, though I wondered if that's because their time periods are so similar and overlap.

  5. Wow! For someone who has only been collecting for two years, your plethora of outfits is pretty awesome and extensive! Thank you for doing the photo gallery, it was very interesting and helpful. I'd definitely be interested in your photo library idea. Also if you could review some of those outfits in the gallery, that'd be awesome!
    Hannah M.

    1. I would say that Maryellen looks the best in anything blue or green, and some shades of purple. Also, I think she looks great in all of Rebecca's collection (apart from her original meet. The colour clashes with her hair I think). Here are some of the outfits I think she looks the best in: both Felicity and Elizabeth's Christmas Ball gowns, Julie's Birthday Dress, Caroline's Winter Coat and Birthday and Party Gowns, Molly's Route 66 Dress and Polka-Dot Outfit, Marie-Grace's Skirt Set, Kit's School Outfit and Birthday Dress, Kirsten's Meet Outfit and Work Dress, Rebecca's Hanukah Outfit, Summer Outfit, and School Outfit, Addy's Sunday Best, and Blue Dress, Samantha's Play Outfit and Nellie's Meet Outfit. Speaking of Nellie, I really think that Maryellen could be her sister or cousin or something. It could be just me, but I think the resemblance in pretty strong.

    2. That second comment was from me too, but I forgot to sign it.
      Hannah M.

    3. I second the blue/green. As I was looking at the items I am def more drawn to the color on her than the style. May explain my own personal closet too! ;)

    4. Thank you for your kind words and suggestions! I think I when I have a free day next, I will do Cecile because I just can't get over how stunning she is. :D I'm glad you found the photos helpful and fun to look at! I'd agree with your blue/green too. I think those colors compliment her well without washing her out. ^_^

  6. I think that Maryellen looks best in Felicity's, Kirsten's. and Rebecca's outfits. I also really liked her in Addy's Sewing Dress and Lanie's Nature Outfit!
    This was really interesting to see how she looked on all those different outfits :)

    1. I like her in Felicity's outfits too though for me, it's probably because she looks so much like Lissie. ^_^ I'm glad you found the photos interesting and helpful to look at!

  7. I liked her best in Mia's Performance Outfit, Felicity's Riding Habit and Hat, and Addy's Tartain Plaid Xmas dress - the greens seem to do something for her, and also the black Jacket from Josefina's party dress and Rebeccas big black coat

    1. I agree, the green really looks great for Maryellen. It's probably why Felicity and Mia's outfits look so great on her, since she's similar in look to both of them. ^_^

  8. There are definitely ones where she gets washed out and others where she looks very good.

    I liked the note about Kaya not being represented with the historical outfits. Very thoughtful.

    1. I think so too. With any doll, but it seems like especially dolls with Maryellen's coloring, it's a balancing game between colors that complement her vs. washing her out.

      In regards to Kaya's wardrobe, I only recently in the past few months learned that while today's Native American communities can be made up of multiple phenotypes, Pow-Wow outfits are very individualized to each person and hold personal religious and spiritual ties to that individual. After learning this, I was no longer able to use Kaya's outfits are just regular "dress up" outfits and in my mind they became specific for Kaya alone. :)

    2. I know what you mean. I've been to a few pow wows where the announcer would explain the rules and the regalia. I keep trying to get my mom to 1) stop calling the wardrobe "costumes" and 2) understand that each item is a work in progress that the materials and colors used are special. She doesn't understand the difference between buckskin, traditional, fancy shawl, and jingle dancers.

    3. I've never been to a pow wow before and also don't understand the difference between the different types of regalia though I can now tell which is which. :) Also, I think some of the meaning varies between the different tribes? Each tribe has a rich, deep culture that can take lots of study to understand. ^_^

    4. Absolutely! I've been studying since I was in middle school and still haven't scratched the surface.

      The regalia varies for each individual, but the base is determined by the dance: Traditional, Fancy Shawl, and Jingle. I found an intersting piece about it here:

      This article tells you more about the dances: or this one One of the dances not listed on either is the hoop dance - stunning work there (as well as in all the dances). lists powwows all over the country. I was actually surprised to see how many happen in my area. If you have a chance and find one nearby, go early and stay late. :)

    5. Thank you so much for the links! I will definitely take a look through them and I'll also check to see if there are any local ones I can attend! ^_^

  9. Felicity & Elizabeth represent 1774, not 1764

    1. Thank you for catching that! I'll fix that right now. :)

  10. I don't know if you're still deciding whether to keep Maryellen or not, but I had an idea on how to make her more unique.
    I think you should give her a disability. I know that many people were hoping that Maryellen's books would have her suffer from polio, but now it's clear that this isn't the case. I know that people don't get polio nowadays, but you could have your Maryellen contract a rare case or something like that, and need crutches or a wheelchair.
    Well, there's my idea... and I hope that you do keep your Maryellen. She would be a lovely addition to the Lissie and Lilly episodes. :)


    1. I've actually already sold Maryellen. In the end, I feel like I have too many light vinyl, classic mold dolls so she wasn't unique enough for me to want to keep her. :)
      Actually, Maryellen has a slightly weak leg due to contracting polio in her stories, though it does not require crutches or a wheelchair. I was disappointed AG did that since I thought it would have been a great way to not only show the realistic effects of the polio virus, but also write about a character who experiences a unique set of challenges in her life.

    2. Oh, okay. No worries! I thought I'd just throw that idea out there.
      Hmm. Well, at least AG made her SLIGHTLY handicapped. It's a step in the right direction. Though, they could have made some really neat old-fashioned crutches or wheelchair. Oh, well. ;)


      P.S. Do you think you will get another doll instead of Maryellen? I noticed that you don't have any dolls with the Addy mold... at least, not in the Lissie and Lilly episodes. Have you considered getting Truly Me #26? (I think that's her number.) She's the doll with the Addy mold and unique amber eyes. I'm actually trying to save up for her right now!

    3. It would have been so neat if AG had made an iron lung for her, though I doubt it would be appealing to the target market and sell well.

      I actually already own #26, as well as Addy herself and #58. :) Good luck with saving up for her! She's a lovely doll.

  11. I love American girl dolls

  12. I love kits classic outfits

  13. I have to say MarryEllen looks good in everything😊I should know, She's in my doll collection and I really recommend this doll😊

    1. Those who have her really do think she's beautiful. :)

  14. I'm going to AG tomorrow to get the new GOTY Lea Clark and I am really looking forward to it

  15. Did you keep Maryellen?

  16. I don't like maryellen, her hair kinda makes it hard to find outfits to match it that arn't white LOL, and she's not very versatile. I think she's kinda ugly

    1. Although I cannot relate to her character and don't feel the desire to own her myself, I don't think she is "ugly".

  17. Lissies hair is the perfect amount of red to go PERFECTLY with any outfit, Maryellen's, well no

    1. I actually struggle with finding good outfits for Lissie, though at the end of the day, I really don't care what looks good on her or not, and will still stick her in any outfit. :)

  18. My personal favorites are Maryellen in Felicity and Julie's outfits.

  19. Does anyone else find the uneven bangs annoying?

    1. I definitely did, it was one of the main reasons Maryellen didn't appeal to me.
