
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Newest Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Outfit Leak

Breezywindy on AGDH posted that there was a new potential outfit from Lea Clark's, our Girl of the Year 2016, wardrobe on eBay and kindly gave us permission to share her find. The outfit could be a prototype, though my personal guess is it is pretty close to the final version since the outfit actually has Lea Clark's ego tag sewn on to the side.

A full list of links to all the info/leaks/photos/rumors on next year's Girl of the Year 2016, Lea Clark, is at the bottom of this post.

*Update 11/14/2015: It appears from the most recent eBay auction that this outfit will actually be Lea's Pajamas, and not the creepy cat one! :D Hurray! The new images that show her fluffy slippers have been added.*

Photos from EBay Listing:




Added Images from eBay:
Full PJs set with slippers!

Just the romper part. Are rompers really sleep wear?

Really cute, fluffy slippers with sparkles too! 

Overall I like this outfit more than I like Lea's meet outfit. However, it is still not appealing enough for me to want to add it to my collection. I am not a fan of the crazy print though it fits in with her story so far and travel to Brazil. Hopefully it'll look really great modeled on Lea herself! ^_^

Link to eBay auction 1:

Link to eBay auction 2:

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Info on GotY 2016 Lea Clark to date:
Link to eBay Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Plush Sloth:

Stock Photos for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Mix and Match Swimsuit & Beach Accessories:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration and Back Cover Summary for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Details from Mini Doll Book for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Complete Collection List for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark with Prices:

Link to Full Sized GOTY 2016 Stock Photo:

Link to Book Cover for GOTY 2016's First Book - Lea Dives In:

Link to Photos of 2-in1 Swimsuit for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photoshop Images of Potential Looks for Full Sized GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Doll:

Link to Comparison Photos of Lea Mini Doll with other Mini Dolls:

Link to GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Complete Leaked Wardrobe Group Photos:

Link to Photos of Explorer/Hiking Outfit Modeled on Truly Me #49 doll:

Link to Full Cast List Photos of Actresses and Actors for GOTY 2016 Movie:

Link to Potential 2-in-1 Swimsuit Set for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of Tropical Romper Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline dolls:

Link to Photos of Pink/Yellow Tunic Top Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photos of Purple Tie Dye Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Explorer/Hiking Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of  Fancy Occasion Dress on Kanani doll:

Link to Purple Dress & Messenger Bag for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Shorts, Top, & Sandals Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Fancy Occasion Dress for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Tropical Romper Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Potential Pajamas for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to GotY 2016's Book Summaries

Link to Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Meet Outfit & Mini Doll Images:

Link to Casting Call Audition Script for 2016 GotY Lea Clark's Movie:


  1. I do like the style of the outfit, but I am not sure about the print either. Have you seen photos of 18 inch Lea yet?? I cannot wait to see what she looks like! Thanks for the update!

    1. As far as I know, there aren't any leaked photos of the 18 inch Lea yet. :)

  2. I have to say that I liked the first version better. I don't like the style or the print and if I got her, none of my dolls would be wearing it LOL!
    I hope leaks come out soon of Lea herself, too! I'm so anxious and excited to see what she's like!!! :D

    1. Do you mean the meet outfit? :) I think I prefer the meet outfit more, just because I'm more of a dress fan than a romper fan, but neither are terribly appealing to me. ^_^ I also can't wait til the picture of the full sized doll leaks!

  3. I don't like this outfit, maybe this is just my opinion, but I start feeling that lea's colection will be really bad because of this
    1. The meet outfit is not really appealing at all
    2. The pajamas have the exact same pattern as the meet dress and it has creepy cheshire cat on it
    3. This outfit isn't really appealing and the pattern is a bit excessive, and I know that she will be from brazil but the outfit just isn't really good at all.

    1. I agree with you completely! I'm hoping she will have at least one cute outfit in her collection. And if not, hopefully her furniture and accessories are amazing :)

    2. Thus far I am not a fan of what I have seen so far. Hopefully everything will appeal to the target market though. I want Lea to be incredibly successful so AG will see dolls representing minority characters can see well and make a black GOTY!

  4. I'm hating Lea's collection so far... this looks like it was made from curtains! I like the style but ICK! "Tribal" parrot romper?! Ugly colored "tribal" pajamas AND meet outfit? Creepy cheshire cat?!

    1. I agree the collection looks so ugly, this outfit looks like something made from the curtains of my grandma's house, I hope that at least the accessories are good, but I don't think so.......

    2. >_< I'm not a fan of "loud" big print, even on human clothes, much less doll clothes. I hope there will be at least something in her collection that will appeal to me. :)

  5. I actually think this is adorable--I love the idea of a romper, the tropical birds are interesting and in good scale, and for once it is not purple or pink or sparkly! Finally, a different color and a new idea. This looks like something a real little girl might wear, especially on a tropical vacation. One of my dolls will be wearing this next summer!

    Thanks for the update!

    1. I am digging this one as well-print could be smaller. It would be interesting to compare the size of parrots to the size of the flamingos in that dress from this summer. I really like the shade of green used as trim. My target-age daughter actually owns something similar but in that electric blue color. (Maybe not a good thing? ;) )

    2. I'm so glad there are people who do like this outfit! For me, it's not something I am drawn to, even if it was human sized, but hopefully seeing it on the actual Lea doll might change my mind. I used to really dislike the flamingo halter top dress from this summer when I saw the leaked photos for it, but it has really grown on me and now I think it's a really cute outfit. Hopefully Lea's collection will be the same way for me. ^_^

    3. LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and I'm sick of all the truly me purple and positives messaging!!

  6. Replies
    1. That's awesome! I'm glad there are people who like it and I really hope the young girls go wild for it even if it's not to my personal taste. ^_^

  7. Lea's collection is very daring and bold. I actually admire AG for not going with a basic pink collection, and to keep up with the unique clothes despite the negative backlash. I know I will definitely be buying her! I do think her collection is influenced by Jess who was very popular.

    1. While many of the outfits in her collection don't appeal to me personally, I completely agree with you. I am thrilled AG is expanding into other colors outside of pink and pastels. :)

  8. Ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in England and have one doll #61

    1. I think the green in this outfit would look great on #61. :)

  9. Replies
    1. Yup, we figure that out a while back when the slippers were leaked. :)
