
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Girl of the Year 2016 Name, Meet Outfit, & Mini Doll

These past 2 weeks have been filled with the excitement of tons of new leaks from EBay and TaoBao for both our 2016 GotY as well as the newest 1950s historical Beforever character Maryellen, guessed to be released on Aug. 27th when her books are out.

We now officially know what our 2016 GotY character's name will be. Originally, the guess floating around was Gabriela when AG trademarked the name. The pseudonym AG used in the movie casting call was Genma Clark. Now we officially know that her name will be...

Lea Clark

And how do we know this? Because of this name tag:

And where is this name tag from you may ask? Well, It's a close up from...

Girl of the Year 2016 Meet Outfit:


Back view of meet dress

I am assuming Lea will also have underwear and potentially a hair accessory or some other small add on, otherwise this would be really the bare essentials for a meet outfit.

Update - You can see photos of the meet dress details modeled on various dolls posted here:

Well what does Lea look like? Don't worry, there was a leak on that too!

Girl of the Year 2016 Mini Doll:

From the mini doll, It looks like she will have medium vinyl, Josefina face mold, and hazel eyes, with dirty blond/light brown (similar to Kanani), long, layered hair, side part on the left.

This fits the idea of the mixed character described in the casting call, as well as my mixed feelings on this character. I really wish she had been a full doll of color instead of a mixed character, though I am glad AG is adding any nod towards a minority character. It feels frustrating to me that AG won't commit to a full doll of color. :/

Info on GotY 2016 Lea Clark to date:
Link to eBay Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Plush Sloth:

Stock Photos for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Mix and Match Swimsuit & Beach Accessories:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration and Back Cover Summary for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Details from Mini Doll Book for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Complete Collection List for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark with Prices:

Link to Full Sized GOTY 2016 Stock Photo:

Link to Book Cover for GOTY 2016's First Book - Lea Dives In:

Link to Photos of 2-in1 Swimsuit for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photoshop Images of Potential Looks for Full Sized GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Doll:

Link to Comparison Photos of Lea Mini Doll with other Mini Dolls:

Link to GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Complete Leaked Wardrobe Group Photos:

Link to Photos of Explorer/Hiking Outfit Modeled on Truly Me #49 doll:

Link to Full Cast List Photos of Actresses and Actors for GOTY 2016 Movie:

Link to Potential 2-in-1 Swimsuit Set for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of Tropical Romper Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline dolls:

Link to Photos of Pink/Yellow Tunic Top Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photos of Purple Tie Dye Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Explorer/Hiking Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of  Fancy Occasion Dress on Kanani doll:

Link to Purple Dress & Messenger Bag for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Shorts, Top, & Sandals Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Fancy Occasion Dress for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Tropical Romper Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Potential Pajamas for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to GotY 2016's Book Summaries

Link to Meet Outfit Details Modeled on Various Dolls:

Link to Casting Call & Audition Script for 2016 GotY Lea Clark's Movie:


  1. what her talent going to be? :)

    1. Destorying the patriarchy. Hopefully.

    2. No clue yet since her story seems to be more about adventure. :) Maybe writing or journalism?

    3. looks exactly like McKenna...very disapointing. Its redundant really, We need a BLACK Girlof the year or a mixed one. I hope this is a false picture

    4. I'm also hoping for a black GotY but at least this doll has medium vinyl and "mixed" heritage. :/

    5. I'm pretty sure that the it is photography or swimming.

    6. It is photography, according to her book summaries. Her book summary says she is afraid of water so swimming is not it, though she may grow to love it by the end of her books. :)

  2. Totally agree with you on the DOC thing. Come on AG, it's time to get your act together and give us a fully DOC!
    Hannah M.

    1. Yes indeed! Please oh please AG!

    2. She looks cute! I like her. I was thinking that the leaked halter dress on your upcoming outfits page is going to be for Lea. I can't wait to see what you can find about the eighteen inch doll!

    3. That's what a few others have guessed as well. :) It seems to fit Lea's bright, almost neon color palate.

  3. Wow! She looks so unique! I might have to get her!


    1. Please share photos if you do! I don't think she'll be coming home with me but who knows what will happen when I see her in person. :D

    2. I certainly will! I know, seeing dolls in person is so much different than pictures! But I'm now thinking Lea and Maryellen might have to be added to my list!


  4. She's going to be SUPER DUPER gorgeous, just wish they weren't retiring Caroline too!!! :(

    1. I'm glad you like her look! :) I personally prefer Caroline since I like historicals more.

    2. that dose not look like min kit

  5. I like the mini a lot better with her hair down.

    1. I do too, though she's still growing on me. ^_^

  6. I can't wait for this GOTY! She looks so pretty, and from the mini doll she might even have caroline's eyes? (hopefully! ;)

    1. I'm really curious to find out more about her eye color as well. ^_^

  7. Since the factory is already making mini-dolls. I wonder if we will see a full-sized Lea doll leak. Wouldn't that be insane?

    1. Ahhh that would be so exciting! >_< This is the first time I've really followed the GotY leaks from the start so I'm not sure how early on we usually see the full sized doll. My memory wants to say Nov. or Dec.?

    2. love her alot
      very cute outfit

  8. As a seamstress, it is disappointing to see the pattern on the back of the dress doesn't even match. We pay enough for these dolls to expect good quality. I would never sell a dress in that condition. Poor workmanship!

    1. Another collector received a dress where the prints do line up in the back so it looks like this one is a factory defect. Hopefully the final version will be fixed. :)

    2. That was my first thought as well! I even noticed in the catalog when Grace came out that the cupcakes were upside down on the doll's shirt. I think they are prototypes and done this way deliberately so they can't be sold as the final product.

    3. Were they upside down in the catalog as well? I don't recall anymore. That just seems lazy and half hearted on AG's part. >_<

  9. I personally think that she'll have Caroline's eyes, so far she doesn't look bad! One of my problems is that I own way too many dolls with the Josefina face molds, but I'll see.

    1. That would be a really unusual mix! The Josefina mold is a guess and not a confirmation so keep you fingers crossed! I'm hoping for a MG mold, the Sonali mold, or a completely new mold! :D

    2. I also really want a Marie Grace face mold since I was never able to get her! I really love her and I can't wait to see the full sized doll! I already know I'll be picking her up and hopefully on the second day of the release so I can get a free goody! I love all her outfits so far and I was looking back to see her again. I am hoping to see her big ticket item soon and maybe even prices so I can start calculating how much I need to get for Christmas and how many chores I have to do. And I hope to see accessories. BTW Love your page and I check it every couple weeks to see if there's anything to catch up on! Keep up the good work!

    3. Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you find the blog helpful. :) It makes me so happy to hear there are people who really like her collection because I want Lea to succeed so much, so that AG will be more open to creating minority GotY characters, especially the much needed black GotY character.

  10. Do you know what she does yet?

    1. From the look of the script, it says she is a writer.

    2. No idea what she does yet, though her story is action packed enough. :) Hopefully we'll find out more leaks soon!

  11. When the new GOTY has your first name XD

  12. Lea (Pronounced Lee) is a very boring name for a doll

    1. I think it's a very cute name, whether it's pronounced "Lee" or "Lee-Uh".

    2. I like Lee-Uh better. I already have her:) (I couldn't find quotation marks on my stupid tablet keyboard. Don't correct me.)

  13. Im not really immpressed. My informant said she was going to be from 50's and a nod to Lucille Ball. I was excited for that. Maybe this is a decoy ! otherwise one I might have to pass on. :/

    1. that is Maryellen a be forever doll not girl of the year. Lea is the girl of the year for 2016

    2. cfergy21 is right, the GotY is always a modern character of the year. All historical characters are part of the BeForever line, like Maryellen, the 50s character who was just released.

  14. By the looks of it, I think she has Caroline eyes. I sure hope so! Her eyes look to blue to be hazel, and the Caroline mini doll's eyes look just like those, if not very similar...

    1. I think her eyes look most like Caroline's too but it's always so hard to tell on a mini doll. :/ Maryellen's mini doll has green eyes but the actual doll has hazel so it's hard to say. :)

  15. I am really confused right now, because she looks like she is going to have hazel eyes, but when you compare her with Caroline she looks like she is going to have Caroline's eyes, maybe she is going to have a new I color, I don't now :-\ ...........

    1. I don't think anyone can say anything for certain, especially since the mini doll really doesn't reflect the full sized doll that well anymore now. :/ At best I'm guessing she has light colored eyes though I don't know if it will be Caroline eyes or hazel or blue, etc.

    2. I agree with you the mini doll doesn't reflect the full sized doll anymore so it is hard to tell, especially if it is a prototype, but I think that she might have caroline eyes or a new color of eyes because if she has hazel she will look a lot like kanani, but well, we need to wait till 2016 to see.

    3. A part of me is really hoping for grey eyes! :)

    4. just so you know, mini doll eyes almost never reflect on the real doll. the mini felicity had bright blue eyed, though the big doll had green. so lea may have grey,or hazel or maybe a darker more clear blue.

    5. Yes, I stated in my first comment the mini doll eyes don't reflect the full sized doll very well. I can't recall mini Felicity's eyes now so I'll have to dig her out to take a look. :)

  16. if i purchase lea it will be for her face/skin tone and not because of her clothes. i am not a fan of her meet outfit.

    1. I feel the same way. I can't even see myself really buying Lea unless she has something unique about her, but I really don't see much of her wardrobe coming home with me.

  17. I might be wrong but, when you compare the felicity mini doll with this mini doll, it almost looks like they have the same eye color, but I don't know if she will have felicity's eyes.

    1. It could be! I don't think there have been any dolls in a long while with Felicity's eye color so that would be pretty interesting. :)

  18. I agree with you why ag never makes a full doll of color, I was exited when I read the script because I was thinking she going was to be a full doll of color, but no, what is the problem if they make a black goty!?!!? It is not the end of the world, like they did with sonali. (I know she was only a best friend doll but she was from the goty collection) Sonali was the only black doll related to the goty but she was only a best friend doll. It is really frustrating that they never do a black goty, I hope that at least that goty 2017 is a black goty :-\ :-(

    1. We can only keep hoping. :/ Sonali did not represent a black color, she was an Indian girl, so I don't consider her to be a black GotY. I was also really hoping Lea would be a full minority character and was disappointed she wasn't.

  19. Ok, and thanks for telling that sonali is indian because I didn't know that since I'm not really into goty, I prefer historicals, and I'm just here because curious :-) But maybe they are not doing a black goty because of the new black beforever character, I don't know. I'm actually more exited for the new black beforever doll, because the only black doll left is addy :-\ So I'm more exited for her :-)

    1. I'm also not a big fan of GOTY and mainly focus on historicals. :) My personal view is they are releasing the black BeForever character because they have received numerous criticisms on the lack of diversity in their GOTY line and this is their way to try to placate their consumers. While I love historicals much much more than GOTY, and am glad they are introducing another black girl into the line, I am still very frustrated that AG isn't addressing the issue of creating a black GOTY character.

  20. I think that maybe, it might not be real, because the mini doll looks like Rebecca, and the dress looks like it could be handmade. The pattern doesn't have blue in it, and the straps are cord, instead of braided. The story is a little far fetched though. Isn't American girl supposed to make RELATE ABLE things?

    1. You are welcome to believe or disregard any info I post. :) I personally believe this is the legitimate doll. It does not look like Rebecca to me, who has light vinyl. The mini dress always looks less detailed than the full sized version. The story in the audition script is unrealistic but I find it exciting. I posted the actual book summaries which sounds more down to earth.

  21. Clark....hmmm that name sounds very familiar, I think I heard about it before in american girl books sometimies, which remainds me a lot about grace since both names have been used before as well as lea in the books of kanani and now that I think of it from the mini doll I think this doll would like kanani with josefina face mold :\

    1. Hmmm, I don't recall that name, but I don't read the GotY books so it's very likely I might have missed it. :) Was Lea a character in Kanani's books?

  22. Hmm I think I understand why there is not a full girl of color released. I mean I know it's important for minorities to get represented but honestly, how well do they really sell? What I'm saying is that how well does Addy sell compared to Samantha or Caroline? They're not going to lose money making a girl like that but they probably won't gain any money. I know a little mexican girl that I babysit for. She could care less for the Josefina doll that represented her culture. She wanted Samantha because she loves Samantha. Maybe a full girl of color just won't sell well.

    1. I completely agree. While I think it would be better for American Girl to have a more diverse line of dolls, they are a big business and their number one goal is to make money. And, in all honesty, the dolls of color just don't sell as well...

    2. It is impossible to say how well non white dolls sell, since AG has only ever made 1 full minority doll and 2 dolls with mixed heritages in the GOTY line. Looking at the Truly Me or BeForever line doesn't make sense and would not be a fair comparison because the GOTY doll is the only doll in it's line for a full year, as well as being the most heavily promoted character from all of the AG lines so marketing for her would be on a completely different scale.

      Even if we just look at the GOTY line, Marisol, the only full minority character (Latina) was the first GOTY to sell out during her year. The previous 2 GOTY dolls, Lindsey & Kailey (both representing white characters) took two years to sell out. Since Marisol, we have not had another full minority character AT ALL.

      Jess and Kanani were both characters with mixed backgrounds (half white for both). Jess sold fairly well, and the more recent 2011 Kanani was extremely popular and sold out early on in her year. The secondary market prices for Kanani are through the roof.

      So based on this, I would actually say a minority GOTY character has the chance of doing quite well if AG would take the time to make one. It is good business sense in more than one way, because not only do you have to consider the doll's popularity and how well she sells, AG also needs to realize how this can make or break their image for many of their minority customers. If they see AG has made yet another white GOTY character, they will start losing faith in the company. I know I personally am at that point, and I am not alone. Their consumer base is diverse and it's beyond time for AG to create dolls that reflect that.

  23. I have a feeling she will pretty much be Marisol with Caroline's eyes! And it looks like she may have Josephina's eyebrows, because the look feathered and long! Just a thought :)

    1. I already mentioned in my post what I think she most likely has, but I still hold on to the hope of w new face mold, or at least a medium Jess mold, medium MG, or Sonali mold. :)

  24. When dose she come out
    been wanting her foreves

  25. Wow, I really like her! I think the outfit is stunning. If the issue of the belt really bothers people, stitching a fancy yellow ribbon or something onto the dress is easy enough. A GotY interested in space and planets would have been cool, but at least it's not another dancer.

    1. I would love a GOTY who is a budding astronomer, or perhaps a microbiologist in training. :D

  26. In my opinion the mini doll looks just like Isabelle. Does anyone else agree?

    1. I think it depends on each person's view point. From my stance, she does not have the same face mold, hair style, and coloring as Isabelle, but you could also make an argument saying the hair color and eye color are sort of similar. :)

  27. ok so I was at Barnes and Noble the other day and on a shelf, just lying there, I saw a copy of the 2nd book in the series, titled Lea Leads the Way. I looked around the rest of the store and there were no displays with the books (duh, its still 2015!), so I'm guessing it was put there by mistake.
    On the cover, she looks more white than mixed and her hair is a golden color.
    The synopsis on the back said something about the Amazon and the cover looks like she's hiking in the rainforest and there is a sloth.
    The author is Lisa Yee

    1. Yes! ^_^ I posted the photos and information about it here:

  28. I think the reason American why American Girl hasn't made a GOTY of African descent is because she would probably not be well received. Besides, AG is not obligated to make a negro doll.

    1. I strongly disagree with you. There is such a clamoring for a black GOTY character, and there is no reason to assume she would not be well received. AG is not obligated to make dolls period if they choose not to, but whether that will appeal to their consumers is another story. Right now their consumers are voicing their desire for a black GOTY character, and AG's poor sales this year (based off their quarterly review which you can look up) reflects this.
