
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Leaked Outfit for Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark

It looks like the factory producing the 2016 Girl of the Year Outfits has more holes than a sieve because we have another leak that's appeared! cdaizybug on AGPT found the listing on eBay and kindly gave us permission to share her find. ^_^

At the bottom of this page, you will also find a complete listing of all the GOTY 2016 leaks we've posted so far.

EBay Photos of Outfit:

Wish this design had also been embroidered on like the fancy dress, but it looks like it's printed on.

Shorts seem pretty basic and simple.

These braided sandals are really cute and unique!

Back of outfit. You can see the Lea Clark ego tag on the back of the shorts.

On Doll:
Photos of the tunic top modeled on a Marisol doll, shared and used with permission by a fellow collector who sent these photos to me back in July when the outfit first leaked.
*Please do not use/share/post/claim these images without written permission.*

I'm ambivalent about this outfit. The shorts are really simple and basic. The top is a pretty standard knit. The designs on it are pretty in line with the rest of her collection with a nod to tribal prints (like her meet dress). I do really like the braided sandals though. It's such a fresh change from the flats AG always makes, and it looks like it could be used with nearly all of Lea's outfits. ^_^

All info/leaks on GotY 2016 Lea Clark to date:
Link to eBay Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Plush Sloth:

Stock Photos for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Mix and Match Swimsuit & Beach Accessories:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration and Back Cover Summary for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Details from Mini Doll Book for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Complete Collection List for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark with Prices:

Link to Full Sized GOTY 2016 Stock Photo:

Link to Book Cover for GOTY 2016's First Book - Lea Dives In:

Link to Photos of 2-in1 Swimsuit for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photoshop Images of Potential Looks for Full Sized GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Doll:

Link to Comparison Photos of Lea Mini Doll with other Mini Dolls:

Link to GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Complete Leaked Wardrobe Group Photos:

Link to Photos of Explorer/Hiking Outfit Modeled on Truly Me #49 doll:

Link to Full Cast List Photos of Actresses and Actors for GOTY 2016 Movie:

Link to Potential 2-in-1 Swimsuit Set for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of Tropical Romper Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline dolls:

Link to Photos of Pink/Yellow Tunic Top Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photos of Purple Tie Dye Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Explorer/Hiking Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of  Fancy Occasion Dress on Kanani doll:

Link to Purple Dress & Messenger Bag for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Fancy Occasion Dress for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Tropical Romper Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Potential Pajamas for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to GotY 2016's Book Summaries

Link to Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Meet Outfit & Mini Doll Images:

Link to Meet Outfit Details Modeled on Various Dolls:

Link to Casting Call & Audition Script for 2016 GotY Lea Clark's Movie:


  1. The shoes are cute, but the rest of the outfit feels pretty "meh" to me.

    1. That's pretty much my reaction too. :/ It doesn't excite me so I'll wait to see how I feel once I see it on a doll.

  2. Maybe it's just me, but I love that they're making a pair of basic shorts. They don't do that often and they're so nice to have to pair with other things.

    1. That's true, the shorts can be used in a ton of mix and match outfits. :) It just feels like it should be something coming from the Truly Me line instead of the Girl of the Year line.

  3. As I said on AGPT, I think this is for Julie or another doll since there is no Lea tag. All her other times have it.

    1. That's true. When I first saw it back during the July leaks, I think I labeled it as either Julie, Truly Me, or GotY. The style of the tunic top and the print/color can definitely fit into Julie's wardrobe. I'm currently leaning towards it belonging to Lea since it's matched with definitely Lea's shorts and almost certain Lea's sandals, but of course nothing is final til AG posts it. :)

  4. Replies
    1. XD Hahaha yes! I hate AG's giant tags! When the tag is bigger than the item itself...

  5. I wold like the sandals for Jess, but I'd pass on the rest.

    1. The sandals would be perfect for Jess' collection, and I think it would match her meet outfit really wonderfully. ^_^

  6. I like the top, it would be cute for Julie :)

    1. I don't know if I really like that outfit. It looks well, I can't quite put my finger on it. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what it looks like on the doll. Thanks for posting this.

    2. I think the top would fit into Julie's wardrobe pretty well too. The colors even match what she currently has. :D

  7. I like the shorts and the sandals. I'm not sure about the top. Can't wait to see it modeled on a doll :)

    1. Same. I think seeing it on the doll is what's going to make or break this outfit for me. That is... if this top even goes with this outfit. ^_~

  8. This outfit is very different. I don't care for it at all. The shirt is okay, but the shorts and sandals don't really match the whole outfit. I won't be buying this.

    1. Is Lea's party dress white or green?

    2. As Midoria mentioned in an earlier comment, it's completely possible this top isn't even a part of this outfit, since these are all factory leaks and they don't always match the outfits up exactly, so you might want to wait to see the outfit before making a final decision. :)

    3. That could be true, but I highly doubt it. I've seen this pattern on other items in Lea's collection, so the shirt might be hers. But then again, it might belong to Julie! :)

    4. The shirt reminds me very much of the design and style of the orange top from Julie's Dog Walking Outfit which was retired.

  9. I absolutely love her collection! The only thing I've been saying "meh" so far to is the purple dress, because I don't like that faded-washed tie dye look. :) I will DEFINITELY be buying her and her collection!

    1. I'm really glad to hear some people are excited and love her collection! For me, I'm not really feeling it, but I'll wait to make my final decision after seeing the doll and her collection in person. ^_^
