
Friday, November 6, 2015

Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark Movie Cast and Photos

The amazing Scoop Fairy Jenny from AGC has done it again! She just found the cast listing for next year's Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark movie on IMDb and kindly passed the information to us to share.

Background: Several months ago, audition videos for the parts of the main character Lea Clark, code name "Gemma Clark" and Lea's soon to be sister-in-law "Paula" appeared online, along with a casting call for Lea "Gemma" Clark, and her friend "Aki". At the time, it was our first glimpse into the possible character and plot for GOTY 2016.

I typed up a summary of the audition scripts, as well as a full transcript of the audition videos, and posted them all along with the casting call information at this link:

The book summaries for all 3 of Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's books are posted here:

The movie is listed under the name "Gemma" (I am assuming this is standard for the GOTY movie to be filed under a code name til the release). It will be directed by Nadia Tass who also directed the Samantha and Felicity movies. Please keep in mind many of these character may be using "code names". The only name I am fairly confident on is Lea herself.

11/7/2015 Note: Thank you to Lucina and JosefinaKaileyKaya who let me know that IMDb is a site similar to Wikipedia, where it is open to editing by any individual. On the whole, it is accurate and reliable, but since it is open for anyone to edit, there is always the potential that the information is wrong, or posted by a troll. While I personally do not think this is the case (no particular reason, just my gut feeling), I wanted to make people aware there is the possibility of error in the information.

11/12/2015 Note: The IMDb page has been edited to remove the roles the main character will be playing, and Lee Raviv playing Zoe was added.

*I spent a lot of time putting together this list and typing up the information. Please refrain from copy and pasting this. You are free to share the link to this post.*

Cast List:


Lea Clark (protagonist)
Actress: Maggie Elizabeth Jones
Age: 12 years old
Also Played: Bella (in Rosewood TV series), Katie (in Child of Grace Movie), and many others. 

(left image):
(right image)

Carol (Mom to protagonist)
Actress: Hallie Todd
Born: 1962
Also Played: Jo McGuire (Lizzie McGuire's mom in the Disney series), 

Aki (Friend to protagonist)
Actress: Storm Reid 
Age: 13
Also Played: Emily (in 12 Years a Slave movie), Kendra (in The Summoning)

(left image):
(right image):

Paula (Future Sister-in-Law to protagonist) 
Actress: Laysla De Oliveira
Also Played: Tessa (in Gothica TV Movie), Bettina Fath (in Nikita TV Series)

(left image):
*Sorry, I couldn't find any recent photos of him as a 22 year old adult. :/

Zac (Older Brother to protagonist)
Actor: Conner Dowds
Age: 22
Also Played: Tommy (in Hooded Angels), David Newman (in Prey)
Link to IMBD Bio:

*Thank you to Marykate who shared these more recent photos of adult Connor Dowds!

*Connor Dowds has updated his IMDb page with a new official photo!

(left image): 

Ricardo (? to protagonist)
Actor: Sean Cameron Michael
Born: 1969
Also Played: Richard Guthrie (in Black Sails TV Series), Lester (in The Salvation

(left image): 
(right image):

Luiz (? to protagonist)
Actor: Dylan Edy
Also Played: Black Hat (in Momentum), Amjad (in Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines Film)

Miguel (? to protagonist)
Actor: Joe Vaz
Born: 1972 
Also Played: Jack (in Restless TV Movie), Murdill (in Northmen - A Viking Saga), Big Joe (in Dredd)

Adrianna (? to protagonist)
Actress: Rehane Abrahams
Also Played: Raya (in Raya), Raya (in Mama Africa)

So there you all have it! Here are the main characters that will be involved in Lea Clark's story. I am surprised that the actress playing Lea "Gemma" does not look to me like she is of mixed backgrounds, nor what the leaked mini doll version of Lea Clark suggests.

Once again I am frustrated that the indigenous character Aki played by Storm Reid is a best friend character when she could have equally played the main role (reminds me a little too much about Grace and her best friend, which is probably why I'm not too happy with this). 

The actress playing Paula is really beautiful and Zac seems to be quite a mysterious figure as I am curious to see how he looks now as a 22 year old adult. :D

I thought picking Hallie who played the famous TV mom to Lizzie McGuire in the Disney series was an interesting, but good choice and she is already familiar with the "mom" role. 

The rest of the characters' relationships to our main character are still unknown but hopefully we'll find out more as it gets closer to release day! ^_^

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All info/leaks on GotY 2016 Lea Clark to date:
Link to eBay Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Plush Sloth:

Stock Photos for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Mix and Match Swimsuit & Beach Accessories:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration and Back Cover Summary for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Details from Mini Doll Book for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Complete Collection List for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark with Prices:

Link to Full Sized GOTY 2016 Stock Photo:

Link to Book Cover for GOTY 2016's First Book - Lea Dives In:

Link to Photos of 2-in1 Swimsuit for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photoshop Images of Potential Looks for Full Sized GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Doll:

Link to Comparison Photos of Lea Mini Doll with other Mini Dolls:

Link to GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Complete Leaked Wardrobe Group Photos:

Link to Photos of Explorer/Hiking Outfit Modeled on Truly Me #49 doll:

Link to Potential 2-in-1 Swimsuit Set for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of Tropical Romper Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline dolls:

Link to Photos of Pink/Yellow Tunic Top Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photos of Purple Tie Dye Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Explorer/Hiking Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of  Fancy Occasion Dress on Kanani doll:

Link to Purple Dress & Messenger Bag for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Shorts, Top, & Sandals Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Fancy Occasion Dress for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Tropical Romper Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Potential Pajamas for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to GotY 2016's Book Summaries:

Link to Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Meet Outfit & Mini Doll Images:

Link to Meet Outfit Details Modeled on Various Dolls:

Link to Casting Call Audition Script for 2016 GotY Lea Clark's Movie:


  1. Oh great. Looks like another pass on another GOTY. I really wish AG would step it up and have a POC for their GOTY.

    1. I was really hoping that the actress playing Lea would look obviously racially mixed, since AG asked for it in the casting call. :/

  2. Yippee. Such an amazingly diverse GOTY. Woo.

    1. If I'm buying a single piece of her collection it'll be second hand because I am absolutely done with this.

    2. If the doll turns out to have light vinyl coloring again, I will not be picking Lea up as I had planned. :/ I may still pick at her collection, but the lack of diversity in the line would really sour me to the whole collection.

  3. After looking at the lead, I'd like to quote 4 Non Blondes.

    I say, hey, yeah, yeah
    Hey, yeah, yeah
    I said, "Hey?! What's going on?!"

    1. That's about exactly what went through my head when I saw the actress that had been cast as Lea and the actor cast as her brother. >_<

  4. WOW.....this looks like a lot of work.......thanks to Jenny.....and thanks to you LillyMaiden. This is all very interesting.

    1. Thank you! Interesting is right. I'm still stumped as to the casting choice for Lea and her brother given the casting call information and mini doll leaked pictures. O_o


    1. Then she'll just be a white girl with a tan.

    2. Exactly!
      It's unfair to have white people play POC.
      (If this girl is even POC.)

    3. My personal opinion on having a white actress who is tanned in order to look like a person of color is very critical. I think it would be a slap in the face of minorities, as if implying "a white actress can represent you better than an actress of color". If she does get a tan, I hope she remains as just a white girl with a tan from being out in the sun all day, and not a minority character.

    4. Tanning someone to imitate a darker race is called "brown face", and it's just as offensive as "black face". If AG has any sense, they will not do this.

    5. I did not know that was the term for it. I share your hopes that AG doesn't go this route. A tanned white girl would be preferable to a white girl in "brown face", but the best choice would be to have an actual mixed or actress of color represent a character who is possibly mixed racially.

  6. no nO NO NO (no no no)

  7. Is it possible that mini Lea Clark is just mini Rebecca? I know the hair is different but sometimes hybrids of big dolls pop up on TaoBao... is it possible that that's what's going on here?

    1. I don't think so, because the skin looks too dark, and the minis are rooted so it'd be hard.

    2. I'd love to see pix of them side by side.

    3. MyLittleMegara, when it comes to grey market items, anything is possible. I can see what you mean when you say mini Lea looks like mini Rebecca, and it is a possibility since the hair and eyes are similar. My personal thoughts on this is that mini Lea looks to have medium vinyl (like Josefina) while mini Rebecca has light vinyl. If I am able to find any good images, I will try to do a comparison image.

    4. Thank you! :D That's true... I always forget that Rebecca isn't medium skinned. At some point I got it into my head that she was but obviously that isn't the case.

    5. I can definitely relate! Before I got Lydia Charlotte (Rebecca), I always thought the doll had a darker, more olive complexion. I think the coloring of her hair and eyes give that illusion that she could have medium vinyl coloring. :)

  8. The casting is disappointing. I was so hoping for a GOTY with a darker skintone. The characters playing the mom and brother are blonde and blue eyed. Come on, AG. Why is it so difficult to include characters with darker skin that are not playing the "best friend" or the "girlfriend"? They can be leading characters, as well.

    1. I am very glad to see that so many people are upset with the casting choice, not because Maddie is a bad actress by any means, but simply because it is incredibly disappointing after seeing a mixed racial description in the casting call as well as a medium mini doll, and then to find the actress playing this protagonist looks white. Even though I've only been following the GOTY scene with Isabelle, I'm already tired of AG's trope of having a white lead with a black secondary character (Isabelle & Renata, Grace & Ella, and now possibly Lea & Aki). I feel it is sending the wrong messages to girls of color, that they cannot stand center stage in the spot light, only in the shadow cast by a fellow white actress.

  9. SO EXCITED! I just hope that they are good actors because i have been very disipointed in there casting choices from the recent ag goty movies

    1. While I am not happy with the casting choices due to my hope for a visibly actress of color representing Lea, I am confident in the talent of Maddie and her co-actresses & actors. They all seem to have lots of experience under their belt and are all very talented.

  10. People people why can't we just look on the bright side? We have Maggie (who is adorabe in a lot of her roles as a child...) We have Hallie (Even I still watch Lizzie McGuire :) ) So, lets look on the bright side! ^_^

    1. I do think it's good to think positively and look on the bright side of things, but in this matter, I feel like that would not be the best course of action. It is incredibly frustrating for AG's minority customers (and many white customers as well) to see the constant lack of characters of color. As a customer base we can't simply sit back and only focus on the good, because it gives AG the impression they can continue this unacceptable trend. We need to dissent and be vocal about our frustration and anger over this issue, and constantly increase pressure on the company to acknowledge the lack of diversity in their GOTY line and to address this. The cast they selected for the movie is very talented, and that was never in doubt. However, it is a problem if AG has created yet another white GOTY character when we have only had one full minority character over a decade ago, or if AG is casting an actress with a white phenotype to represent a potentially racially mixed character.

  11. I think that Maddie is a really cute girl but I need to say that it's kind of upsetting that they use a white skin tone girl to play as a tanned skinned tone girl, also the mom and the brother have blonde hair and blue eyes! That's it! If it isn't enough to not have a dark skin tone GOTY for this year (as always because we keep hopping and never happens ) we they please us with making her tanned (but that isn't pleasing us either) but NOOOOO!!!!! This time we can at least have something close to a black goty (well the closest we can get) and they ruined it by making the tanned girl white and her family blonde with blue eyes! If it isn't a thing is the other. I can't even believe it!

    1. I definitely share your frustrations on this. I wonder if Lea's family is mixed (as in father is Latino, and her brother is her step-brother)? I think that would explain why the brother and mom look white while the leaked mini doll had the medium skin tone. But even then I don’t think it’s a good plan for AG to cast an actress who is visibly white to play a potentially racially mixed character, especially since year after year, the dissenting crowd gets louder on their lack of representation in the GOTY line. Their use of the word “mixed” in the casting call implies we may at least get a minority mixed character so it would be quite the slap in the face if they actually referred to a character who is for example, mixed white German and white French.

    2. I completely agree with you I was also thinking about it might be his step-brother. Who knows

  12. I am surprised at the casting. The mini doll has blue eyes, darker skin, and light brown hair with blonde highlights. This girl has reddish hair, is pale, and it looks like she has blue eyes.

    1. Hair can be dyed and contacts can be used for eye color, but I would be very upset and insulted if AG gives the actress a false tan for the purpose of representing a racially mixed girl when there are so many talented, beautiful actresses of color who could have been cast as well.

    2. I totally agree, I was like "WHAT?" when I saw that the actress who is playing the lead had red hair and was quite pale. I was excited when I saw Lea but now I'm unsure what I'm going to think about the movie now. . . .

    3. I am confused now as to whether Lea is supposed to be mixed racially (Latina and white) as we previously guessed, or if she is just a tanned white girl.

  13. Someone posted a Vine of Maggie playing around on set between breaks. Her hair is still auburn. WTH?

    1. Do you have the link by any chance? If that's the case, I'm really wondering if AG scrapped the whole "mixed" character idea. I'm hoping they just made poor casting decisions in having a white actress play a mixed character and that the doll at least will look mixed still, but that idea is really starting to fade. :/

    2. It was on agupdatednews on Insta. I can't link it because her account is private. If you follow her, she posted it 14 hours ago as of 8:02PM HST.

    3. Thanks for the info! I don't have IG but I'm sure it'll start circulating soon enough so I'll wait a bit to catch it. :) I'm almost hesitant to find out more about Lea, after seeing the actress cast to play her (emphasizing for others who may read this that it is in no way due to the actress' lack of talent or cuteness, but because I want an actress of color to play the potentially racially mixed character).

    4. No problem! I have Instagram solely for AG related stuff, and I only log in when someone references something or leaks. lol

  14. I believe I've commented this question before, but now I can't remember which post I commented on! Sigh...
    Anyways, I was wondering if her name could be Gabriella but she goes by Lea. Does that seem like something they might do?

    Also, Zoe is the name of Lea's best friend in the States. :)

    So dissapointed by casting.

    1. Anything is possible until AG makes the official announcement, but I don't think it is likely because the name printed on all her clothing tags say "Lea Clark". ^_^

  15. The actress playing Lea should've played Saige

    1. I think she looks more like Saige than the Lea doll as well.

  16. I will defiantly be buying the doll since she is supposedly mixed race the movie I won't even bother seeing I am African American and my husband is Caucasian(white) I have been waiting for 15 yrs for a doll the same complexion as my daughter

    1. I hope your daughter loves her! ^_^ I do think it's a beautiful doll. If you're looking for more mixed characters in the GOTY line, Kanani and Jess are both mixed children as well.

  17. That girl ABSOLUTELY CANNOT play Lea. She looks WAY too young

    1. She looks the right age to me. In general, I always felt the actresses looked too old for 8-10 years old, and this is the first actress I actually think looks the right age.
