
Friday, December 4, 2015

Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark Full Sized 18 inch Doll

I take one nap and the secret of the universe leaks! :D Finally, it's what everyone has been waiting for, the leaked official photo of the full sized Lea Clark doll, our Girl of the Year for 2016! Golden Freddy and Breanna sent me the image this afternoon of the stock photo for the doll to see. My advice if you want to frequently refer back to these photos is to save them to you computer. Just in case. ^_~

The full list of links to all the leaks for GOTY 2016 is at the bottom of the post.

Presenting... Girl of the Year 2016: Lea Clark!

Left: Necklace, maybe part of meet accessories
Right: Messenger bag, maybe part of meet accessories

Disappointed that the print doesn't line up on the dress, even in the stock photos. I was hoping this would be a factory defect problem. Perhaps this is like the upside down cupcakes from Grace's Baking outfit?

Cover of book

Eye comparisons chart between Lea Clark and Truly Me 62 (Medium skin w/ Amber eyes) and Truly Me 44 (Medium skin w/ standard hazel eyes)
It appears she will also have a new style of eyebrows that appear a bit more arched, like they were plucked. 

There is nothing too surprising and there's nothing new to say about my personal feelings regarding her. She looks very similar to the photoshopped image I made of her a while back:

Her eyes appear to be a light/yellow hazel, though I am hoping they might be amber instead. >_<
The bag and outfit we've all seen, but the necklace looks new and I am guessing it is from her accessories. I don't see the pink watch, so perhaps it's not a part of her collection after all. 

"Like" Lissie & Lilly on Facebook and follow the blog to get notifications of new posts and updates.

All info/leaks on GotY 2016 Lea Clark to date:
Link to eBay Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Plush Sloth:

Stock Photos for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Mix and Match Swimsuit & Beach Accessories:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration and Back Cover Summary for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Details from Mini Doll Book for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Complete Collection List for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark with Prices:

Link to Book Cover for GOTY 2016's First Book - Lea Dives In:

Link to Photos of 2-in1 Swimsuit for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photoshop Images of Potential Looks for Full Sized GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Doll:

Link to Comparison Photos of Lea Mini Doll with other Mini Dolls:

Link to GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Complete Leaked Wardrobe Group Photos:

Link to Photos of Explorer/Hiking Outfit Modeled on Truly Me #49 doll:

Link to Full Cast List Photos of Actresses and Actors for GOTY 2016 Movie:

Link to Potential 2-in-1 Swimsuit Set for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of Tropical Romper Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline dolls:

Link to Photos of Pink/Yellow Tunic Top Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photos of Purple Tie Dye Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Explorer/Hiking Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of  Fancy Occasion Dress on Kanani doll:

Link to Purple Dress & Messenger Bag for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Shorts, Top, & Sandals Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Fancy Occasion Dress for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Tropical Romper Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Potential Pajamas for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to GotY 2016's Book Summaries:

Link to Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Meet Outfit & Mini Doll Images:

Link to Meet Outfit Details Modeled on Various Dolls:

Link to Casting Call Audition Script for 2016 GotY Lea Clark's Movie:


  1. She's cute, but I'm disappointed that her eyes look Hazel. I was hoping for Caroline eyes or even brown eyes. Thanks for posting though! Your blog is wonderful :)

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I was also hoping for a more dramatically different colored eyes. I do think she will have a new color, but it seems too similar to hazel and amber for me to bite. :)

    2. It doesn't matter what color the eyes are

      But I do agree

  2. Her hair is beautiful and she has my favorite face mold, but I'm really not sure about her eyes... From afar, they look sort of "empty", but they are pretty on the close up.. I would not want another doll with hazel or green eyes (already have Felicity, Cecile and Rebecca!)...

    1. I know what you mean, and I think it's the combination of them being with the blond hair and medium skin tone that makes it look that way. I do think the eyes are a new color, but I don't think it's different enough from hazel and amber to really tempt me.

  3. Replies
    1. It's the same mold and both are medium vinyl, though I think there is some variation between Josefina's skin tone versus the standard AG medium vinyl.

  4. She's very pretty, but with a quick edit on Picmonkey to have black hair she's even prettier... I'll probably sell everything off (except for the book and the necklace if it comes with her) and rewig her.

    1. What is Picmonkey? I would love to see how she would look with black and brown hair if you have images! ^_^ I'll probably end up doing the same thing as you, keeping the meet outfit and selling the doll herself.

    2. She would be striking with black hair. And you'd have takers for her wig with no problem.

    3. Picmonkey is a free (mostly) online editing program.

    4. Thanks for the link! I'll have to play around with it! :)

  5. She is so pretty! I really want her well I do have $102 so like $15 more until I can get her ^_^

    1. Awesome job at saving up for her! You're almost there. :D

  6. She's very pretty but I couldn't be more disappointed! She looks like a blonde Rebecca. More hazel eyes and blonde hair? I'm so glad we got Grace this year, because I don't think I'll be buying Lea. :(

    1. I will probably buy her for the meet outfit, but I can't see myself keeping the doll. She's beautiful, but I am so disappointed AG has not made an undeniable girl of color in this line for years now.

    2. We won't buy her. We are tired of waiting for a girl of another color. All the GOTL dolls
      look the same!

    3. She looks like one of my sisters. (We're of Mexican descent on both sides of the family.)

    4. Dennis, I'm already saving for the 1960s BeForever black girl. :D Can't wait to find out what she looks like!

    5. Catholic Bibliophagist, I do think she could be of Mexican descent, and many Latinas do have these features. I just hope AG makes it really clear in her stories that she is mixed, and in the future make a doll that cannot be substituted for a tanned white character.

  7. I love her! She looks just like my daughter! A definite purchase for me :-)

    1. Your daughter must be so excited the next GOTY looks like her. ^_^

    2. That's fantastic, Kimberly! My daughter got Grace this year (her name is Grace) - it's really nice when there's that special kind of connection. :-)

  8. Someone on AGPT once said they thought the Josefina mould looked more mature. I never saw it until now. I also think it's what other people have been saying in terms of her hair looking professionally highlighted. It ages her.

    1. I agree, and the way her eyebrows are feathered make them look like she has an angled arched brow you'd get if you were tweezing.

    2. I personally like that because its more aesthetically pleasing. After all lots of girls are tweezing earlier and maybe AG did it for the older fan base. But she is beautiful

    3. BTW my 3 yr old has highlights that you would think were professional. Something we forget has adults is that a child's hair highlights naturally in the sun and the composition of the hair can make it look professional that's why us professionals do it the way we do to obtain that highlighted look we had in out youth

    4. I do agree that the Josefina mold looks older to me. For her hair, I'm not too savvy on highlights vs how blond hair normally highlights in the sun, but I think the highlights in general make her look older, professionally done or not. The main thing for me though, is the eyebrows. The arch really makes her look older in my eyes. I don't think it's bad or good either way, but it does give her a different look.

    5. My girls have hair just like this and my 11 year old gets her brows waxed... She does spend time outside in Africa I believe so that maybe the cause of the highlights. :) we are really excited about her but not loving the print on the dress.

    6. To be honest, I grew in a black area of Maryland and then moved to Hawaii where most people have brown or black hair. I have no idea about the affect of sun on light hair because I've never been in an area with enough light haired people to notice. I just looked up "professional highlights blonde hair" and went on that.

  9. actualheathermcnamaraDecember 4, 2015 at 9:57 PM

    rip my money, you will be missed greatly.

  10. Forget Grace, I'm getting Lea! I plan on renaming her, though. Not sure what. GOING ON JANUARY 1ST YAY! I think she is beautiful, and such a unique doll with all of her mixed features. I'm quite excited AG is breaking their "tradition", where they do a Josephina face mold every 4-5 years, like 2005 Marisol, 2009 Chrissa, and 2015 Grace. Lea's hair is stunning! It looks like the length of Maryellen's. Overall- ECSTATIC to welcome Lea to my collection!

    1. How fun for you to go on the release day! I hope you'll be able to pick out a lovely Lea Clark doll. ^_^

    2. Totally! She is so much better than Grace!

    3. No! Grace is amazing! I am from just north of Paris France so I have a personal connection with her, beside having blue eyes freckles and side bangs!

    4. I am stil working on speling and English, I am geting better though I think! English is hard, non?

    5. I personally prefer her over Grace myself, but I am sure there are people who are the opposite. :D

  11. Another. Blonde.

    Innovative thinking, AG.

  12. She looks a lot like me. I have highlights and my eyebrows look like that too. Since I can't see her eyes very well, I think they're a little off from mine. Her skin is a bit darker too. But..... I won't be buying her. I just got Grace with the Josefina face mold and I think I'll hold off on this doll. She's very pretty, but I don't LOVE her.

    1. Hahaha! Try to resist when you start seeing photos of her or in person! :D

    2. She looks a lot like Spring who looks a lot like you. I look a lot like that too, but without hazel eyes. I have 33 too, so I haven't decided if I am going to get her yet.

  13. I think she's gorgeous, but not for me. I think the Barbie crowd will swoon over her and buy her up. Combo of very light hair and eyes with the tan is a winner in dolls. Marisol with lighter eyes and hair is what I figured. You were about as dead on with a choice as you could be, Lilly Maiden!

    No way those eyes are amber. Too much green in them. Hazel it is, hopefully a new shade and not a slightly lightened version of Mia's or older 21's eyes,which is what I'm kind of seeing. ---Jami

    1. Thank you Jami! Once we had photos of the mini doll, I think it was easier to predict the full sized doll. :) I do agree that this doll may be a hit with the target market. Her look is quite distinct and striking, with the light eyes/hair and medium vinyl combination.

  14. I haven't followed all the info on Lea, but I thought that she was going to be a 1960's girl. Was I wrong and that was another doll/girl?

    1. There is a new African American Beforever Doll rumored 1960's coming out in 2016. I think her name is Melody Ellison. They will probably release her around end of August. We will see!

    2. The 1960s historical girl will be part of the BeForever line. :) The Girl of the Year line is separate and features a fictional modern girl each year. The doll and her collection is released on January 1st, and lasts for one year. This year's Girl of the Year is Grace Thomas the baker, and neat year it will be Lea Clark.

  15. I think she is a beautiful doll and I plan on buying her on January 1st! From the book cover it looks like she is wearing a headband. Could that be part of her accessories too? Remember she is a 30th Anniversary doll and will be probably worth a lot more in a few years just like Kanani. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to see her in person with the rest of her collection!

    1. I think it is a headband. :) It's either part of her accessories or comes with the doll herself, which would be lovely!

  16. I think she's beautiful. If I had the money my granddaughter would have her, but sadly that won't happen.She is a beauty though, but she needs blue eyes.

    1. I think the blue eyes have been used too much in the GOTY line, and I was hoping for brown (hasn't been used since 2006!) or another color like green or grey. :/

  17. Lea's eyes are very unique. I LOVE her hair. :) I have a few light blonde highlights like Lea, but my hair is a little bit darker. Lea's skin is darker than mine, too. I'm actually starting to like her dress. That messenger bag is adorable! I hope it's part of her accessories and not the doll.
    -American Girl Doll Crafter

    1. I wonder if the messenger bag is her "Special item" like Grace's charm bracelet or Isabelle's hair extensions?

  18. Replies
    1. While I can sympathize that the doll herself does not appeal to your aesthetic, I feel your comment would be hurtful to girls who actually share these features.

    2. How could you say that?!?? She's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

    3. Many people have mentioned that her eyes looks a little off/vacant/too light. I'm hoping that it will be more clear when we get more photos of her.

    4. My oldest sister is an employee at the AG store I got to see Lea!!!!I also got to see her whole collection!!! I was not allowed to take pictures :( :( :( but her collection is amazing!!!! Her eyes are a medium green, with her highlighted blond hair, and mixed skin tone, slightly lighter than Kanani's. Sadly her dress print does NOT meet up, as with her pajamas and other outfits. Her rainforest house is HUGE! Hint hint. And comes with many cool play accessories. This is all my sister is allowing me to spill but Lea is BEAUTIFUL!

    5. I am just so glad she is gorgeous in person! -Lea

  19. She is gorgeous! :D

    And you predicted what she would look like perfectly. Nice job! :)

    1. Hahaha! I was surprised myself to see how close of a match it was. ^_^

  20. I was a little worried because when I saw the mini doll I thought she had the potential to be pretty, but then we went so long without a leak and since I was planning on buying her as soon as she came out as a combined Christmas/birthday gift I was a little bit stressed, but now that I see that's she's gorgeous I can relax! :P

    1. Hahaha! The leak for the full sized doll around this time is actually pretty average, I believe. Grace also was leaked at the beginning of December from what I recall. ^_^

    2. Well I haven't really been interested in a GOTY doll since Mia so I haven't really been paying attention :P

    3. This is the first year I've really followed the GOTY leaks, but I recall in past years people making such an excitement when the doll would leak. :)

    4. she also comes with a braided headband

  21. I like her hair, but the loud colors seem to drown her out.

    1. I think the combination of the light hair/eyes with the medium vinyl is very striking but I'll have to see her in person to make my final decision. :/

  22. She is not my favorite. I was hopeing for more of a mixed race person

    1. I was as well. I do think she is pretty... but I would have been much happier with an undeniable character of color.

    2. I just wish that American girl would come out with an African American fir GOTY 2017. For me it's gotten to the point where AG's just being racist.��

    3. I have to agree with you. 14 Girls of the Years and not a single black one.

    4. When they come out with a black one I WILL be buying her!!!! Hopefully she's cute!

    5. I'll be there with you in line for her! ^_^

    6. Let's hope GOTY 2017 is black!!!

  23. I think her hair is beautiful!! Her eyes seem very different to me, I think that it must the yellow in them. Sharon

    1. I think so too. Her eyes remind me of cat eyes. :)

  24. Love this one. I can't wait to order her to model our clothing. She is beautiful. Wasn't to keen on Grace at first but she really grew on me. This new one shown here has such a cute complexion and hair color. I love it.

    1. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you create for her! It seems like her wardrobe has been a hit or miss so there will definitely be people looking for alternatives! ^_^

  25. Wow, I think she is very pretty. I love the josefina face mold, I love long side parted hair with no weird bangs. The meet dress is growing on me hopefully the design is lined up a bit better. My girls (dolls that is) have asked to see their cousin sometime next year, I might try to make sure they only ask once as I ended up with grace twins this year. She is different to the colour variations I have so I don't mind that she's not everything we wished for in respect of a agdotygc. I do hope a camera is in her collection somewhere that would be cool. A sloth would be awesome (did Jess have one), I might need a special license to bring her to Oz if that's the case, love the shoes. Does she go to the Olympic Games?

    1. I don't know as of yet whether her story will mention the Olympics or not, but it would be a great tie in. :)

  26. she is so beautiful!!!!!!!!

  27. i still cant figure out what her race is what do you think it is?

    1. I agree, she's very lovely. According to AG's movie casting call, she is "mixed" (the main guess was Latina and white), but the doll and movie actress just look very white to me.

  28. They haven't had a brown-eyed GOTY since Jess! (if you don't count Sonali and Gwen) And ANOTHER blonde. They do need some black hair also. And of course they need a dark-skinned doll! (everyone knows that by now) Her hair, is nice however, but in my experience, when you have a doll with those slight curls for 7 years, the hair just becoes frizzy. I think I'll pass her by. I'm really waiting for another 1700s doll to come out.

    1. I don't count Sonali and Gwen. They were just best friend characters without collections of their own. :/ We really do need black hair and brown eyes, and this character with the location and story, would have been perfect for that. I'll join you on the waiting bench for another pre-1900s doll!

  29. Thank you so much for being such a great reference for all of us! I wish she had a Marie-Grace or new face mold, and gray or aqua eyes. However, she is very cute and I will add her to my collection. I think she'll look nice next to Kanani and Jess. I guess I'll just keep hoping AG makes a dark vinyl GOTY someday. ~ Juniper

    1. I agree the MG or a new mold would have been so lovely, especially with the grey eye coloring! Maybe 2017 will finally be the year we get a black GOTY, long long long overdue.

  30. Thanks for the leaks! I love her collection and at first I didn't like her, but now she's growing on me! :)

    1. Hahaha! She's growing on me too though I am still disappointed with how AG handled her.

  31. In my opinion her eyes are too piercing for me to add her to my collection. Don't want to get spooked walking past the schoolhouse lol!! I think her necklace has a compass on it. I really love her in the illustration, but the doll just doesn't do her justice. I will definitely be buying a lot from her collection though!!!

    1. *Dollhouse omg 😂😂😂

    2. Her eyes remind me of cat eyes. :) I think they have the potential to be beautiful, but I am looking forward to seeing them in person before I decide.

  32. She is a lot prettier than I was expecting! I might consider purchasing her, I think she's beautiful! I'm not 100% sure how ethnic she looks but I think her hair, eyes and skin compliment each other ^_^ Looking at her makes me think AG is starting to try more skin/hair/eye combinations, I think Our Generation has surpassed them in that category! It will be interesting to see her in real life and see how things go when she is released, I can't wait for her debut! Hopefully I will be able to go lol. Great reporting Lilly Maiden! AGHHGG LOVE YOUR BLOG SO MUCH!

    1. Also, your guess was super close! :D another thing, it seems like hazel has become AG's go-to color that they pull when brown eyes seem too boring to them and blue eyes seem too overused. Even if they came up with a new shade of hazel (which it looks like they did from the picture) it isn't really even actual hazel, technically hazel eyes (in real life) are eyes that are colored similar to AG's "Amber" eyes, like the ones #62(? Correct me if I'm wrong) has. Most of what AG calls hazel is actually green. I would love to see Lea's eyes up close in real life.

    2. Thank you for your kind words about the blog! :D I do think she is a stunning doll, but I still wish she was a stunning, BLACK Girl of the Year. >_< Her coloring is very striking with the gold hair, gold eyes, gold vinyl. It does feel like hazel has become a go-to color because it is in the middle and can be interpreted as different colors by different people.

  33. Lilly, is it okay if I use the photo of Lea Clark with her book on my blog? I will link back to you several times. Thank you!
    ~The Girl Upstairs

    1. Please feel free to, thank you for asking! ^_^

    2. You'e welcome! I always like it when people ask first to use things.
      Thank you so much!

  34. I look a little bit like Lea Clark, but I am hoping for a DOC because we haven't really had much diversity in this collection.... Its kindve hurtful because I'm an eleven year old if color.... But u do like her hair cause u have that feature. But I have her skin tone. And her collection is right up my alley because I love adventure and sometimes my adventures turn to danger. But i will be going January first! And I like her collection though! I like the colors and prints that they chose... Not a lot of pink this Year which is good! Plus I can understand the highlights because most tweens have them. My parents said i can get some. But I do LOVE her! ��

    1. Hopefully 2017 will be the year we get a black Girl of the Year! I agree that her collection sounds super exciting and fun, and I'm also glad they're using different colors for her clothes than the standard pink, light blue, purple.

  35. I think she looks lovely, but disappointed someone saying the BeForever AA character won't be out until August. The reason I don't mind Lea being less of a doll of colour than hoped for was I thought there would be an AA character coming out soon too. Having said that, I know a half Brazilian girl who looks a bit like Lea.

    1. To be fair, many mixed Latine and white children, and even many full Latina children share similar features to Lea, but I really dislike that Lea feels like a cop-out to making a black GOTY because she can easily be used as a white girl who had a tan, instead of undeniably a girl of color.

  36. Thank you for these great pictures! I'm with you that she's maybe not tempting enough to buy, but I love seeing the doll and all of her outfits and being excited for her release nonetheless! Thanks for another great post! :)
    (Also, I never even thought of the strategy of buying the doll just for the meet outfit and selling... genius!)

    1. I'm also not a big GOTY collection, but I love seeing the leaks! :D Yes, buying the doll, then keeping the outfit and selling the doll for about $30-$40 less what you paid is a really easy way to get the meet outfit! The hardest part is selling the doll because it's so easy to get attached. ^_^

  37. a little disapointed they used this face mold, dont get me wrong its beautiful but we just had grace with this face mold.... im so used to seeing grace for the past year that now I see Lea with the same face mold and it just kinda looks like grace dyed her hair and curled it... her eyes are quite nice tho! I'm not sure if I'd be willing to purchase her yet... I'd have to wait til I saw more than stock photos to decide... but even then I didn't decide to purchase grace or Isabelle til half way through their year...

    1. You'll have a whole year to decide so there's no rush. ^_^ I know what you mean about the mold, but Lea looks so different to me from Grace, since their coloring is completely different, and their collections couldn't be more opposite, so I guess it doesn't really bother me.

    2. What I'm really hoping is that the 2016 AA Beforever doll will have an entirely new facemold. Though I don't suppose there's much chance of it because it's probably very expensive for AG to develop and retool for a new face.

    3. That would be awesome! I would love for a new mold to be made for her! There are so many molds used to represent white girls so we should have more for black girls too. ^_^

  38. Lol is it just me or she looks like a photoshoped image XD no but she is actually pretty and I knew she was going to have knew eye color ,amazing I am going to see if I can get her for my birthday since my birthday is on january

    1. I think it's her coloring that gives her the illusion of looking like a photoshopped image. :) That'll be a fun birthday present for you!

  39. Is it okay if I use your picture on my blog if I give you credit and link?

    1. Yes! Please do credit and link back. ^_^ Thank you for taking the time to ask!

  40. Will be eye-swapping her if I buy.

    1. I think many people will want to do this. :)

    2. I photoshopped her with different colored eyes and liked Julie's brown eyes best, where should I buy just the eyes?

    3. I've never bought eyes so I don't know.

    4. You could probably get them of ebay ;)

    5. Thank you, is there any other way to get them? If I get them on eBay what should I search?( Sorry I'm completely new to eBay and have no experience)

    6. I think Gagasdolls is out of business, but you could check to see if they have anything left.

  41. I am so relieved there will not be another white skinned blue eyed GOTY. I really love her, but the last doll I got with wavy (#24) hair is a disaster zone at the moment, because I brushed it too much. Hopefully AG has improved since 2013. I do like that they are doing a darker doll this year, but I was kinda hoping for the Sonali mold instead, because Grace had the Josefina. I still am going to get either her or Caroline (if she is still available) or #61 or #55. I love her outfits though! I am so glad you have finally found the full size 18" version of the doll!

    1. I can't take any credit for finding it. :) Awesome detectives are kind enough to share their finds with me so I can post them here.

  42. WOAH! 120 comments. That was fast. I just noticed that she has so. much. hair.

  43. I am happy that she has new eye color, Lea really looks like an 18" Barbie with tan. She's pretty.

  44. yay! I'm excited to see her!


    1. I'm looking forward to seeing her in person as well!

  45. Looking at her eyes u think that they are a light green/grey color, I won't know till we have more pictures but I think they are very pretty

    1. They remind me of cat eyes, like a light amber. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of them!

  46. Replies
    1. Blogger is the hosting service for this blog. It automatically detects and removes messages that are spam. In your case, it saw that you were posting multiple times and using all caps and excessive punctuation, so it correctly filtered out your comments and moved them into the spam folder. It is set up to delete these types of comments and comments that are not relevant to the post.

    2. What?!?! That must have been my sister, my phone broke and we've had to share hers

    3. I'm going to apologize in advance for my sister, she can go a little overboard...

    4. Reading over her past comments it seems that that double of the set is mine, yet another reason why she can go a little overboard...

  47. Lea's meet headband and hair bands

    1. I hadn't seen that before, thank you for sharing the link with me! I will add this to the full list of leaks when I get home to my computer. ^_^

  48. You're welcome! I like to skim around EBay too, and found MANY possible truly me outfits!

  49. TRuly me outfit

  50. Truly me outfit

  51. Truly me skirt, I think the shirt leggings and skirt all go together, I'm not sure about the green shirt or white pants, but we'll have to wait and see! I hope lea comes with the hair elastics, headband, bag and necklace, and watch, I know it's not likely but I hope!

  52. I'm going to make a wild guess that the green t-shirt is a casual shirt for the new black Be-forever doll, it has the name melody on it, freedom what she hopes for, peace also what she hopes for and family at that time it would be important to have family

    1. Thank you for sharing the links! I've seen those before, and yes, I am almost certain the green shirt is for our 1960s Beforever girl. ^_^ One of the blog readers actually just sent me several photos of her dolls modeling that shirt so I will get that posted soon!

  53. I'm willing to bet that the let's celebrate skirt actually goes with the leaked skirt as a new birthday outfit.

    1. Oh! Is that shirt new? I saw this listing but thought the shirt was part of the current birthday package at stores?

    2. No, I'm pretty sure it hasn't been a current package, but I could be wrong. Will you give me credit for finding the headband and hair bands please? My name is also actually Lea! Isn't that a cool considence?!

    3. Of course! I will be happy to credit you for sending me the link when I post it! :)

    4. Would you give me credit too? I'm Lea's sister, my name is Samantha

  54. Would someone please photoshop her into her different outfits and do a post on it?

  55. My older sister is an employe at an american girl store and I got to see the full size Lea for the first time!!!!!!!! She is georgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I also got to see her whole collection!!! I was not allowed to take pictures :( :( :( but her collection is amazing!!!! Her eyes are a medium green, with her highlighted blond hair, and mixed skin tone, slightly lighter than Kanani's. Sadly her dress print does NOT meet up, as with her pajamas and other outfits. Her rainforest house is HUGE! Hint hint. And comes with many cool play accessories. This is all my sister is allowing me to spill but Lea is BEAUTIFUL!

  56. I think she is pretty! I think her necklace might actually be a compass, which would be really neat!

    1. Yes! I am personally hoping for a coin necklace since I already have Kit's compass necklace though. :)

  57. she is sooooooo pretty

  58. She's a bit boring to me. It's almost like either her hair or eyes would have to change for her to be stunning.

    1. I think she is beautiful but has the potential to be so much more. :/

  59. Ok, I got Lea... and I noticed that the back of her hands are textured. I want to know if anyone else who has Lea has the same textured hand.

    1. That's strange. Mine is smooth like all the other dolls.

  60. Very interesting to read about all the subtle differences between the AG dolls. The faces are all so similar that I hadn't even realised there were different moulds used. Seeing the tiny differences between the shapes of the eyes and eyebrows I can't help wondering why all the AG dolls have the same (or perhaps just very similar) mouths, with the very prominent two 'chipmunk' teeth. If the designers want to have a variety of faces why don't they also change the mouth a little?

    1. I think the moth does vary slightly between the molds, and the Kaya mold doesn't show teeth out of respect to her Nez Pierce culture, where it is rude to show teeth in pictures and photos.

  61. I love Lea she is sooooo cute and love her hair with the golden locks
