
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Whole World Collection List & Prices

Here is a list of next year's Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's collection. ^_^ I did not find this, but the person who did has asked to remain anonymous. Please note, that until AG officially releases these items, nothing is 100% certain. However, I do think the list is from a reliable source, and the person who shared it was also the first person I saw find and share the full size Lea Clark doll stock photo that leaked yesterday (7am in the morning, Central time). It looks like a pretty thorough list, but I do think it's missing a few of the outfits we saw leaked. Once again, I am going to stress please take everything with a grain of salt until AG officially releases it! XD

If you share this list, please link back to this post. Thank you!

*Update 12/6/2015: Thank you to sm network for commenting below and sharing the full list with prices!*

Doll, Meet Accessories, Specials:
Lea Doll & Book – $120
Lea’s Brazil Accessories – $32 (Meet Accessories)
Lea’s Earrings Set – $16 (with doll ear piercing)
Lea Mini Doll – $24 (not sold by AG)

*AG will be partnering with WWF (World Wildlife Foundation) for 2016 so you can make donations to them through AG. ^_^ Thank you to disneytwinmom for sharing this with me!
The donations are set up on the website in $1, $5, and $10 increments:

Lea’s Beach Outfit – $28
Lea’s Rainforest Hike Outfit – $34
Lea’s Tunic Outfit – $30
Lea’s Bahia Dress – $38
Lea’s Mix & Match Swimsuit – $34
Lea’s Pajamas – $24

Accessories, Furniture, & Big Ticket Item:
Lea’s Beach Accessories – $32
Lea’s Rainforest Hike Accessories – $32
Lea’s Bahia Hairstyle Set – $22
Lea’s Ocean Kayak Set – $85
Lea’s Fruit Stand – $150
Lea’s Rainforest House – $500 or $395
*Miss Carol shared on the AG Dolls Resale of the USA Facebook group that the price for the Rainforest House is $395.*

Lea’s Cat – $22 or $20 (named Margay)
Lea’s Sloth – $18 or $20
Lea’s Sea Turtle – $18
*Thank you to Golden Freddy who informed me that margay is actually a small wild cat predator, native to Central & South America. So that means Lea's cat is either a house pet named after margays, or it will be a miniature plush actual margay. My guess is the latter.*
* Miss Carol shared on the AG Dolls Resale of the USA Facebook group that the price for the Cat & Sloth are $20, and that $1 from each sale of any of these animals will go to WWF.* 

For Girls - Clothing:
Lea’s Tropical Dress for Girls – $44
Lea’s Tribal Tunic for Girls – $38
Lea’s Shorts for Girls – $24
Lea’s Pajamas for Girls – $44
Lea’s Slippers for Girls – $22
Lea’s Swimsuit for Girls – $48
Butterfly Tee for Girls – $26
Tropical Tee for Girls – $26

For Girls - Accessories:
Lea’s Messenger Bag for Girls – $38
Lea’s Compass Necklace for Girls – $50
Explorer Phone Wristlet for Girls – $24
Brazil Postcard Set for Girls – $24
Rainforest Earring Tree for Girls – $28
Beach Accessories for Girls – $28
Tropical Beach Tote for Girls – $38

Lea Dives In (Book 1) – $10
Lea Leads The Way (Book 2) – $10
Lea & Camilla (Book 3) – $10 (released in March)
Lea Three Book Set – $28 (released in March)

Movie & Soundtrack:
Lea Leads The Way DVD – $10
Lea Leads The Way DVD / Blu-Ray – $15
Lea Leads The Way Soundtrack CD – $8

I am *so* excited about the sloth and the turtle! I do not know if these will all be sold separately, or bundled together but I know they want to join the L&L family. :D

I think the Rainforest House will be the big ticket item, and my guess on the price is $500 again or a little less, since Grace's bakery sold well at that price. :/ I do not think the price will be higher than $500.

The fruit stand makes me think of Kanani's shaved ice stand, the ocean kayak set makes me think of Jess' kayak, and the Rainforest House makes me think of an extravagant version of Lanie's camper and Kit's Treehouse. I think they'll be great and fun, but the first impression they give me is not one of uniqueness. 

I hope the Rainforest House is similar to a tree house, only more tropical themed with more play pieces! I would love it if it turned out to be a sort of researcher's bungalow, and came with scientific tools and equipment. ^_^

What do you all think? I am not disappointed by her collection, even if I am disappointed that the doll herself does not look obviously racially mixed. It looks like it will be a fun, exciting collection, even if it does revisit old themes. 

All info/leaks on GotY 2016 Lea Clark to date:
Link to eBay Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Plush Sloth:

Stock Photos for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Mix and Match Swimsuit & Beach Accessories:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration and Back Cover Summary for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Details from Mini Doll Book for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Full Sized GOTY 2016 Stock Photo:

Link to Book Cover for GOTY 2016's First Book - Lea Dives In:

Link to Photos of 2-in1 Swimsuit for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photoshop Images of Potential Looks for Full Sized GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Doll:

Link to Comparison Photos of Lea Mini Doll with other Mini Dolls:

Link to GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Complete Leaked Wardrobe Group Photos:

Link to Photos of Explorer/Hiking Outfit Modeled on Truly Me #49 doll:

Link to Full Cast List Photos of Actresses and Actors for GOTY 2016 Movie:

Link to Potential 2-in-1 Swimsuit Set for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of Tropical Romper Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline dolls:

Link to Photos of Pink/Yellow Tunic Top Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photos of Purple Tie Dye Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Explorer/Hiking Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of  Fancy Occasion Dress on Kanani doll:

Link to Purple Dress & Messenger Bag for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Shorts, Top, & Sandals Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Fancy Occasion Dress for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Tropical Romper Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Potential Pajamas for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to GotY 2016's Book Summaries:

Link to Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Meet Outfit & Mini Doll Images:

Link to Meet Outfit Details Modeled on Various Dolls:

Link to Casting Call Audition Script for 2016 GotY Lea Clark's Movie:


  1. Was it ever for certain that she would be racially mixed?

    1. On AG's casting call for the movie, the specifically used the word "mixed" to describe her.

  2. I will be buying her ENTIRE collection!!!!!

    1. I'll have to wait to see the prices first, but I'm pretty excited about everything! :D

  3. Wow I just checked out your post with the actors cast for her movie...I would definitely say that the protagonist doesn't look mixed either!

    1. Yes! Neither the protagonist, her mother, or her brother look mixed. >_<

  4. That definitely sounds like a combo of Jess and Kanani. As for the swimsuit, if they are using the one I have, I'd be surprised they're using the "American Girl" tag on a GOTY item. Or maybe it was stamped with that by mistake?

    1. I don't think it was a mistake since a few others have popped up on eBay also that way. Perhaps it's difficult to put the giant ego tag on the stretch fabric so they used the stamp instead?

  5. KITTY! SLOTH!TURTLE! All may end up in my house. Today I learned a margay is a cat indigenous to South America, which makes sense with the rumor that there'd be a big cat. I hope her meet accessories come with that cool camera :3

    1. Oooo! Thanks for the tidbit about margays! That would be so neat! ^_^

  6. I am more excited about her collection! Hard to tell without reading her story though what I might find neccessary, I like to get what pertains to their story....unless it's something completely unresisitable. The pets sound cute, but AG GOTY pets never impress me. Basically a stuffed toy, not posable or a magnet. Maybe that will change. But I probably won't get any, as cute as they are. But I can't wait to see her big item, though again, it probably won't end up at my house, because of the price. I was hoping Grace's bakery wouldn't sell well so the prices would go down. But she is soooo much prettier then I expected. I can't wait!

    1. I am so excited for the collection as well! I can't wait to see these big pieces in person and and hoping the sloth and turtle will be unbearably cute. :D

  7. Do you have any pictures of what the Fruit Stand will look like?

  8. I don't think this list is complete.... Usually girls of the year have bigger clothing collections. I think the Bahia Outfit is the tunic outfit, the purple tie dye dress will be a "Beach Outfit" (to go with the accessories) and I think there will also be that fancy dress that was leaked :)

    1. It was not complete when I first posted it, but thanks to sm network who commented below, I believe it is complete now, and even includes the prices. :)

  9. I'm thinking some other accessory set too. My guess is the fruit stand will be $150 and the kayak set at least $60.

    1. Your guess was really good! I just updated the post with the full list and prices sm network shared below.

    2. I will probably get the kayak set cause I didn't get Jess's since that was right when I got into American Girl lol

    3. I'm in the same boat. :) Plus I love kayaking!

  10. I have the prices here.
    Lea Doll & Book – $120
    Lea Mini Doll – $24 (not sold by AG)
    Lea’s Beach Outfit – $28
    Lea’s Rainforest Hike Outfit – $34
    Lea’s Tunic Outfit – $30
    Lea’s Bahia Dress – $38
    Lea’s Pajamas – $24
    Lea’s Mix & Match Swimsuit – $34
    Lea’s Brazil Accessories – $32 (Meet Accessories)
    Lea’s Rainforest Hike Accessories – $32
    Lea’s Beach Accessories – $32
    Lea’s Earrings Set – $16 (with doll ear piercing)
    Lea’s Bahia Hairstyle Set – $22
    Lea’s Cat – $22
    Lea’s Sloth – $18
    Lea’s Sea Turtle – $18
    Lea’s Rainforest House – $500
    Lea’s Fruit Stand – $150
    Lea’s Ocean Kayak Set – $85
    Lea Dives In (Book 1) – $10
    Lea Leads The Way (Book 2) – $10
    Lea & Camilla (Book 3) – $10 (released in March)
    Lea Three Book Set – $28 (released in March)
    Lea Leads The Way DVD – $10
    Lea Leads The Way DVD / Blu-Ray – $15
    Lea Leads The Way Soundtrack CD – $8
    Lea’s Tropical Dress for Girls – $44
    Lea’s Tribal Tunic for Girls – $38
    Lea’s Shorts for Girls – $24
    Lea’s Pajamas for Girls – $44
    Lea’s Slippers for Girls – $22
    Lea’s Swimsuit for Girls – $48
    Lea’s Messenger Bag for Girls – $38
    Lea’s Compass Necklace for Girls – $50
    Butterfly Tee for Girls – $26
    Tropical Tee for Girls – $26
    Explorer Phone Wristlet for Girls – $24
    Brazil Postcard Set for Girls – $24
    Rainforest Earring Tree for Girls – $28
    Beach Accessories for Girls – $28
    Tropical Beach Tote for Girls – $38

    1. Okay, so I'm assuming that the Bahia dress will be the embroidered one, and the purple tie dye thing will either come with the swimsuit, but probably not since it's only $34, or just be omitted. Also, why facebook moms you ruined the chances of any GOTY having no $500 big ticket item

    2. Thank you so much for sharing the full list and prices! I just updated to post to include it all! ^_^ I'm so disappointed the Rainforest House is $500 but I guess I can't be surprised since the bakery sold so well. :/

    3. Your welcome! Also, I found out that Bahia is a state in Brazil.

    4. Ah! That makes sense then. I was wondering about that! :D

  11. Lea is so growing on me!! Her collection seems a lot like......Kananis+Jess's........I don't own either of those dolls!! The only thing that really disappoints me is that Lea's Rainforest House, is $500!! That is completely out of many people's price range, and I mean many people, such as me. I really wanted to buy it!!! Ugh....... Thank you for posting this. These kinds of posts are sooooo helpful.

    1. It really is out of a lot of people's price range so I share your disappointment. :/ I'm not surprised though, since Grace's Bakery sold very well despite that price.

  12. Is the beach outfit that purple tie dye dress? It is one the cheapest outfits, which would make sense since the outfit is quite basic.

    1. I think so, and it does make sense if it is just a swimsuit cover up. :)

  13. she reminds me so much of kananni and i love kananni i wish i had the money to get her :(

    1. Don't worry, Kanani's price will eventually come down, and you can save for her. Even if it takes a long time, she will still be on the secondary market. :)

  14. Do u know which one could be the green parrot romper or are they releasing that outfit the same way they released Graces sightseeing outfit?

  15. I hope this helps anyone who is hoping to buy multiple pieces from Lea's collection, in dollars:
    Sum of clothes for dolls- 188
    Sum of accessories for dolls- 134
    Sum of pets/animals for dolls- 62
    Sum of big pieces for dolls- 735
    Everything from Lea's collection for dolls, including the doll-1239

    1. Thank you for much for taking the time to calculate the totals and share them! Her collection is so expensive. O_O I highly doubt I'd be able to put aside $100 each month for this.

  16. First of all, a big thank you to Lilly and anyone else who contributed to this post.
    My thoughts on Lea's collection:
    I am maintaining that the doll is racially mixed because of the darker skin and blond hair. She could be tanned, but I know quite a few racially mixed people and they usually have the characteristics of one parent more than the other. Like Lilly has pointed out, it will depend on her story.
    Her collection itself is beautiful. I love the lack of pink (that was getting tiring. While I love pink, I don't like an abundance of it) and the wonderful colors and patterns. I've been noticing tribal prints are popular, her collection will probably sell well. The camera theme will probably appeal to a lot of AGIGers and bloggers.
    What I don't like however, is that in a way, her collection is much like Grace's. Three big ticket items, all the same price as this year. Three accessory sets (although smaller, one is not $64), one from the place Lea visits.
    Speaking of the travel theme, I hope that is not a trend. While I like the focus on other places and ethnicities, everything is probably stereotyped (judging from Grace's collection). So far American Girl has done a good job of keeping it varied and I hope (again) that doesn't change.
    In terms of the things for girls, that is once again the same... Phone wristlets, Stationary set, etc.
    The clothes themselves don't have much mix and match potential, from the past photos we've seen only one outfit has separate pieces and they don't have one color scheme as with Grace's collection.
    It also seems like that GOTY collection gets bigger every year! In regards to it being similar to other collections, you have to remember that those collections were more than 5 years ago. I am sure that the girls who bought things back then are not interested in dolls anymore, other than older teens on AGtube, AGIG, etc. On a business level, very smart of AG.
    I'm very sorry for the long comment! I just like talking about my opinions and hearing other people's too.

    1. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts! I definitely agree with you about loving the different colors used for her collection. Hopefully, the stereotypes won't play out as much as it did for Grace's trip to Paris. To be fair, there are more common stereotypes regarding France and Paris that are widely known, compared to Brazil, so I hope it won't be a problem in this collection.
      In the outfits, the Hiking and Tunic outfit are both mix and match, but that is still less than Grace's wardrobe. :)

    2. Thank you for replying! I think it is great that you connect with all of us so much.
      I suppose I sounded a bit judgmental in saying that it was probably stereotyped, but I hope American Girl shows that there is more to Brazil than the tropics and the rainforest.
      The tunic and hiking outfits are nice, but again it all comes back to the whole color scheme thing. The shorts and the capris/pants are neutral, though.

    3. I always like responding to people who take the time to share their thoughts! ^_^
      No I agree with you that Grace's collection was quite cliche, with Eiffel Towers and pastries every where. It's a really wonderful collection, but definitely plays to the common things everyone associates with France. :)
      Brazil is such a large vibrant country with an incredibly diverse population, and it would nice if AG is able to represent that in her story. I have only read Kanani's book (of all the GOTY books), but I thought it did a wonderful job of starting with something people know about Hawai'i while still bringing in a lot of the less known, but important culture and traditions. Since the author of Kanani's book will be writing Lea's books, I have high hopes for her story! ^_^

    4. I did not realize that the author of the Kanani books is also writing Lea's books! That is pretty cool

    5. Yes! She also wrote Ivy's book. ^_^

  17. I think that the cat may be an actual cat, because in book three, if I am not mistaken, Lea and Camila find a stray kitten.

    1. That's true, they do! However I don't think we would see any accessories and animals from book 3 released on January 1st, since that would be a "spoiler" of sorts. It could still be a normal house cat, but if so, I don't think it will be the stray kitten. :) We'll find out on the 1st!

  18. A rainforest house sounds interesting, i would like something magnificent like the Swiss Family Robinson had. I did a google search and a link popped up for the Queens Treasures and a rainforest tent. I do hope Lea's house is more than a tent.

    1. I am certain it will be much bigger and more exciting, for that $500 price tag. :D

  19. I am soooo excited for Lea's Hause!!!!! i think will be somethink like Grace's

  20. I am going to buy her ENTIRE collection, my parents are millionaires so I will probably have double of everything, I Amos excited!

    1. That is for you and your parents to work out.

    2. I got double of Grace things and a trip to Paris, like why would I not get double of Lea and her things and a trip to Brazil, we are already going to see the Olympic Games, so I could bring my two lea's along.

    3. Once again, that is for your parents and you to work out. I wish you happiness.

    4. My parents said I can get a tan and re-dye my hair again (since it is brown from this year, luckily bangs don't look good me) and that I can get girl sized outfits and double of her whole collection!!!!!!!! We are going to Brazil for the Olympic Games and they said I could bring my two Lea's!!!!!!!!!! I am excited!!!!!

    5. If that is what your family has decided, then that is your family's affair.

    6. Maybe I can even get my eyes dyed!!!!

    7. What are you???? A millionaire?!?!? You are extremely. Spoiled.

    8. I will no longer reply to this thread of comments from you after this. Although it shows up as anonymous on the post, Blogger is showing me all these are from the same person. Blogger has automatically removed several of your comments (4 total I believe) that were typed in all caps arguing with yourself and marked your comments as spam. I do not care if your parents are or are not millionaires, and I have no interest in playing this game with you. I do not tolerate self inciting drama and trolling on my blog. You are welcome to comment if you have specific points to discuss regarding the GOTY collection. However, I will continue to allow Blogger to remove your comments as spam if they are trolling.

  21. Is Lissie Felicity and is Lilly Ivy or a JLY?

    1. Yes, Lissie is Felicity, and Sawako Lilly is a modern #4.

    2. Thank you, i have been wondering for quite some time now, they are both very pretty!

  22. What is Lea's rainforest house going to look like

  23. Thank God that hairstyle set is cheaper than Grace's.

    1. Yes indeed! Grace's was ridiculously priced for what you get! >_<

  24. I was told that it is a beach house. I am excited about this as I was contemplating Kit's treehouse again but the CL price is $20 less than the $395! Therefore we will go with the beach house. We do have Lea already and my daughter absolutely loves her. My daughter is biracial and her coloring matches Lea's. Her hair is ridiculously wonderful. I posted my link on another post, I think I did it right but if mot, you can look up my name on YouTube, Dawnisha Stokes.
    I love the number of options but I wish that the collection had a lower price tag. Some children (ok, parents too) would like to have the whole collection but it is expensive! Then, part way through the year they release more outfits! Thank God for decent sales lately and the gift card deals!

    1. I'm really glad the price of the beach house is actually $395, and not $500, though of course, being the selfish person I am, I would love to see it at $300 or impossibly $200. :D I saw the video you share and you're right, your daughter's coloring matches Lea's! The doll seems to have a really wonderful wig, and so long too. I agree that the price tag is off putting for many people, even with sales and deals. :/

  25. After hearing all of the news, about Lea's Rainforest House, being $395, Im really starting to get my hopes up!!! I have a lot of money saved up, so hopefully the House will be $395, and I can afford it. But if not, her collection is very interesting! And, I can't wait to save up for all of her smaller sets. What do you plan on buying in her collection, Lissie and Lilly?

    1. I'm glad it really is $395! ^_^ I agree with you, she really does have a wonderful collection. I am interested in her Rainforest House, Kayak, animals, and several outfits, as well as the doll herself, so I guess it's time to start saving saving saving! :D

    2. Haha! Yes, American Girl is very expensive.
