
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Photos of Black 1960s BeForever Melody's Potential Store Debut Shirt

At the beginning of this month, a T-shirt leaked on eBay which is potentially (I am 99% certain) for the next Beforever character, a 1960s black girl, to be released next year in 2016. The shirt has the name Melody along with a decal of 4 vinyl discs bearing the words "freedom, community, family, & peace". This confirms that the name for the 1960s black Beforever girl will be Melody Ellison, and I am assuming the four words on the discs represent the themes of her story. The discs themselves, along with her name, are signs to me that music will be play an important role in her story, and could even be Melody's theme. 

Unlike the earlier leaked 2 outfits (green houndstooth dress & floral peplum dress), I do not believe this shirt is part of Melody's historical collection. Since it has her name printed on it, the best guess right now is that the shirt will be the "gift" for her debut. If you missed the two actual historical outfits leaked for our 1960s Beforever girl, Melody Ellison, here are links to them below:

SailorMolly on AGPT purchased the shirt and kindly sent us several photos of her dolls modeling the shirt to share here. 

*Do not repost/copy/claim these photos without written permission.*

Original eBay Image:

Photos by SailorMolly:
Modeled on Addy - Very dark vinyl coloring, so far used only for Addy

Modeled on Cecile - "Standard" AG dark vinyl coloring

Modeled on modern doll #58 - "Standard" AG dark vinyl coloring

Modeled on Kanani - "Standard" AG medium vinyl coloring

Modeled on Julie - "Standard" AG light vinyl coloring

Close up of shirt and decal details.

Tag on the inside of the shirt confirms that this is an AG brand item.

Overall, I like the shirt and think it will be great as a debut gift at stores, though it does seem unfair that people who don't live near won't be able to easily get on. The bright neon color seems to be in line with the rest of the releases for next year (I'm looking at you, GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's wardrobe XD).

No word yet on Melody's physical description, other than a black character. We don't know if she will be darker vinyl like Addy, standard AG dark vinyl, medium vinyl, or a whole new vinyl color, and we have no idea on her face mold and hairstyle/eye color (please not hazel...).

Link to SailorMolly's Instagram:

Link to original eBay auction:

All 1960s BeForever Melody Ellison Leaks/Info/Photos:
Link to Photos of 1960s Beforever Melody Doll in Various Hairstyles:

Link to Comparison Photos of Melody, Addy, & Cecile Dolls:

Link to 1960s Beforever Melody Doll Review with Photos:

Link to Photos Possible Red Polka Dot Birthday Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Detail Photos of Red Polka Dot Dress Modeled on Sonali Doll:

Link to Photos of Potential Gold Bow Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Photos of Potential Gold Coat, Hat, & Gloves Set for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Collector Detail Photos of Potential Gold Coat for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of Blue Pajama Top for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Photos of Complete Blue Starry Pajamas Outfit for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of Rainbow Play Outfit for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Stock Photos for Doll & Floral Peplum Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Photos of Doll & Collection for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Journey Book Cover Illustration for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Potential Release/Debut Date for 1960s Beforever Melody Doll & Collection:

Link to Photos of Pet Dog for 1960s Beforever character Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Collector Detail & Comparison Photos of Pet Dog for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of potential store debut gift & name for 1960s BeForever girl modeled on dolls:

Link to 2nd potential leaked outfit, Floral Peplum Dress, for BeForever 2016:

       ->Link to Photos of 1960s BeForever Floral Bow Dress modeled on Truly Me #26 doll:

Link to 1st potential leaked outfit, Green Plaid Dress, for BeForever 2016: 

       ->Link to Photos of 1960s BeForever Green Houndstooth Dress modeled on Kanani doll:

       ->Link to Photos of Melody's Green Meet Dress modeled on Truly Me #62 doll:

Link to information about the 2016 BeForever historical character's book 1

       ->Link to Cover Illustration & Back Cover Summary for 1960s BeForever Book 1:

       ->Link to Book 1 Chapter List, and Book 2 & Journey Book Titles & Summaries:

       ->Link to Specific Details about Melody, her family, and story from Book 1:


  1. Thanks for sharing, although Addy's vinyl was used on the original #1 and #19 as well.

    1. Thank you for letting me know! I did not realize that her coloring had been used before. :)

  2. Replies
    1. I agree! The neon really pops with her dark coloring!

    2. #19 has light vinyl and brown hair. #18 has the darker vinyl. :)

    3. Sorry, did not mean to post this as a reply post.

    I`m pretty sure this is your posting on another blog.

    1. Wow, even after getting reamed out she's still stealing. What the muk. (looks like she took the post down, probably after getting called out.)

    2. I saw that too...but I didn't think anything of it until now. I took screenshots in case Rhonda takes down the post. Lilly, if you want I can email them to you.
      This is horrible! I can't believe Rhonda is still stealing the images.

    3. I really enjoy Rhonda's blog but it isn't fair if she doesn't give credit to other bloggers.

    4. I don't think we should jump to could be Rhonda got images from the same source, but they were different images. But, since she did steal images before, it is quite possible she did again.

    5. look at the date of both post guys you're being rude

    6. Thank you so much for thinking of me and taking the time to let me know! I don't have a lot of time to check everywhere so I really appreciate you taking the time and looking out for me. :) I messaged SailorMolly to ask her and let her know, and I see she has replied below. I'll just echo her sentiments of gratitude for your concern. Please do keep letting me know if you see other sites using images from here! Thank you! ^_^

    7. I'm glad no one is offended or upset. I have to say that I did jump to conclusions without thinking and that was wrong. I apologize to SailorStitch, Lilly, LADL, and others. I automatically accused LADL for stealing those images without thinking through things. I was wrong and I am sorry, but I am gratefully for no hurt feelings and understanding. Thank you! <3

    8. But I love the shirt!!!!!

  4. Hi, owner of the tee here! LADL contacted me through Instagram. I gave her permission to post ONE picture. She got a quick shot I took with my cell phone. L&L got the pictures that I took with my good camera. If anymore of my photos show up on LADL PLEASE let either me or L&L know about it!

    Thank you for your concern. *hugs*

    1. Thank you for stopping by and clarifying things for everyone! ^_^

  5. OH, I LIKE it! I agree that it doesn't look authentic to the 60s, but I like what it seems to say about her story! I think it looks best on Addy.

    1. I agree, both with liking what it says about her story, and that it looks best on Addy! ^_^

  6. I really like the leggings that came with the shirt in the Ebay auction. Are those retired leggings, or new ones going to come out in the future?
    - American Girl Doll Artist

    1. They're new. They have the new style silver tag that's been on the Truly Me clothes on the cuff. No idea what's going to come with them.....

      If anybody what's to see them on a doll, I can take pictures and have L&L post them.

    2. Thanks for responding! I've gotten to the point where all the AG leggings are starting to look alike to me. :D

    3. PLEASE do a post on those leggings! I love them!

  7. That shirt looks stunning on Addy, I really hope they use the dark vinyl colour for Melody.

    1. I also love the shirt on Addy! The bright color really pops on her darker vinyl!

  8. With this potential "giveaway" tshirt already on the grey market, do we really still think BF 2016 won't launch until August???

    1. Why not? If dates pushed back, it would make sense the factory had already started working on some of the items.

    2. Yes, I imagine that might be the case if the date was pushed back recently. I just wonder what it might be like for AG to have to sit on a warehouse/s full of Melody Ellison items for 6 months (dolls, books, clothes, accessories, and the giveaway tees!) because of it already having been produced.

    3. I wonder how much they've actually made so far. We've only seen three items.

    4. I don't have any official news but my personal belief is the release date is still midway through the year. We are seeing some items pretty far in advance for her, but I just assumed that was because the original release date was much earlier and it was now pushed back. Another possibility is that the release could be in February to coincide with Black History month, which would make sense with the leaks timing.

  9. LADL stole phottos

  10. Melody Ellison's book cover leak!
    Hannah M.

    1. Yes! I saw! ^_^ Many people have graciously sent me the cover, but I haven't posted yet because I can't seem to find who first shared the image. >_<

  11. OMG!! She is beautiful! I cannot wait to see what the doll looks like! And I love her name! So excited. Heee heee!

    1. I do too! Her name is perfect for her theme! ^_^

  12. SO obviously the green dress is her meet dress, her accessories probably include a hat, and that leaked t-shirt fits her story PERFECTLY!

    1. Yes, I saw! ^_^ I haven't posted it yet because I just can't seem to find who the original photo came from to credit. XD

  13. THE BOOK LEAKED AND MELODY IS A SINGER We need an AG store in Memphis asap cause we have the Civil Rights Museum and then Graceland and stuff for Maryellen

    1. We need one in the Detroit area, being rumor has this doll is from Detroit. We all ride the train 5 hours to Chicago to go to the AG store. Hoping they consider at least one of their temporary stores in the Detroit metro area. We are the home to Motown.

    2. I saw! :) I'm trying to figure out who the original image belongs to. If the pop up stores are successful this winter, perhaps AG will consider more in other locations.

  14. I just saw Melody's book cover! Shout out to Michell Hankins, check it out on her youtube channel

    1. Yes, many people have share it by now. :) I'm still trying to figure out who first share the image. XD

  15. Her book is leaked on Agforall which is an should totally check it has her in the blue and green dress and it's genuinely for real.

    1. Yes, thank you! Many people have posted it by now, and I'm trying to figure out who posted the original image. :D

    2. Good thinking. I'm so excited! I'm thinking a march release date because I saw something on Amazon that said March 1..too long in my opinion

    3. As far as I know, Amazon is still showing a January 1st release date for her (which I think is just a place holder, since it wouldn't make sense to release her with the GOTY). The March 1st date you're thinking of is when the 3rd GOTY 2016 book is being released. ^_^

    4. Oh ok thanks for the clarification!

    5. No problem! All the numerous dates get confusing. :)

  16. Melody's bunny!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

    1. Yes, I saw that on eBay! ^_^ I don't know if it will be for Melody or part of the Truly Me line yet, but it's really cute, though I am still hoping for a goldfish. XD

  17. Lilly! Caroline Sold Out! Now I have to cover Eurovision without her!!

    1. I'm sorry you missed on her direct from AG. But remember, nothing is ever gone forever as long as there is eBay. ^_~

    2. Can you please do an article regarding the sellout?

    3. Is there something specific you wanted to know about her sellout?

  18. Yes.Can you please provide at least 3-5 details?

    1. I can try to see if I can answer your questions, but I do not feel I know enough about the retirement to make a complete post on it. What details were you looking for?
