
Friday, October 2, 2015

First Leaked Outfit for 2016 BeForever Historical Character

Thanks to cdaizybug on AGPT, we have what could possibly be our first peek at an outfit from the 2016 BeForever Historical character! Just to catch people up, the 2016 BeForever Historical character is from the 1960s, and confirmed by American Girl to be a doll of color representing a black girl. Some of the possible rumored names that have been trademarked are "Melody Ellison" and "Gabriela".

According the Amazon's release date for the publication of her book, the doll will be released on January 1st, 2016. However, it is still up for debate whether this is the correct release date or not, as it would coincide with the release of the Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark.

EBay Photos of Outfit:

(with flash)

Back of dress

I am pretty excited at this potential outfit. The green is stunning and I hope it is the actual color, instead of a prototype color. It looks like next year AG will be really branching out from their stereotypical pinks/purples/light blues they seem to favor into a wider color palate! I'm not sure how I feel about the bows on the side (a bit too much?) but the style of the dress seems very in line with the fashion from the 1960s. ^_^ This could be from the Truly Me modern line or the Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's collection but based on the style I'm guessing it will be for the BeForever 2016 doll.

Most of all, I am just thrilled at the idea of another BeForever historical character, especially one representing a minority group, and I look forward to seeing more leaks.

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All 1960s BeForever Melody Ellison Leaks/Info/Photos:
Link to Photos of 1960s Beforever Melody Doll in Various Hairstyles:

Link to Comparison Photos of Melody, Addy, & Cecile Dolls:

Link to 1960s Beforever Melody Doll Review with Photos:

Link to Photos Possible Red Polka Dot Birthday Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Detail Photos of Red Polka Dot Dress Modeled on Sonali Doll:

Link to Photos of Potential Gold Bow Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Photos of Potential Gold Coat, Hat, & Gloves Set for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Collector Detail Photos of Potential Gold Coat for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of Blue Pajama Top for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Photos of Complete Blue Starry Pajamas Outfit for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of Rainbow Play Outfit for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Stock Photos for Doll & Floral Peplum Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Photos of Doll & Collection for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Journey Book Cover Illustration for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Potential Release/Debut Date for 1960s Beforever Melody Doll & Collection:

Link to Photos of Pet Dog for 1960s Beforever character Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Collector Detail & Comparison Photos of Pet Dog for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of potential store debut gift & name for 1960s BeForever girl modeled on dolls:

Link to 2nd potential leaked outfit, Floral Peplum Dress, for BeForever 2016:

       ->Link to Photos of 1960s BeForever Floral Bow Dress modeled on Truly Me #26 doll:

Link to 1st potential leaked outfit, Green Plaid Dress, for BeForever 2016: 

       ->Link to Photos of 1960s BeForever Green Houndstooth Dress modeled on Kanani doll:

       ->Link to Photos of Melody's Green Meet Dress modeled on Truly Me #62 doll:

Link to information about the 2016 BeForever historical character's book 1

       ->Link to Cover Illustration & Back Cover Summary for 1960s BeForever Book 1:

       ->Link to Book 1 Chapter List, and Book 2 & Journey Book Titles & Summaries:

       ->Link to Specific Details about Melody, her family, and story from Book 1:


  1. Yes! I'm ready for anything that has green in it! Though, I'm sure the dress is historically accurate, I'm not a huge fan of the style. But, of course, I'm sure it will look drastically different when it's on the doll with shoes and everything. ;)


    1. I think it will as well. :) Although the 60s are not my go-to period of favorite styles, I think the dress in itself is cute and fitting for a girl of the time. Can't wait to learn more on what the doll looks like!

  2. Wow, it's so cute! I really hope this ends up being for the new Beforever. :)

    1. I do too! It would be neat of this was the meet dress! ^_^

  3. Looks like something I wore in the 60's.

    1. That's so neat! I always love to hear when people say they used to wear some of the styles AG features when they were younger. :)

    2. Haha - I also wore dresses similar to this, but I was born in 1971. People kept things longer and wore hand-me-downs more, I think! I love the name Melody Ellison: I think we'll this girl :)

    3. Oh wow! That's pretty cute I think. Thanks so much for posting this. Thanks to you, I always know way ahead of time what to save up for!

    4. Jammy Jo - You're right! I think there is a lot of overlap in fashion during that time due to hand me downs and people not throwing things away so quickly. ^_^ I am really hoping her name will be Melody Ellison as well! It flows so beautifully.

      Anonymous - Thank you! I am glad you find the sneak peek posts helpful! :)

    5. Jammy Jo

      I'm sure for most people that's true, but not for me. I am 13 and most of my clothes are hand-me-downs and I keep them until they can't be repaired anymore or they don't fit or I really hate it (the last two they go to someone else).

  4. The seller also had (what I saw) Lea's meet and pajamas, and a couple other official outfits.

    1. Yes! I posted about them a few weeks ago when I first saw them. ^_^

  5. this is accurately..the sixties. It would have been called Mod. A fashion model..Twiggy..VERY famous...made this look popular.

    1. I didn't realize it was called Mod. :) I'm only familiar with Twiggy from watching the old American's Next Top Model series where she was a judge. :D

  6. This is sort of cute but I can't decide whether I like it or not. I need to see it on a doll, but I'll probably like it because I have a dress really similar to this that I love.

    1. I like seeing outfits on an actual doll too, but I'm feeling pretty sure I'm going to like this dress. ^_^ I can't wait to see the rest of her collection.

  7. I like the colors and style, but not the big bows.

    1. Yeah... the big bows are off putting. :D I bet they'll be pretty easy to snip off, though to be honest I'm hesitant to "alter" AG clothing. XD

  8. I'm not a huge fan... I like both the colors separate but not together. The style is meh too. However, I love the name Melody!

    It's interesting to see AG creep forward in time periods like this. We have a lot of characters in the 1900s right now (5) and only 3 others spanning over pre-1900. I have no idea who is retiring, but if it is one of the 1800 dolls then I feel like the whole of US history is not well represented. It's already pretty skimpy on the pre-1900, but I do understand they have to profit.

    One thing about the Amazon pre-order: I agree with you and everyone else on AGPT that this could be a placeholder. I think there is a decent chance that this is the *actual* release date though because AG could have some problems is people pre-order the book and think it will arrive sometime in January, and instead it arrives in June.

    1. I definitely agree with you on the distribution of the historical time periods for the BeForever characters. It's disappointing there's so much focus on the 1900s, especially since so much happened pre-1900s but it seems like the collections from this past century are the most marketable as something children, parents, and grandparents can relate to and play with. :/

    2. I wish there was more on immigrants. I like the story about Ellis Island. I'll tell you why. In 1917, my great-grandmother went to America through Ellis Island. She was 9 years old when she came. Her name was Sofia Flejter. She was Polish

    3. Kirsten's family are immigrants, Rebecca's story heavily involves immigrants, and Samantha's story, especially parts involving Nellie touch on that as well.

  9. Wow! I am a huge fan of this dress! I love the green color. The bows are a bit too big, but I think it'd look AMAZING on the doll. Especially since she'll have dark skin! :) She will probably look really pretty in green! I hope that her name is Melody Ellison instead of Gabriela, because a I've been hoping to buy a doll and name it Melody, and this would be perfect! I think too many dark skinned girls are named Gabriela, or another similar name and it would be nice to have something new!

    1. I prefer the name Melody Ellison as well, though I have never met any black girls named Gabriela (a few Latina girls I know have had that name). You're right, the green would go really well with AG's dark vinyl coloring right now!

  10. This reminds me of something the girls in the movie "Clueless" would wear! But that was made in '95, but just a though! I might add this dress to my collection, not crazy about it, but it is very cute!

    1. Fashion is always repeating itself so it's no surprise the dress reminds of you Clueless. ^_^

  11. Totally looks like a 60's, and from what ive heard the next beforever is african-american wich is awesome! (but what if this means that they are going to retire Addy?)

    1. AG has confirmed that the 1960s BeForever character being released next year is a black girl. :) I love Addy and hope she sticks around, but I am glad a new black historical will be available for girls to choose from.

  12. Replies
    1. The white boots that come with Julie's dance outfit would be perfect!

  13. So simple, yet so cute!
    Sure it will go great with the doll.

    1. Yes, I agree! It will really complement the doll's features and make the doll the focus, not her outfit. ^_^
