
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

2nd Potential Leaked Floral Dress Outfit for 1960s Black BeForever Doll

Last week, cdaizybug shared on AGPT the link to an eBay auction which may show a potential, second, leaked outfit for next year's black BeForever 2016 character, and yesterday BeauCoeur messaged me the link as well. This outfit could also be a spring dress from the Truly Me line as well.

Just to catch people up, the 2016 BeForever Historical character is from the 1960s, and confirmed by American Girl to be a doll of color representing a black girl. Some of the possible rumored names that have been trademarked are "Melody Ellison" and "Gabriela" along with numerous other trademarked names.

EBay Photos:

Front view of dress.

Close up of bow on front.

Back view of dress.

Although this dress could be a spring dress from the modern Truly Me line, I am leaning towards thinking it is for the 1960's BeForever character because of the print on the fabric. Were asymmetrical hems (front shorter than back) popular in the 1960s? 

Overall I am a fan of this dress, whichever collection it is from. I think it's beautiful and well made, especially the pleats in the front, and overall it looks classy instead of flashy, which is always nice. I do like that it is so versatile and can be used as both a historical outfit and a modern one. 

This one goes in the "will buy definitely" category for me. ^_^

Link to original eBay auction:

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All 1960s BeForever Melody Ellison Leaks/Info/Photos:
Link to Photos of 1960s Beforever Melody Doll in Various Hairstyles:

Link to Comparison Photos of Melody, Addy, & Cecile Dolls:

Link to 1960s Beforever Melody Doll Review with Photos:

Link to Photos Possible Red Polka Dot Birthday Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Detail Photos of Red Polka Dot Dress Modeled on Sonali Doll:

Link to Photos of Potential Gold Bow Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Photos of Potential Gold Coat, Hat, & Gloves Set for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Collector Detail Photos of Potential Gold Coat for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of Blue Pajama Top for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Photos of Complete Blue Starry Pajamas Outfit for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of Rainbow Play Outfit for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Stock Photos for Doll & Floral Peplum Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Photos of Doll & Collection for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Journey Book Cover Illustration for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Potential Release/Debut Date for 1960s Beforever Melody Doll & Collection:

Link to Photos of Pet Dog for 1960s Beforever character Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Collector Detail & Comparison Photos of Pet Dog for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of potential store debut gift & name for 1960s BeForever girl modeled on dolls:

Link to 2nd potential leaked outfit, Floral Peplum Dress, for BeForever 2016:

       ->Link to Photos of 1960s BeForever Floral Bow Dress modeled on Truly Me #26 doll:

Link to 1st potential leaked outfit, Green Plaid Dress, for BeForever 2016: 

       ->Link to Photos of 1960s BeForever Green Houndstooth Dress modeled on Kanani doll:

       ->Link to Photos of Melody's Green Meet Dress modeled on Truly Me #62 doll:

Link to information about the 2016 BeForever historical character's book 1

       ->Link to Cover Illustration & Back Cover Summary for 1960s BeForever Book 1:

       ->Link to Book 1 Chapter List, and Book 2 & Journey Book Titles & Summaries:

       ->Link to Specific Details about Melody, her family, and story from Book 1:


  1. I really do like the print. But I can't believe the number of leaks we are getting.

    1. I'm taken by surprise on the leaks we've gotten this year as well! We found out all of Maryellen's wardrobe and the fall & winter Truly Me releases before they were officially released, and now it looks like we're going to find all of GOTY 2016's collection and possibly the 1960s BeForever collection too.

  2. This is beautiful! I love the floral fabric.

    It first, I thought that this might belong to the Truly Me line, but then I thought... "What if this is a dress for the African-American girl debuting in 2016?" Since this dress doesn't really seem to fit the time period of the current Historicals, I am inclined to stick with my theory.

    Tell me what you think!


    1. Yup, I said in my post that this could be for the Truly Me line, but I'm guessing it is for the 1960s historical due to the print on the fabric. It's a stunning outfit, whichever line it's from!

    2. Oh, sorry... I totally didn't see that part about the 1960's girl you mentioned until now! Oops. ;)


  3. I agree the print is very 1960's. the Hi-Lo hem threw me off, but on closer look, I think it's a more fitted skirt & the hi-lo hem is a long peplum/second skirt over it, which I think would make more sense for the 60's?

    1. Oh I didn't think of that but now that you've pointed it out, I see what you mean! That would make more sense for the 60s, but would girls 8-12 be wearing that style during that time?

  4. hmmm I don't think 60's. I found 80's or 50's I'm terrified to think some day they may come out with a 1980's historical eeek

    1. Thanks for the links! The 80s one looks spot on, down to the bow in front! I'm thinking of the day when they do a 2000s historical character! :D

    2. I've been thinking of making a 2000s historical because I grew up then ^.^

    3. It mimics a 60's cocktail dress. Scroll down the bottom to see the pattern:

    4. Golden Freddy, I think you'll have a fun time making a 2000s doll. You could make up her wardrobe from the AG outfits released during that time period too. ^_^

    5. Midoria, thank you for the link to the pattern! You're right, this dress does look like the 60s cocktail dress from the pattern. Would girls 8-12 years old have been wearing this style during the time though? The pattern is giving me more of an older teen girl/adult woman vibe.

    6. I doubt a 9 year old would wear this, but it's AG, and we know how they are. It seems a little odd for me because there are so many age appropriate styles they could have done for a dressy ensemble.

    7. That's true, AG does tend to age up in their designs for girls (or maybe I'm just out of touch with modern girl fashion). If I recall, there was a debate as well when Maryellen's collection leaked on the appropriateness of someone her age attending a sock hop and having a poodle skirt.

  5. I really like this dress! I love the fabric pattern. I hope the high-low style (with the slip) is authentic to the 60's.

    1. I hope so too! I'll end up getting this outfit either way, but I would just love for the 60s black historical character to have a drop dead stunning wardrobe like Maryellen. :)

  6. I think the dress is really cute but not 60's. I was a girl in the 60's and don't remember anyone wearing anything like that. I think people would have laughed. But my memory is not what it once was either so....

    1. Hahaha! That's interesting, because I've heard multiple people say that now, so I've starting to wonder more strongly if this is for the Truly Me line instead. However, I don't think a fitted skirt with a high-low peplum over skirt is in fashion now either.

  7. This dress is really cute, I love the print on the fabric also love the fact it is a asymetrical dress. I like the colors and everything. I hope that this dress isn't a prototype but I think it isn't :-) also I have a feeling that (still I know we have just seen two outfits but both look awsome and good quality) this colecction would be a complete succeed.

    1. That would be wonderful! I also don't think this is a prototype, whichever line it ends up coming from. It's just lovely and so elegant!
