
Monday, December 21, 2015

Specific Details about GOTY 2016 Lea Clark from Mini Book 1

*Quick unrelated note about the 1960s BeForever: Thank you to everyone who has sent me the photo and summary of her book cover and summary. I know many of you have already seen it, but I wanted to wait a few days before posting these so it has time to be widely shared, since I couldn't find the original source of the photos. I will most likely get this up sometime tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding! ^_^*

MissMidoria sent us several notes from the Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's mini doll book that answers a lot of questions people have been asking ever since we first heart about her, to share here on the blog. I have copied her notes below and if I make any comments, they will be in red below.

This post will be added to the master list of "All GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Info/Leaks/Photos" stuck as a tab on the top of this page (if you're viewing on a computer), and a list of links will also be at the bottom of the post.

Mini Book Details for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark: 

- Lea is from St. Louis, MO
We knew this from the Girl of the Year 2016 book 3 description (released March 1st) titled Lea & Camila, and the mini doll book confirms this.

- Loves photography
I am *very* excited about this as I am a photographer myself. ^_^ I wonder if this is also AG's way of appealing to the ever growing social media crowd on Instagram, Tumblr, Youtube, etc. who love to photograph their dolls?

- Owns a turtle named Ginger
So it looks like the turtle is the pet (completely unexpected for me), and the margay cat will be one of the wild animals she learns about while she is in Brazil.

- Her nickname is "Cricket"
Her brother Zac calls her this in the movie audition script, as a reference to how much she likes to chatter I think.

- Her father is a history professor at Washington University and her mother is an architect
I love that her parents are involved with history and research!

- It's January at the beginning of the story and school is in session. Lea has been pulled out of school for the trip.
I do not know why she was pulled out of school for the trip (if it was planned thing or if there was an emergency of sorts). I will update this when I hear back from MissMidoria.
*Update: MissMidoria said it seemed like it was a planned trip, at a convenient time.

- Brother Zac is in college and studying the Brazilian rainforest for the year
The movie audition script hints that Zac may end up staying longer... due to his... boo thing Paula. And work. Of course work. XD

- Zac is pale skinned normally and his eyes are blue
Nothing much to say here. This description matches the actor cast for the role.

- Lea calls her Grandmother "Ama"

- Ama's full name was Amanda Cooper
And that is why Lea calls her "Ama"! ^_^

- Her grandmother passed away before the story begins.
I do not know how far before the story this even happened, and how much this plays into the story. I will update this with MissMidoria's response.
*Update: It seems like this happened a while back.

- Her grandmother gives Lea a compass pendent the same night she passes away.
This must be the compass necklace we saw the stock photo image of the full sized Lea Clark doll wearing! I was personally hoping it was a coin necklace since I already own Kit's compass necklace, but I think this is really nice and will be fun for people, especially since Kit's old accessories are now retired. ^_^

- Her grandmother traveled all over the world and kept journals. Mrs. Clark gave Lea the journals before she heads out to Brazil.
I am hoping these journals will be part of the accessories for Lea! The movie audition script mentioned that her grandmother was a traveler so I'm glad this has been confirmed. 

- Lea inherited her hazel eyes from Ama
Noooooooo...... Not hazel! XD At least it looks like it will be a new shade of hazel..... *sulks in corner*

- Zac and Lea are 1/8 Brazilian (Ama's father was from Brazil). The book specifically says 1/8.
-_- Well... this explains why the actresses cast for Lea and her mom, and the actor for Zac all look very solidly white, and why the full sized Lea doll looks like a white girl who is tanned (not using this phrase derogatorily, but as a description). 

- Her mother and brother are also described as having sandy brown hair

- Lisa Yee gives a shout out to Kauai  by having Lea read a journal entry where Ama is vacationing there.
Lisa Yee is the author of the Girl of the Year 2011 books for Kanani, which takes place on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. :)

- Leah is afraid of large bodies of water due to a near drowning incident in a lake when she was six years old.
The summary from her first book hinted at this, and now it has been confirmed and we know why Lea wants to avoid the water. 

- The Clark family visits the Bahia area of Brazil and they note that it has a heavy African influence.
I'm glad that Lisa Yee is not shying away from accurately describing the demographics of Bahia! Brazil is a country with a huge population of blacks and as disappointing as it is that the character herself does not represent a full girl of color, I'm glad the author is making the effort to inform the readers about the cultural setting in Bahia. 

- The women she speaks with are referred to as  "Afro Brazilian". (By MissMidoria: On a very personal note, I am thrilled by this because the black population of Brazil often gets neglected. Lots of people don't even know that they're there.)
I have great confidence in the author Lisa Yee who wrote the only GOTY books I really read (Kanani's), as well as an excellent book for Ivy. I am so happy she is taking pains to specify the racial climate of Brazil and feature characters of color in important roles, even though AG has decided the main character and her family are predominantly white.

- Lea is having a hard time connecting to Zac because his experiences have changed him.
*shifty eyes* Because... because... He has a boo thing now! XD And of course he is doing important work on rainforest conservation (possibly animal protection) and involved in a dangerous investigation into companies that are abusing the environment. But but but... boo thing! :D

Thank you very much to MissMidoria for sharing her notes with us and allowing us to post them here! ^_^ I will update this post when I hear new information from her from the mini doll book. Please do feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments as I know she does her best to go through them and answer the questions she can.

All info/leaks on GotY 2016 Lea Clark to date:
Link to eBay Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Plush Sloth:

Stock Photos for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Mix and Match Swimsuit & Beach Accessories:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration and Back Cover Summary for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Complete Collection List for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark with Prices:

Link to Full Sized GOTY 2016 Stock Photo:

Link to Book Cover for GOTY 2016's First Book - Lea Dives In:

Link to Photos of 2-in1 Swimsuit for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photoshop Images of Potential Looks for Full Sized GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Doll:

Link to Comparison Photos of Lea Mini Doll with other Mini Dolls:

Link to GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Complete Leaked Wardrobe Group Photos:

Link to Photos of Explorer/Hiking Outfit Modeled on Truly Me #49 doll:

Link to Full Cast List Photos of Actresses and Actors for GOTY 2016 Movie:

Link to Potential 2-in-1 Swimsuit Set for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of Tropical Romper Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline dolls:

Link to Photos of Pink/Yellow Tunic Top Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photos of Purple Tie Dye Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Explorer/Hiking Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of  Fancy Occasion Dress on Kanani doll:

Link to Purple Dress & Messenger Bag for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Shorts, Top, & Sandals Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Fancy Occasion Dress for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Tropical Romper Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Potential Pajamas for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to GotY 2016's Book Summaries:

Link to Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Meet Outfit & Mini Doll Images:

Link to Meet Outfit Details Modeled on Various Dolls:

Link to Casting Call Audition Script for 2016 GotY Lea Clark's Movie:


  1. Wow! That's a lot of info and thanks to both of you for sharing it. I definitely have some questions, but all will be revealed soon.

    1. Hahaha yes! Only 10 more days til all is revealed! ^_^

  2. Hazel eyes? NOOOooooooo!!!

    1. Blue is WAY overused
      - Samantha

    2. I think both are incredibly overused relative to the actual number of people who have those eye colors. :/ I would love to see brown used more frequently, along with a reappearance of green again.

    3. I think I will be eye swapping her w/ my Julie doll, I was getting ready to sell Julie so now she will be custom! She will have Lea eyes and I have a black wig on her now, so hopefully someone will snatch her up! I think it's so great that my name is Lea and I live in Mizzouri which is close to where she lives. I think it's funny my sister Samantha and I are both named after AG's! I am so excited for her collection and am STILL sharing a phone with Samantha. She is quite dramatic and likes to cause drama, oh well. Maybe she or I will get a new phone for our birthday so we don't have to share one!

  3. Cool! I'm part Brazilian too! I moved from France two years ago and I am now living in Mizzouri, my family is taking a big trip to Brazil this year to see the Olympic Games and vist my grandpa that is now living there!

  4. My twin sister Samantha and I will be spending our 14 birthday there too!!

  5. May I share this list on my blog? I will give you credit. Thank you so much for sharing everything you find about Lea Clark! :)
    - American Girl Doll Artist

    1. Thank you for taking the time to ask! However I must ask you to refrain from sharing this list, as it was sent to me by MissMidoria specifically for sharing here. If she chooses to chime in (I know she reads the comments), and states it's okay to share the list on your blog, please feel free to do so then! :) I apologize, and thank you again for your asking and understanding.

    2. Alright. I understand. :) Thank you!
      - American Girl Doll Artist

    3. Good Morning! Yes, it's okay to use the list if you're willing to credit both Lilly and me. :-)

    4. Thank you for your patience and courtesy American Girl Doll Artist, and thank you Miss Midoria for taking the time to respond to her request! ^_^

    5. Thank you both! I will post about it soon. :)
      - American Girl Doll Artist

  6. Looks like my wishes came true! In an earlier comment I hoped that Lea's story would not be heavily stereotyped, like Grace's, and it doesn't seem like that would be so, which is good. Whether her collection is stereotyped or not is what we have to see. Lisa Yee will probably do a good job, because Kanani's book were well written.
    People on Instagram seem to have found Melody's first book! I am honestly so excited for her.
    Thank you for this list Lilly and MissMidoria!

    1. Haha I totally skipped over the unrelated note. Sorry about that 😀, I didn't know if you had already seen it.
      I found it at DeenaandBeena's Instagram, you could talk to her maybe?

    2. I agree that Lisa Yee did a good job with Kanani. :) I normally can't get through a GOTY book because the story doesn't feel very alive to me, but Kanani's is the only one I read all the way through. I also loved Ivy's book.

      I'm afraid I don't have Instagram, so I can't contact people through there, but from what I recall, DeenaandBeena watermarks their images right? The original image didn't have a watermark on it which makes it difficult to find. ^_^

    3. Yes, true. I myself don't have an Instagram, somebody shared it on their blog and credited her.

  7. Oh for the love of-!
    "1/8 Brazilian"? What a cop-out!

    1. A turtle's pretty cool though. Totally getting it. And still probably Lea to rewig.

    2. Why on earth would you rewig Lea?! Her hair is gorgeous!

    3. I love how thick and curly her wig is, but I have the perfect character who has black hair, plus I have way too many blondes :/

    4. I think she would be really lovely with black hair!

      On the subject of 1/8th Brazilian, I wouldn't mind it so much if her family practices Brazilian traditions and she identifies strongly with her Brazilian heritage, but from what admittedly little we know, that does not seem to be the case here, which makes the 1/8th really ridiculous to me, and not even worth mentioning. :/

  8. What's a boo thing?

    1. Yes, it's slang for girlfriend or boyfriend, though I think the new term is now "bae". XD


    I assume this video used some of those photos without permission. Just letting you know.

    1. Oh wow! Thanks so much for sharing this with me! They really used a ton of photos sent to me by readers. That's incredibly infuriating and I will report this. Thank you for looking out for me!

  10. No! I'm gonna die if I have to wait till New Years to buy her! Even though my oldest sister works there she will not let me buy her early! I love you lea!!!

  11. i'm buying her with her accessories to get that exclusive item! I want that camera too!


  12. OMG!! All of these images are yours!

    1. Thank you for letting me know! Good grief, it's the same person as before!

  13. Hmmmmmm, seems similar to Jess' stories if you ask me.

    1. I haven't read Jess' book so it's hard for me to say, though they are traveling to relatively similar geographic areas.

  14. This person seems to be working overtime to use your images:

    1. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for letting me know! 3 videos! I have sent the poster an email asking them to please remove the videos. I really appreciate you, and the other readers who took the time to comment and let me know about this! Thank you for looking out of me!

  15. accesories exclusive item! Lea! All will end up in my doll family! with all of her outfits, animals, accessories,for sure the kayak, foodstand, etc

  16. Someone already got Lea

  17. I just saw the video. I am wondering now if she looks to similar to Rebecca. I know her hair is much longer, but the color and eyes look the same. I plan on going to the store on January 1st. I will decide when I see her in person.

    1. Her eyes are nowhere near the same, my older sis works in an ag store an Lea is very pretty in person, I have actually compared her to a Rebecca, I wasn't allowed to take pictures though. Her hair is also very different, they have a different face mold to I think
      -Samantha & lea

    2. I think it all depends on how picky you are in terms of looking for differences. She has the same face mold though her coloring is darker, and same relative eye color though her's is lighter. Her eyebrows are slightly different, and her hair and Rebecca's both have a curl/wave to it, but Lea's is more blond and longer as you stated.

  18. So what color are her eyes if not ordinary hazel? More of a greyish hazel? Somewhat Amber? Like Caroline's? Any of those would work for me btw, just not the same old hazel!!!

    1. Her eyes are light green, a hint of very light Amber, and olive green

    2. It looks like a light amber to me, though it's hard to tell until I see her in person. :)

    3. Awesome! I really hope so! Everyone keeps saying hazel, so I was prepared to be disappointed. I thought they did look a little amberish in the one picture.

    4. I do think her eyes are hazel, but I don't think they will be the standard hazel. They look lighter and more yellow. :)

  19. Could you photoshop her into her different outfits and do s post in it please?

    1. I'm afraid photoshop is not my strong suit but if I get her once she is released, I will try to take some photos of her in different outfits.

  20. Julie top? Truly me?

    1. When I saw this earlier, I wondered the exact same thing! :D It looks more like Truly Me, but I didn't see the little silver AG logo that has recently been used on Truly Me clothes, so I'm guessing this is for the BeForever line, though I can't tell which character this would be for. It could be Julie, Melody, or even part of another round of limited edition outfits for next year. :)

    2. maybe it is what comes in her starter collection as an exclusive item!

    3. I think it comes with her starter collection as the exclusive item, it looks like it is tropical

    4. actualheathermcnamaraDecember 25, 2015 at 5:57 PM

      It does look 1960's-ish. Whenever it's from, I'm getting it! (rip the money, yet again)
