
Friday, July 1, 2016

Comparison Photos of Melody, Addy, & Cecile Dolls

A few days ago, we posted our review of the newest 1960s Beforever character Melody Ellison doll. (You can click here to view it.) Today we are sharing some comparison photos between the new 1960s Beforever Melody doll with Addy and Cecile, both also from the Beforever line.

(This includes InstagramFacebookYoutube, etc. You are free to link back to this post.)

Comparison of Melody, Addy, and Cecile:
From left to right: Addy, Melody, Cecile

From left to right: Addy, Melody, Cecile

From left to right: Addy, Melody, Cecile

From left to right: Addy, Melody, Cecile

Left: Melody
Right: Cecile (archived doll)
First taking a look at these two dolls, both Melody and Cecile have the Sonali face mold.

Left: Melody
Right: Cecile (archived doll)
Melody's eyes are pinwheel brown while Cecile has hazel eyes. Melody also has bangs while Cecile does not.

Left: Melody
Right: Cecile (archived doll)
Technically speaking, they both have the dark vinyl coloring, though between these two specific dolls I am photographing, Melody's coloring seems a tag lighter and more "golden" in undertones. I want to say this is due to batch variations or subtle tweaks to the "dark" vinyl coloring over time, but it's hard to tell without an army of Melody and Cecile dolls to compare. :D

Left: Melody
Right: Cecile (archived doll)
Melody's hair is short and flat ironed straight while Cecile's hair is in curls. Both have textured hair, but due to the curls, Cecile's hair looks and feels very different from Melody's. In terms of styling, I personally feel that Melody has more options with her hair.

Left: Melody
Right: Addy (Beforever version)
Next, looking at Melody and Addy, these two dolls have different face molds complete, Melody with the Sonali mold and Addy with her own Addy face mold. The Addy doll also comes with "perma-attached" gold hoop earrings. 

Left: Melody
Right: Addy (Beforever version)
The both have pinwheel brown eyes. 

Left: Melody
Right: Addy (Beforever version)
They both have what AG classifies as "dark" vinyl coloring. However, Addy's dark vinyl coloring is unique among the AG dolls in that it is slightly darker with a pinkish undertone relative to the standard "dark" vinyl which has golden undertones. 

Left: Melody
Right: Addy (Beforever version)
Both dolls have textured hair, though Addy's hair is significantly longer (past her bottom) when it is down. Texture wise, Addy's hair feels more textured compared to Melody's hair, but it is not a huge difference, just enough to be noticeable when feeling the two wigs.  

Left: Melody
Right: Truly Me #49
And finally as an extra, here is Melody next to the Truly Me #49 doll to show the difference between the dark vinyl Melody and the medium vinyl TM #49. 

Here is Cecile modeling Melody's meet outfit.

And sweet Addy modeling the outfit. ^_^ I think both of them look lovely in the clothes, and the colors really work with dolls with dark vinyl coloring, but I have to admit, I am partial to Melody in the outfit best still, due to her hair style being so suited for the time period.

I still have several photos of Melody in various outfits with different hairstyles just out and about I need to watermark and post in the next day or two, because I've had quite a few questions on the versatility of her wig. In addition, if time permits, I will also start working on her Dress Up Gallery. If you would like to be notified as soon as I update, you can "follow" the blog by clicking the blue "Join this site" button on the right sidebar, and you can "Like" L&L on Facebook where I usually post the updates pretty quickly. Thank you all for taking the time to look at the review! ^_^

All 1960s BeForever Melody Ellison Leaks/Info/Photos:
Link to Photos of 1960s Beforever Melody Doll in Various Hairstyles:

Link to Comparison Photos of Melody, Addy, & Cecile Dolls:

Link to 1960s Beforever Melody Doll Review with Photos:

Link to Photos Possible Red Polka Dot Birthday Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Detail Photos of Red Polka Dot Dress Modeled on Sonali Doll:

Link to Photos of Potential Gold Bow Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Photos of Potential Gold Coat, Hat, & Gloves Set for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Collector Detail Photos of Potential Gold Coat for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of Blue Pajama Top for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Photos of Complete Blue Starry Pajamas Outfit for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of Rainbow Play Outfit for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Stock Photos for Doll & Floral Peplum Dress for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Photos of Doll & Collection for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Journey Book Cover Illustration for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration for 1960s Beforever Melody Ellison:

Link to Potential Release/Debut Date for 1960s Beforever Melody Doll & Collection:

Link to Photos of Pet Dog for 1960s Beforever character Melody Ellison:

        ->Link to Collector Detail & Comparison Photos of Pet Dog for 1960s Beforever Melody:

Link to Photos of potential store debut gift & name for 1960s BeForever girl modeled on dolls:

Link to 2nd potential leaked outfit, Floral Peplum Dress, for BeForever 2016:

       ->Link to Photos of 1960s BeForever Floral Bow Dress modeled on Truly Me #26 doll:

Link to 1st potential leaked outfit, Green Plaid Dress, for BeForever 2016: 

       ->Link to Photos of 1960s BeForever Green Houndstooth Dress modeled on Kanani doll:

       ->Link to Photos of Melody's Green Meet Dress modeled on Truly Me #62 doll:

Link to information about the 2016 BeForever historical character's book 1

       ->Link to Cover Illustration & Back Cover Summary for 1960s BeForever Book 1:

       ->Link to Book 1 Chapter List, and Book 2 & Journey Book Titles & Summaries:

       ->Link to Specific Details about Melody, her family, and story from Book 1:


  1. Wow, I love Cécile in Melody's meet. It brings out her eyes beautifully.

    1. So do I!!! Cecile and Melody are so alike.

    2. Now I need Cecile...and Melody...and Addy.... :-)

  2. Awww, Addy is so cute in Melody's dress! I love that doll. <3 :D

    -Clara <3

    1. I think the bright colors of her meet look really great with Addy's darker vinyl coloring!

  3. I almost like Cecile better than Melody in Melody's meet outfit, probably because of the green dress with hazel eyes.

    1. I was going to say the exact same thing for the exact same reason.

    2. I didn't really consider that but you have a point, the green really matches the hazel in Cecile's eyes! :)

  4. Is there any chance of you making a dress up gallery for either Melody or Cecile any time soon, like you did for Maryellen and Lea? There's some outfits I'm eyeing for either Cecile or #46 (depending on which I can get my hands on first), but I'd like to see them on the doll itself (or at least one with similar coloring) beforehand.

    1. I will be working on Melody's Dress Up Gallery in the next month or 2, and while I eventually plan to make for Cecile as well, her's might take a while yet due to my time constraints.

  5. Melody is such a cutie! I originally wasn't planning on getting her, but your photos may make me change my mind!


    1. Hahaha I hope so! I'm so thrilled with how cute she looks! ^_^

  6. Would say it's safe to get both melody and addy? I don't want dolls that look too similar in my collection.

    1. I don't think they look anything alike at all. :)

  7. I'd love to see Melody in Maryellen's clothes, if you have any of those.

    Thanks for the comparison photos!

    1. I will work on Melody's Dress Up Gallery in the next month or 2 and get it up as soon as I can! ^_^

  8. It's a shame the cloth body colour doesn't match the vinyl on the dark skin toned dolls.

    1. You're right, it looks really strange, almost like the original white bodied dolls. :/

  9. Thank you for this post! I can't wait to get Melody!

    1. I'm so happy to hear you're excited for her! :D

  10. I don't have a doll with dark skin yet(because Cecile retired) so I hope Melody will be the first.

    1. She is a great doll! I hope you will love her!

  11. This really shows what an exquisitely beautiful doll Addy is. Melody is very cute, and her hair looks like it'll be fun to style. I'm hoping the released Melody doll has the darker cloth body though. Right now the cloth body matches the medium tones body. I find it distracting that Melody's body is so much lighter than her vinyl.

    1. I agree! Addy is incredibly unique and beautiful! It seems like the cloth body on the dark vinyl dolls don't really match up well and it would be nice to see AG fix this. :/
