Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sawako Lilly's March Kimono

I know the month is almost over, but Sawako Lilly still wanted to show off her kimono for March. ^_^ With the dreary clouds of winter finally rolling away and the warm whispers of spring finally dancing through the air, her long sleeved furisode kimono for this month is decorated with small buds blooming in the warm spring air.

It's not flashy, but more of a peaceful calm, hinting at the beautiful blossoms that are soon about to appear.

Even though there isn't any lavish embroidery, a subtle gold foil imprint of leaves subtly blend into the woven chirimen crepe silk fabric. suiting the soft, gentle design.

The obi belt is black with woven gold, silver, and red metallic threads in floral motifs. The obiage scarf is a lovely red-orange shibori pattern, matching the red-orange threads in the obi. A lavender obijime tie holds the obi belt up, standing out on the dark background, yet complimenting the soft pastels of the furisode.

The back of the furoside only gives the barest hints of the front, with the small gold foil branches and leaves stretching towards the warmth.

A close up of the musubi knot and the designs woven into it.
Happy spring to those in the Northern Hemisphere! I love the promise and enthusiasm of all the green, growing things in this season as they put on their brilliant display. ^_^

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