- This giveaway has ended. Winner announced here. -
Ever since I discovered the magic of Etsy, I wanted to start featuring some wonderful shops on my blog that create and design for American Girl dolls. There are so many talented sellers out there and it can be overwhelming initially to see how many options there are on Etsy so hopefully this section will give people some suggestions of where to start. ^_^
I am so honored that our
first, inaugural Etsy shop feature is Cupcake Cutie Pie, created by the
talented Erin Green! She has not only agreed to answer some questions for
L&L, but to also sponsor a giveaway for one of her outfits, as well as gift
us an outfit to review.
The interview is presented first, then the review, with the giveaway is at the end of the post.
The interview is presented first, then the review, with the giveaway is at the end of the post.
CCP = Cupcake Cutie Pie
~Interview with Erin Green of Cupcake Cutie Pie~

Lilly: Hello everyone! We’re
here to present to you a very lovely, wonderful, talented seamstress and
designer today! She’s been sewing since 6 years old –
Lissie: More importantly,
she’s been sewing for American girl sized dolls like us for six years!
Lilly: She has even designed 2
patterns produced by Simplicity, with 2 more on the way this year.
Lissie: Without further ado
and jellybeans…
Lissie & Lilly: Presenting
the fantastic Erin Green!
Lilly: Thank you so much for
joining us today Ms. Green. I’ll get started with the first questions. How did
you get involved with sewing & designing?
CCP: My mom taught me to sew when I was about six. I was more interested in embroidery, cross stitch and plastic canvas at that time. I really started using a sewing machine again when I had my oldest daughter about 17 years ago. I was really disappointed in the quality of store bought doll clothes at the time and longed for clothing like my mother made for my dolls. Since we lived in Germany and my mom was back in Washington State it was quicker for me to sew them myself. In 2008 my mom and I decided to start an Etsy shop creating for American Girl and Bitty Baby. Designing came at first from the need to make something not currently achievable from patterns that were available and second in 2013 when I was contacted by Simplicity to develop a pattern for 18" dolls.
Lilly: My you’ve been sewing for a long time! It’s wonderful that you and your mother worked together to create –
CCP: My mom taught me to sew when I was about six. I was more interested in embroidery, cross stitch and plastic canvas at that time. I really started using a sewing machine again when I had my oldest daughter about 17 years ago. I was really disappointed in the quality of store bought doll clothes at the time and longed for clothing like my mother made for my dolls. Since we lived in Germany and my mom was back in Washington State it was quicker for me to sew them myself. In 2008 my mom and I decided to start an Etsy shop creating for American Girl and Bitty Baby. Designing came at first from the need to make something not currently achievable from patterns that were available and second in 2013 when I was contacted by Simplicity to develop a pattern for 18" dolls.
Lilly: My you’ve been sewing for a long time! It’s wonderful that you and your mother worked together to create –
Lissie: Oh Lilly, don’t ask
such ordinary questions! We all know what people really want to know, out of
all the doll options, why did you chose to create for American Girl dolls? We
are fantastic, amazing, and superb in every sense of the vinyl, but for the
audience’s sake, can you reaffirm our ego?
CCP: Originally I sewed for baby dolls. My daughter had a couple of Gotz and a Kathe Kruse. She then got a Bitty Baby so I sewed a few things for that doll. It wasn't really until my second daughter was born about 6 years ago that I started sewing for AG. My oldest daughter and step-daughter both had American Girls and that Christmas was a big AG year at our house. At that same time Liberty Jane was up and coming and those patterns really inspired me to make modern appropriate clothing. I realized that I really enjoyed sewing for AG, more so than baby dolls and found it gave me more creative license. I was working remotely in web development, so that allowed time after hours to focus my creative energy on doll clothing.
Lissie: You hear that Lilly? She said we give her more creative license! That’s us alright!
CCP: Originally I sewed for baby dolls. My daughter had a couple of Gotz and a Kathe Kruse. She then got a Bitty Baby so I sewed a few things for that doll. It wasn't really until my second daughter was born about 6 years ago that I started sewing for AG. My oldest daughter and step-daughter both had American Girls and that Christmas was a big AG year at our house. At that same time Liberty Jane was up and coming and those patterns really inspired me to make modern appropriate clothing. I realized that I really enjoyed sewing for AG, more so than baby dolls and found it gave me more creative license. I was working remotely in web development, so that allowed time after hours to focus my creative energy on doll clothing.
Enchanting Roses is one of the many dresses she has created in her shop, perfect for Valentines Day or the arrival of spring! ^_^
Lissie: You hear that Lilly? She said we give her more creative license! That’s us alright!
Lilly: I don’t really think
she means you or me specifically Lissie. That would be a bit inflated of you to
Lissie: Ahhh…. I’ve already
gone up with inflation. A little more won’t hurt.
Lilly: Well while Lissie tries
to let out some of her hot air, could you please share with us the story behind
the name Cupcake Cutie Pie?
CCP: I have had a few other Etsy shops and an Ebay shop as well. When my mom and I decided to feature doll clothing in a shop by itself, we needed a new name. I personally like the aesthetic of a name comprised of three words. Cupcakes were becoming quite the iconic image at the time and I called my niece Cutie Pie so it just happily fell together.
CCP: I have had a few other Etsy shops and an Ebay shop as well. When my mom and I decided to feature doll clothing in a shop by itself, we needed a new name. I personally like the aesthetic of a name comprised of three words. Cupcakes were becoming quite the iconic image at the time and I called my niece Cutie Pie so it just happily fell together.
Lilly: No one can really say
no to cupcakes, especially if they’re cuter than pie, and 3 is a magic number,
so I’d say you picked a winning name.
Lissie: Now what I’d like to
know is, out of all the different time periods and styles your designs reflect,
do you have a favorite time period/style to design and make outfits for?
Paleolithic? Neolithic? Gothic?
CCP: My most favorite would be
vintage/retro 1930-1950. I myself swing dance and listen to big band,
boogie woogie, jazz and swing music all day long so this tends to be the style
I gravitate to most. I also feel it was very flattering yet modest and
still highly detailed so I think it suits most AG dolls well.
Lissie: I agree! Allow me to demonstrate –
Lilly: Lissie, we don’t have
time for that right now! We need to finish the interview so we don’t take up
too much of Ms. Green’s time!
Lissie: Oh fiddlesticks and
cheese sticks!
Lilly: Ms. Green, you’ve
already released 2 patterns with Simplicity, with 2 more to come this year. Can
you tell us what are some things people don’t realize about creating a pattern
to sell?
CCP: My patterns are contracted through Simplicity so I need to create 6-7 looks for each pattern. It can be challenging to develop a pattern that has alternate looks that are still relevant to the overall look and feel.
CCP: My patterns are contracted through Simplicity so I need to create 6-7 looks for each pattern. It can be challenging to develop a pattern that has alternate looks that are still relevant to the overall look and feel.

Keep your eyes out at your local crafts and fabric store for these 2 Simplicity patterns designed by Cupcake Cutie Pie!
Lilly: If Ms. Green had your
work ethic Cupcake Cutie Pie wouldn’t be in existence today Lissie.
Lissie: Ah… the sacrifices I
make for dollmanity… Enough tough questions, what is your favorite part of what
you do? Least favorite?
CCP: My most favorite part of creating doll clothing is the unrestrained creative outlet. Before I started sewing full time I was a web developer. While that is a creative field I was constrained by what the business needed not necessarily where my creativity took me. I also love that I get to live in my small town and run my business out of my shop instead of having to live in a big city and commute into work. My least favorite aspect is not having enough time in a day. I have so many ideas and projects that I have in organized piles. I try to work in an efficient manner but that still doesn't allow for me to make as much as I'd like to in a single day.
Lissie: I have a lot of ideas for projects too! My problem is not having enough time in the day though.
CCP: My most favorite part of creating doll clothing is the unrestrained creative outlet. Before I started sewing full time I was a web developer. While that is a creative field I was constrained by what the business needed not necessarily where my creativity took me. I also love that I get to live in my small town and run my business out of my shop instead of having to live in a big city and commute into work. My least favorite aspect is not having enough time in a day. I have so many ideas and projects that I have in organized piles. I try to work in an efficient manner but that still doesn't allow for me to make as much as I'd like to in a single day.
Lissie: I have a lot of ideas for projects too! My problem is not having enough time in the day though.
Lilly: Your problem is not
having enough laxity in the law to get away with most of your mischief.
Lissie: You know me so well! I
feel both horrified and honored!
Lilly: While you sort your
feelings out, I want to ask Ms. Green how much time on average goes into an
outfit or design? Could you briefly explain the process to us?
CCP: Any particular design usually takes from a couple of hours to a couple of days from idea to completion. It depends on the complexity of the design, fabrics used and lack of interruptions. Patterns I work on regularly take about an hour from start to finish. For new ideas it either starts with fabric selection or pattern choice, depending on what is most important to the design. When I get to the pattern stage I find a suitable pattern and work on modifications to alter the pattern or in some cases I start from scratch. Constant fittings during the construction ensures the right fit in the end as well as a mockup sample. Finally photography and descriptions for listings take up a decent chunk of time after everything else is said and done.
Lilly: Goodness, I didn’t realize so much work goes into preparing an outfit or
design for sale! I can see what you mean now when you say your biggest problem
is not having enough time in the day.
CCP: Any particular design usually takes from a couple of hours to a couple of days from idea to completion. It depends on the complexity of the design, fabrics used and lack of interruptions. Patterns I work on regularly take about an hour from start to finish. For new ideas it either starts with fabric selection or pattern choice, depending on what is most important to the design. When I get to the pattern stage I find a suitable pattern and work on modifications to alter the pattern or in some cases I start from scratch. Constant fittings during the construction ensures the right fit in the end as well as a mockup sample. Finally photography and descriptions for listings take up a decent chunk of time after everything else is said and done.
There are many lovely Valentine themed outfits in her Etsy shop with various designs and styles to suit a doll's personality, such as the outfit on the left called Hearts in Love. Or perhaps your historical doll is coveting the ensemble on the right, a Victorian bustle skirt called York Bridge.
Lissie: Other than my most
beautimous, dashing self, can you tell us what or who inspires your creativity
when sewing and designing patterns? But if you insist on giving me credit,
please don’t hold back on my ego’s account.
CCP: I take inspiration from current fashion, vintage patterns, customer requests and character replicas. Depending on the type of outfit or the end user will determine if it’s a fabric, color, material or replica look that I'm trying to achieve.
Lilly: With so many ideas running through your mind, do you ever get a creative block?
CCP: I take inspiration from current fashion, vintage patterns, customer requests and character replicas. Depending on the type of outfit or the end user will determine if it’s a fabric, color, material or replica look that I'm trying to achieve.
Lilly: With so many ideas running through your mind, do you ever get a creative block?
Lissie: Of course! Doesn’t
every one with a brain fall into the throes of lethargy and apathy once in a
while? I think you should ask instead, how do you overcome a creative block?
CCP: I do get creative blocks on occasion, but I generally overcome this by making several things that I've made before and having the pieces ready to sew on. Since I only make one of a kind outfits the end result is fresh every time. This also allows for my creativity to rest and when I feel inspired for something new I have the time to add it to my workload.
Lilly: Hear that Lissie? Next time you fall into one of your throes, instead of lounging like a concussed sloth, try working instead.
CCP: I do get creative blocks on occasion, but I generally overcome this by making several things that I've made before and having the pieces ready to sew on. Since I only make one of a kind outfits the end result is fresh every time. This also allows for my creativity to rest and when I feel inspired for something new I have the time to add it to my workload.
Cupcake Cutie Pie also occasionally create beautiful custom dolls complete with their own wardrobe collection. Take a look at this doll, Conney, as the White Rabbit and her outfits collection.
Lilly: Hear that Lissie? Next time you fall into one of your throes, instead of lounging like a concussed sloth, try working instead.
Lissie: Work is a potato
that’s half baked! Now, I would never imply you should divulge state secrets of
the most sensitive nature, but if you so desire to er… um… let slip…
Lilly: Lissie!
Lissie: Oh snuba socks! Can we
hear a little sneak preview of your two upcoming patterns to be released this
CCP: The next Simplicity pattern should be released in their early fall release 2015. This pattern will have a jumper, leggings, tunic length blouse and beret as well as an infinity scarf. The pattern that will be released for winter 2015 will consist of party dresses but that is still on the drawing board so to speak.
Lilly: That’s so exciting to hear! I know our Big Person will be picking the patterns up when they appear in stores, and I hope all our readers will as well.
CCP: The next Simplicity pattern should be released in their early fall release 2015. This pattern will have a jumper, leggings, tunic length blouse and beret as well as an infinity scarf. The pattern that will be released for winter 2015 will consist of party dresses but that is still on the drawing board so to speak.
Lilly: That’s so exciting to hear! I know our Big Person will be picking the patterns up when they appear in stores, and I hope all our readers will as well.
Lissie: After all, a doll can
never have too many clothes, no matter what their Big Person’s wallet says.
Lilly: Before we let you go, is
there anything you would like to share with the readers? Any advice?
CCP: Measure twice, cut once :)
Lissie: MWAHAHAHA! It’s finally time for our… 1 Word Bonus!
CCP: Measure twice, cut once :)
Lissie: MWAHAHAHA! It’s finally time for our… 1 Word Bonus!
Lilly: Lissie, this isn’t in
the script! When did you add this in?
Lissie: Just now by the hair
on my chinny chin chin! Ms. Green… I want you to think hard, impossibly hard,
harder than Jupiter tap dancing with Saturn through a pair of lip locked
Lissie: Tangerines or Tacos?
CCP: Tangerines
Lilly: Thank you so much Ms. Green for letting us interview you, and sharing
insights into your work. It’s been wonderful having you here to kickstart our
Etsy features on the blog! Let’s have another round of applause for her! You can visit her Etsy shop and keep up to date with her new releases at the links below:
Etsy Store - https://www.etsy.com/shop/cupcakecutiepie
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cupcakecutiepie
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/cupcakecutiepie/
Etsy Store - https://www.etsy.com/shop/cupcakecutiepie
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cupcakecutiepie
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/cupcakecutiepie/
Lissie: And now, so you can see for yourselves that we’re
not just blowing smoke and biscuits at you, we have in the studio a Cupcake
Cutie Pie original outfit to review, and another to giveaway to one lucky
Lilly: Please put your hands together as we go over now to
our fashion experts, Samantha and Cecile!
Cecile: Merci Lissie and Sawako Lilly! Bonjour mes amies!
Samantha et moi received this lovely outfit from Cupcake Cutie Pie to review.
Sam: The dress is based off of her most recent Simplicity
pattern, 1220. We were so excited when she sent us the photo of it!
Cecile: Oui Samantha, and we were even more excited to see
it in person! It even came with a matching headband and sandals.
Sam: Cecile won the thumb wrestling war,
and will be modeling it for us today. Presenting Cecile, wearing Green Meadow!
Cecile: Merci, merci! J’adore the colors and design. It is
so perfectly suited for the start of spring!
Sam: Would you be so kind as to tell us about the feel and
weight of the dress?
Cecile: Ah, I am not very familiar with the ways to describe
a fabric but I will do my best. It feels like a good quality fabric, very thick and heavy.
Sam: The buttons on the front are sewn on beautifully.
Cecile: Oui, and they match the pink lace edging and the buttons
on the back.
Sam: May we see the back please?
Cecile: Certainly! You can see there is a sash that attaches
to the sides of the dress and ties in the back.
Sam: The bow is… crooked Cecile.
Cecile: That is because our Big Person, well, she is not so handy
with bows.
Sam: I can see there are only two buttons closing the back.
Do you feel yourself in danger of being exposed with so few closures?
Cecile: Non, not at all. The buttons are perfect because mes
cheveux, my hair will not get caught in the scratchy velcro and pull out my ringlets. The 2 buttons are enough for modesty and easy to use.
Sam: Why are you not wearing the headband Cecile?
Cecile: That is because our Big Person, well, she is not so handy
with headbands.
Sam: … … … It seems there are many things our Big Person is
not so handy with.
Cecile: It is sad, but true. Fortunately she can still put
on sandals. Look how cute they are!
Sam: Thank you for modeling the beautiful dress Cecile. Now
would you take it off so we can see the inside?
Cecile: Take… take it off? Must I?
Sam: Cecile! Be professional now. How else can we see the
Cecile: But I have only just put it on…
Sam: Madam, please! We cannot hold up the review.
Cecile: Ah, c’est la vie. Very well, if the audience insists.
Sam: Now moving forward, you can see the bodice is
fully lined.
Cecile: Ah, so that is called the bodice! You can also see
where the two buttons on the front attach.
Sam: All if the edges are finished to prevent fraying.
Cecile: Because nothing is so frustrating as having a dress
dissolve into threads on you.
Sam: Well put Cecile! No one fancies loose threads in the
Cecile: And you know this is a Cupcake Cutie Pie, one of a
kind original because of the tag. Is there anything else you wanted to show
them Samantha? I would like to put the dress on again.
Sam: Very well, we are done here. I want to thank Ms. Green
again for making such a lovely dress.
Cecile: *muffled voice* Oui! Meric Ms. Green!
Sam: Cecile! Where did you go?
Cecile: *muffled voice* I am changing!
Sam: But we are not finished!
Cecile: *muffled voice* Do not worry, I will be ready when it
is time for the encore!
Sam: But this is not a performance! Well,
since Cecile is occupied, I shall have to finish. If you like the design of
this beautiful outfit, stay tuned as we go to Marie-Grace and Lydia Charlotte
who will be presenting one fortunate reader with their very own Cupcake Cutie
Pie original dress!
MG: *whispers* Lydia Charlotte, it is our turn now.
Lydia: *whispers* I feel nervous in front of such a crowd.
Where should we begin Marie-Grace?
MG: Let me see, it looks like we are responsible for the
Lydia: That’s the most exciting part! Wonderful! Here we go!
*ahem* Now that you’ve seen the lovely Cecile model a Cupcake Cutie Pie
original, are you prepared for a chance to win one for yourself?
MG: Ms. Green has very graciously donated a complete outfit
for this giveaway!
Lydia: This gorgeous outfit is also made from her
Simplicity pattern 1220, and it is perfect for your doll’s Valentine Day
MG: C’est vrai, exactly Lydia Charlotte. This outfit comes
with this beautiful dress, handmade by Ms. Green, as well as a matching
headband, and pink sandals for a complete, festive look.
Lydia: Presenting… Valentine Heart!
Lydia: Be sure to read all the rules carefully. What else do
we need to inform them of Marie-Grace?
MG: Are international readers allowed to participate?
Lydia: Certainly! No one is excluded, however if you are
under the age of 13, please ask your parents or guardians to enter for you.
MG: It is free to enter, no purchase is necessary.
Lydia: Is it? Lissie said something about extortion and
bribery in sweets.
MG: Non, Lissie is channeling her inner mafia boss. Is there
anything else?
Lydia: Ah, I nearly forgot! It is very important to make
sure you have your name with your entry. If you comment and you do not have a Google+
account, you may select the “Name/URL” option, which will let you put in your
The giveaway will run from Jan. 26 - Feb. 5 (midnight Central USA time).
To enter:
Visit Cupcake Cutie Pie's Etsy Store by clicking here. Share with us your favorite outfit in her shop and why (color, theme, pattern, design, time period, etc.).
For bonus entries:
Favorite Cupcake Cutie Pie's Etsy store. (include username in comment for verification)
"Like" Cupcake Cutie Pie on Facebook (click here to go to the page) (include username in comment for verification)
Follow/Google+ this blog. (If you are already a follower/google+, just comment with you account. ^_^)
Share about this giveaway on social media (Facebook, Your Blog, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Google+, Pintrest, other forums, etc.) - Be sure to include the link(s) to your post(s) in your comment so we can verify where you shared.
*max 7 additional entries*
The winners will be announced in 2 weeks on Friday, February 6th on this post, so check back then! ^_^
- This giveaway has ended. Winners are announced here. -
Okay, my fave outfit in the Etsy shop is the Blossoms on the Breeze ensemble. It's very smart-looking, and the tiny print and blue jacket just make me think of spring :) I also appreciate that work that goes into making a tailored outfit like that!
ReplyDeleteLiked on Etsy - username shmoo
Like on FB - username Laura Morrison
neatfreak AT gmail.com
Thank you for sharing your favorite laura! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI would like to enter, our favourite outfits are...the more retro--50s style dresses! they are so pretty!
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting!
Thank you for entering Lainey! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI've been eyeing her dresses for a while now! Don't make me pick a favorite! I love the Suzie Sunshine dress, Foxy Love, and the Apple Pie dress and jacket. I don't have any moddies yet, but later this year.....
ReplyDeleteFollowing Lissie and Lilly on bloglovin (wishingstardust) and liked CCP on etsy (goldieluvr) and FB (Mimi Carolus-Hager).
Hahaha, with all the options she has in her store it's hard to pick a favorite! Thank you for entering and following. :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI really like the La Pêche - Sleeveless blouse and mini skirt. I just love the pattern of the blouse and how the skirt compliments the color of the blouse!
ReplyDeleteThank you for participating and sharing! :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI follow you via Google+.
ReplyDeleteI shared this on Google+
After poring through the entire list, I have to remain true to my dear Samantha and say that my favorite is probably the Lincoln Park outfit from the Victorian/Edwardian section. I just really like the style of the outfit and that it's a rich brown. Seems to be a rare color choice for doll clothing!
ReplyDeleteI have CCP liked on Etsy, kittennoodlesoup
I've liked CCP on Facebook, handle: andrea.jacobowitz
And I've followed Lissie and Lily!
It's true, you don't see many doll outfits that shade of color! Thank you for sharing and following. I am confirming I have your entries down. ^_^
DeleteI went through the entire list and kept coming back to the same dress, over and over again and that dress is "Vintage Daisies - vintage style dress for American Girl" - the one with a red bodice and sleeves, red, yellow and white daisies on the skirt with a white Peter Pan collar and white cuffs on the sleeves. https://www.etsy.com/listing/216994638/vintage-daisies-vintage-style-dress-for?ref=shop_home_active_1
ReplyDeleteWhy should this dress be the winner? Simple, it is the perfect dress for a grade school girl in the mid-1950s, back when grade school girls were expected to wear dresses to school (what a concept!). The Peter Pan collar and matching cuffs are both classy and classic. Being colorblind, I can see primary colors very well, so the red bodice/sleeves and the red, yellow and white daisies of the skirt really stand out. The daisies on the skirt are perfect for Spring. Add to this the puffy short sleeves and the self-tie in back, two design elements that seem to have been pushed down the age range in the intervening years, yet are highlights of girls dresses back then.
I love that the waistband makes a clear division between the bodice and the skirt, by bringing the garment in. There is no photo from the back, but I am hoping the self-tie coming out of the side seams is really a doubling of the width of the waistband. Full bows are glorious and really add to the girly-ness of the dress in addition to making it fit (back then clothes were bought large and until you grew into them, you cinched up the waist using the sash and bow).
I see this dress as the one to choose for school photo day, and that photo will be remembered and cherished for all time.
The dress is close to perfection and the element pulling it back is the overall length. I don't know why doll dressmakers produce dresses for the AG that are knee-length or longer, a good number of them being mid-calf or ankle-length. AGs have cute legs and a shorter dress is not only more consistent with grade school girls dresses in the mid-1950s, but much, much, much more attractive on the doll. This dress should be the winner, but I would recommend shortening it a bit, perhaps 8.5" from center front neckline to hem. I hope this is not read as insulting to the dressmaker, for the dress is awesome in itself. I just think a shorter length brings out the beauty of the doll, which reinforces the beauty of the dress.
Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments and opinion Taffy! I will be sure to pass on the advice and message to the dressmaker and I appreciate the time you spent writing this out. I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI adored the Big Ben because I see putting my girls in this type of dress too. I miss cute little white collar dresses on little girls!
ReplyDeleteLiked on Facebook: Crystal Brashear
DeleteShared on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crystal.brashear/posts/733161951236?pnref=story
Added Google +: Crystal Brashear
Shared on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/186758715774027843/
Thank you for your comment and for liking and sharing Crystal! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI love Regency era fashion but I'm torn between the Duchess of Clarence and Prospect Park. The sleeves on the first one are unique and beautiful, but the lace overskirt with embroidery is stunning.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting Faith! I'm also a fan of Regency fashion. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteThank you and Erin Green for offering this giveaway! She's got alot of great outfits in her store but my favorite is this one:
The Time for Tea Sundress. I love the colors and the hat/bonnet is too cute! The outfit looks like a piece of porcelain china in clothes form. It's wonderful!
-Maddie G. (I can't figure out how to put my name on the comment)
Thank you for commenting Maddie. I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteFun interview! My favorite is the "Dunsley Hall" regency gown because my Elizabeth would look smashing in it.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth looks great in Regency outfits! ^_^ I'm confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteThis is a great interview! I found your blog from fb and I'm enjoying it very much. My favorite outfit is the Blossoms on a Breeze because I think the blue jacket looks so sharp and stylish. It looks an outfit my mom might have worn when she was younger.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting Sherri! I'm confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI like the Hello Kitty PJ's, since I'm a huge HK fan!
ReplyDeleteI'm a big Hello Kitty fan also! ^_^ I'm confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteMiss Maritime because it looks like Sailor Venus's school uniform!!! I love the pleats it's soooo cute!
ReplyDeleteOooo it's exciting to see another doll fan who loves Sailor Moon! That's my favorite series! :D I'm confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteMy favorite is Cecily Hill, mainly due to the colorful print of the fabric, and the style of the collar, hem, and sleeves. It's great that she has the pantaloons with it to make it a complete outfit.
ReplyDeleteYes! Ms. Green is wonderful about including the undergarments when appropriate for historical outfits. :) I'm confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteWonderful interview! I would one day like to open an Etsy store and it was insightful to read how CCP started. I like "perfect polka dots" because the print is very nostalgic. I had a dress with that print on it when I was young that my grandmother made for me. Not the same style, but similar print. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your thoughts! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteYour dolls are so funny! My name is Lily too (but with 1 l)! :-) Do international people have to have extra for shipping if they win? I'm just curious, it's not a problem if we do. I picked Northwest beauty because I think the contrasting red on the otherwise blue dress looks really neat.
ReplyDeleteIt's not showing my name for some reason but its Lily.
DeleteLily/Lilly is a beautiful name! :) I will cover all costs of shipping internationally as well. Thank you for entering. I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI think you posted some beautiful outfits in the interview section, but aside from those I think Vintage Easter and Johnson Hall are both amazing, mainly because the contrast in colors is so well done.
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DeleteI like the Pixton Park - Regency Era ensemble for American Girl.
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DeleteI hearted the shop (gkran).
ReplyDeleteI'm a GFC/email follower.
ReplyDeleteI posted this here:
I pick Simple elegance because I think the colors are great for a regency dress and even if the design is not fancy, the overall look of it is so classic.
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DeleteIn love with the Foxy Hearts outfit love the patterns and the cute socks and mary janes finish the total thing off super cute!
ReplyDeleteFB Kristine Eskins Hospodar
Etsy Kristine Hospodar
Goggle Kristine Hospodar
Shared on Google
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DeleteThis is my favorite outfit, which I think will look beautiful on my little darling's redhead doll. https://www.etsy.com/listing/218257490/on-the-range-tunic-plaid-blouse-set-for?
ReplyDeleteI visited and favorited the Etsy shop.
And I followed you on Google+.
Thank you for favoriting and sharing! I think that outfit would be wonderful on a redhead doll. :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI don't know if this counts but I like the black and white dress with the lace trim that comes bundled with the Regina custom doll.
ReplyDeleteThat's fine Amile, thank you for commenting! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI enjoyed the interview L&L are hilarious. I was amazed by all of the outfits available at cupcakecutiepies. My favorite was Retro Sophistication.The chocolate and tealish blue colors are my favorite fabric combinations. The dress would be modern as well as historical in my collection. I became a follower of Erin and I favorited the shop. (Clberries1)
ReplyDeleteChocolate and Teal are so classy! :D Thank you for following and favoriting Erin's shop! :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteWhat a great feature! I'm excited to see what other Etsy stores you'll feature. I pick Sweetheart Next Door because the lines are the jacket are perfect.
ReplyDeleteThank you! There are so many Etsy shops out there that I'm having a hard time trying to decide which to feature next. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteMy favorite is Blossoms on the Breeze because besides being so fresh looking, there are plenty of mix & match opportunities with it and I know the workmanship and fabric are superb because I just received a Cupcake Cutie Pie ensemble in the mail today and it is perfection! L&L were hilarious as usual but they also are excellent interviewers. I learned a lot!
ReplyDeleteIt's wonderful to hear that you enjoy your new Cupcake Cutie Pie outfit! Thank you! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI have to say, my favorite is Marina. Love LOVE the ombre fabric. It really stands out and makes the dress look so effortlessly unique.
ReplyDeleteI had to go look this up after seeing your comment. It is stunning! Thank you for commenting. I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteThank you for an insightful interview. I pick the outfit Daisy Darling:
The yellow is so cheerful and happy and would brighten any doll to wear it.
By: Grandma Sue
Thank you for entering! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteWe like the French Tourist outfit best, because it is perfect for the new Grace doll that arrived at our house. The print of hte fabric is darling but the plaid beret and jacket really tie together the look.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new Grace! She'll definitely be the talk of the dolls in the French Tourist outfit. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteNormally although I love lace on my clothes, I hate it on doll clothes because it snags and rips apart in the velcro but since you mentioned in your review that it closes with buttons, I have to say I'm immediately drawn to the Delicate Garden Skirt Set.
ReplyDeleteThat's so true! Velcro is death to lace, which is why I love the button closures CCP uses. :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteAfter waffling on several beautiful options, I decided on Well Suited- A-line dress and newsboy cap for American Girl doll. It's a really unique look and so chic, from the color to the style, to the white lace collar. Even the newsboy cap is perfectly matched for it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI liked on Facebook. I love Valentine Rose in the etsy store, I actually love many of them
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you're having trouble with the form Linda, and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteThe comment form keeps freezing, I liked the vintage style, the fabric and the trims are divine, here us the link, sorry for having to do this twice after having issues with form! https://www.etsy.com/listing/176162731/valentine-rose-vintage-style-dress-for?ref=shop_home_active_16
ReplyDeleteBlossoms on the Breeze outfit is my favorite. Please enter me in your give away and thank you for doing this.
ReplyDeleteHi Lana, thank you for your interest! Blossoms on the Breeze was already sold at the time of your comment so would you mind picking another outfit and let us know why you like it? I will be happy to enter you in the giveaway as soon as you do so. Thank you!
DeleteChatsworth House! And not just because anything Pride & Prejudice wins me over, LOL! I love the pale blue color and the lace around the bottom of the dress. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHahaha yes! Home of Mr. Darcy, who can turn that down? ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI like Paris Pansy the best, though it's hard to pick just one. I think it would look great on Grace, the b&w stripes are such an elegant look and the top/bodice style
ReplyDeleteis very flattering, (sorry, the comment form is giving me trouble on my phone).
DeleteThank you for commenting! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI'm stuck between Prospect Park and Great Garden. Both are exactly what I picture a Regency era dress to look like, with the soft colors and lacy accents. My favorite part of Prospect Park is the sheer overskirt with the red/pink embroidery detail. A critique for Great Garden is it doesn't look like the waist band goes all the way around the middle, and it's only on the front. I think it would look even nicer if it went all the way around. (There's no back side photo so if it does go all the way around, please disregard this part.) :)
ReplyDeleteI appreciate you sharing your thoughts Hailey, and I will be sure to pass them along. I am confirming I have your entry down. ^_^
DeleteI wanted to make a suggestion for CCCP and recommend photographing the back of the outfit as well. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the York Bridge outfit in the interview portion (such fun!) but was disappointed there wasn't a photo of the back of the dress, otherwise I would have chosen it for my favorite. Instead, I think I'll go with Harrington Avenue, another of her Victorian ensembles. Love the chic hat, and all the pieces of it. The sparkly shoes seem a bit out of place, (maybe boots would be a better fit for the look?) but overall it's a beautiful outfit, and difficult to make, especially made as well CCCP has made it.
ReplyDeleteYou bring up a great point Jenny, and I will be sure to pass your comment along. I am confirming I have your entry down. ^_^
DeleteErin Green has got to be the empress of colors because I looked through her shop and saw some amazing contrasting color combinations, as well as complimentary color combos, like my favorite outfit Garden Blues:
The little buttons to the side are too cute. I don't like my dolls to have bare arms so I love the sleeves as well. Other wise it looks a lot like the pattern for 1220.
How do I put down my name? It's Grace Nguyen.
DeleteThat's so sweet of you to say Grace! She does have wonderful colors in her outfits. I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI like the Gingham garden outfit. I think it's perfect for Kirsten because it has a pink apron and pink is her favorite color. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree, I think the pink would look great with Kirsten. :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the Simple Elegance Regency dress. I love the Regency time period, and I love the blue color. I bet it would look amazing on Caroline!
ReplyDeleteYou're the second person who picked that outfit! ^_^ It's colors are wonderful! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI like Soda Fountain. The red bow theme, hairbow, bow on dress, bows on shoes, make me think of Hello Kitty.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteEtsy: beckiecookie
ReplyDeleteFacebooke: Christian Cooke (and shared the link)
I love the french tourist outfit. It would be perfect for my Grace.
I've bought many things from CCP in the past and think everything she does is wonderful. :)
I posted this earlier, but didn't see it afterwards. Hope I'm not spaming.
Thank you for sharing and recommenting! I'm so glad you did so because it doesn't seem like your earlier comment went through. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the hometown plaid outfit. I love plaid and how the outfit looks like a mini version of what a human would wear. My other favorite is the delicate garden skirt set. I live the lace shirt and how it compliments the skirt. So pretty.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorites! I am confirming I have you entry down.
DeleteHeritage Court - Victorian dress and aprong for American Girl doll with undergarments
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DeleteFavorited her store:https://www.etsy.com/uk/people/CribCoutureAlaska?ref=hdr_user_menu
ReplyDeleteliked her on Facebook, Jessie Taylor Goodwin
ReplyDeletefollowed your blog
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the "Foxy Love vintage style dress" because the skirt pattern is adorable and would be perfect for Valentines Day. I also love the unusual bodice cut. I also liked her Etsy page on Facebook under Lisa Worthington.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite and liking! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteIm surprised looking at the comments that Bluebell Beauty wasn't already selected by someone. It's a wonderful outfit, loving the blue, and the hat is too cute! My favorite part has to be the turn up corners of the sleeves though. That's a nice touch.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteSo... I was going to pass over this outfit, Tregarden: https://www.etsy.com/listing/202976615/tregarden-regency-era-ensemble-for?ref=shop_home_active_11 until I saw the embroidery on the cloak. It's amazing! I love the detail of it and that it's lined. Definitely takes this already pretty Regency dress to a whole other level. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI just visited the page to see this embroidery and I agree it's wonderful! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI like Southern Magnolia because it would looks great on my Ruthie as she sits in the garden taking tea in the summer. The colors are cool and refreshing, but she probably won't need the cape in the summer.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the Suzie Sunshine dress, Foxy Love, and the Apple Pie dress and jacket.
ReplyDeleteI want to verify is this Mimi? I have your entry down from earlier.
DeleteMine would have to be the Pierce House ensemble. The fabrics are stunning. And the colors beautifully compliment each other.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite. I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI like the chain of hearts,natbelinsky@verizon.net
ReplyDeleteI have you entry down.
DeleteI like the At Play Dress. I like the red color and the vintage print fabric.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
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DeleteI hearted them on Etsy: 1Chef.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I like them on Facebook: Nancy D - - - - - - .
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I loved the Bobby Jack girl skirt and jacket ensemble. This is totally an outfit NY daughter would want to wear with her doll!
ReplyDeleteI liked on Facebook as Jessica Massaway
I favorites on etsy as jmassaway
Thank you for favorting on Facebook and Etsy! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteMy daughter would love the garden tapestry outfit!
I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the one that you are giving away the most. It is perfect for Valentines Day. I also love the way the bottom poufs out :) Thank you for giving everyone a chance to win it!
ReplyDeleteI have your entry down.
Deletelove the candy crush dress. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteI have your entry down.
DeleteMy daughter, Hannah and I had so much fun making her birthday wish list at Lissie & Lilly! Her favorite outfit for her best friend (doll) is the Hearts & Bows-Valentine's Skirt Set. She thinks it is "stylish and pretty...something I would like to wear so I know my doll would like it too!"
ReplyDeleteP.S. @ Cupcake Cutie Pie-I am jealous of your talent! You sewing skills are amazing....I tried once to make a doll dress for her but it was a disaster. I can't wait for her to see the Pampered Puppy pajamas I am getting for her! :)
DeleteThank you for liking and sharing your thoughts Maureen! I will be sure to pass on your kind comments to Erin. I hope your daughter will enjoy the Pampered Puppy Pjs. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI like Cupcake Cutie Pie on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteHappy to "heart" Cupcake Cutie Pie on Etsy too. :)
ReplyDeleteI really like the Daisy Darling - circle skirt ensemble for American Girl! It reminds me of the 60's and i love yellow!! So cute and fun!
Thank you for commenting and sharing your thoughts! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI like Cupcake Cutie on Facebook as Allyson Tice
*entries! Thank you for liking on FB!