- This giveaway has ended. Winner announced here. -
Welcome to our third Etsy feature with the lovely Katherine Gabor, owner and creator of Katherine's Creations on Etsy. She has graciously provided a beautiful outfit for one lucky reader as the giveaway to celebrate this post.
Welcome to our third Etsy feature with the lovely Katherine Gabor, owner and creator of Katherine's Creations on Etsy. She has graciously provided a beautiful outfit for one lucky reader as the giveaway to celebrate this post.
The interview is presented first, followed by a review of the giveaway outfit, with the giveaway details at the end of the post.
KC = Katherine's Creations
~Interview with Katherine Gabor of Katherine's Creations~
Lydia: Hello everyone! Thank
you for stopping by to see our latest Etsy Feature.
MG: Nous avons beaucoup de
chance, we are very lucky, and very happy to present Ms. Katherine Gabor from
Katherine’s Creations to you today!
Lydia: Not only does she
create beautiful historical clothing, but stylish modern wear as well.
MG: Oui, and on top of that
she is now entering the world of male fashion for all the custom boy dolls Big
People have created.
Lydia: Please join us in
welcoming Ms. Katherine Gabor!
MG: Bonjour Ms. Gabor! Merci
pour visiting with us today. To start us off, would you mind sharing with us
the story of how you first learned to
KC: I took a class over the summer when I was in 5th grade. It
seemed like a fun hobby to pick up and both my grandmothers and my mother were
sewing at the time.
Lydia: My! So you have been sewing since 5th grade! What was our Big
Person doing in 5th grade Marie-Grace?
MG: I believe I heard Lissie
mention something about learning where slugs like to hide under rocks.
Lydia: How… admirable… Well
then, putting slugs aside, Ms. Gabor, out of all the doll lines available, why did you choose to create outfits for
AG dolls?
KC: I rediscovered my childhood Addy doll back in 2010. I fell back
in love with her and she needed more clothing. Money was tight so I decided to
add to her wardrobe by sewing for her myself. After a year or so of practice
and relearning sewing skills and techniques, I decided to open an Etsy store.
Back then it never occurred to me to sew for any other doll than an AG doll.
Pink and Brown 1850s Dress is a wonderful example of Civil War era fashion.
MG: A year of practice? That is incroyable! Incredible! It goes to show nothing
is easy, well except for procrastination perhaps. You have a wide array of
outfits from many time periods as well as modern in your store but do you have a favorite style or time
period to design for?
KC: Since Addy has a special place in my heart, I really enjoy
sewing for her time period. There are so many wonderful Civil War era patterns
right now for AG dolls and beautiful Civil War era reproduction fabrics.
Lydia: I must agree! Our Big Person fell in love with your Civil War era
designs when she first saw them so it is quite wonderful to hear that is your
favorite time period to create for. Would you mind sharing with us what is your favorite part of what you
do? What about your least favorite?
KC: My favorite part is searching for the perfect fabric and trims
and being able to see how the outfit is going to come together. My least favorite
part is the hand sewing. I hand sew metal snap closures to almost all my
outfits now. It takes more time than sewing on Velcro, but it looks so much
better and I do not have to worry about a customer snagging their doll's or
tights on the Velcro
This Vintage Style 3 Piece Nurse Uniform is both fun to wear and stylish!
MG: C'est merveilleux! That is wonderful! I have very long cheveaux, hair, and
I hate getting it caught in velcro.
Lydia: Absolutely! Velcro
wrecks complete havoc on my curls, not to mention all our dresses with lace and
MG: You mentioned that snaps
take longer to sew on than velcro, but how
much time on average goes into an outfit or design? Could you briefly explain
the process?
KC: How I wish I had more hours in the day to sew. At this point in
my life I can only sew when my two year old naps, so it takes me a couple of naps
to finish an outfit. If I have everything I need on hand it I can get an outfit
done in 2-4 naps. But if the outfit is a custom request it takes much longer.
Lydia: My! You work on quite the time line!
MG: Oui Lydia Charlotte! Nap time never feels long
Lydia: Since you create outfits from a wide variety
of time periods, could you share a little about what is different in your designing process from creating a historical
versus a modern outfit?
KC: When I sew my historical dresses I mostly like to sew using
civil war reproduction fabric or 1930s reproduction fabric whenever possible.
The collar on the Navy Blue Polka Dot 1930s Princess Seam Dress is perfect for the time period.
Lydia: That means your outfits are made with
authentic fabric and an accurate print representing the time period. Fantastic
Ms. Gabor!
MG: May I ask, what
or who inspires your
creativity when sewing and designing an outfit?
KC: Pinterest is awesome for inspiration. I follow a board that daily
updates with historical clothing by Jaana Seppala. Most days I have to wipe the
drool off my iPad from the gorgeous outfits she pins. Pinterest is also an awesome
place to keep vintage pattern covers all in one place too. If I need some
1930/1940 inspiration I will look on Pinterest or Etsy for pattern covers.
Lydia: Ah, the internet is a wealth of inspiration!
We shall have to insist on having our Big Person show us Jaana Seppala’s board
and look at these designs. With such a wealth of resources, do you ever get a creative block? If so,
how do you overcome it?
KC: If I ever struggle with an outfit while sewing, I will put down my project
and walk away from it. Time away from it helps clear my head.
Occasionally she will create clothing from Felicity's era, such as this 1700s En Forreau Gown.
MG: Now I know that you have recently started to create outfits for boy
dolls as well.
Lydia: Boy dolls?
MG: Oui! Many people have created custom dolls to be
boys and they look très beau, very handsome. Ms. Gabor, what inspired you try your hand at
sewing boy doll outfits?
KC: I decided to try sewing for boy dolls because members on AG Playthings message board were complaining
about the lack stylish clothing for their boy dolls.
Lydia: You make is sound so simple, but surely that couldn’t have been
so easy! What are some main
differences between designing and sewing for boy doll clothes versus girl doll
KC: A really big problem right now is the lack of boy well made and
drafted patterns out there. I am hoping this changes as 2015 chugs along. There
is a big difference between in the cut of a boy clothing and girl clothing. For
example boy button down shirts are baggier width wise and longer. Girl button
down shirts are more fitted. The same thing goes with skinny/slim jeans. Boy
skinny jeans are baggier in the crotch and longer in the legs. Girls skinny
jeans look like they are painted on and the length of the pants leg stops by
the ankle. I do not have any pattern drafting skills, so in between projects I
am playing around with adding seam allowances on girl patterns to see if I can
properly adjust them for a boy.
Her modern outfits are equally as detailed and well made, like this Button Down Shirt, Capri and Slouchy Sweater Set, which is perfect for St. Patrick's Day or even the start of spring!
MG: C'est étrange, how strange that boys have to worry about crotch
bagginess. They have such difficulties! It is most admirable that you are
venturing into this area Ms. Gabor! There are so many boy dolls and so few
clothing options for them.
Lydia: Indeed Marie-Grace! And it would appear we
cannot even lend them our jeans because ours do have the appropriate bagginess.
MG: Before we wrap up, is there any advice you would like to share with the readers?
KC: I encourage anyone who wants to pick up the hobby of sewing to do
so, but it does take time and lots of practice. You would laugh at some my
projects that went wrong. I'm still learning new tips and tricks all the
Lydia: Don’t forget the one word bonus Marie-Grace.
You know how Lissie loves it so.
MG: Ah, merci for reminding me! Ms. Gabor, your one word bonus is: Steak or Sushi?
KC: Steak. Sushi freaks me out.
This adorable Pink Daisy Print Dress is cheerful and looks like it could be another beautiful dress made for Kit by her Aunt Millie from a feedsack.
MG: Thank you so much again for taking the time to
join us and answer our questions!
Lydia: Yes! We are all looking forward to seeing
your boy outfits when you release them. You can stay notified with Ms. Gabor's latest projects at these links:
Etsy Store - https://www.etsy.com/shop/kgabor19
Instagram - #katherinescreations
MG: C’est vrai, it’s true! And in the mean time we
shall enjoy your historical and modern outfits currently in your store. Let’s
all have one more round of applause for Ms. Katherine Gabor!
Lydia: Now we will go over to Lissie and Sawako
Lilly as they present the review of the outfit Ms. Gabor has generously
provided for the Giveaway.
Lilly: Thank you Lydia Charlotte and Marie-Grace! We are so fortunate and grateful to Ms. Gabor for providing this beautiful dress for us to review and giveaway. Lissie here.... Lissie? Where are you? It's our turn!
Lissie: BAM! Here I am! What do you think?
Lilly: Are you- Is that- Why are you already dressed Lissie?
Lissie: Because fashion can wait for no one, not even a scheduled feature!
Lilly: *Ahem* well then, here you can see Lissie modeling the 1860s Purple School Dress.
Lissie: Oooo, modeling. I like the sound of that. Sounds... delicious!
Lilly: Oh Lissie, I really don't know if I can do this. I can name all the bones in the skull but I haven't a clue when it comes to fabrics and sewing.
Lissie: Don't worry Lilly! Let's start from the top! Let everyone admire my beautiful collar!
Lilly: Good idea Lissie! You can see the dress' white collar is edged with lace, giving a bit of flair to this school dress.
Lissie: Don't forget to mention how extra grand I look in lace.Lilly: I don't think that's relevant to the review Lissie, now hush and let me continue.
Lilly: Down the center of the dress' bodice is a straight row of small, white buttons for decoration.
Lissie: Don't forget to mention how extra grand I look in buttons!
Lilly: Lissie! *ahem* The fabric is very thick and high quality, perfect as a cool weather dress.
Lissie: Like today! Not spring, not winter, but a wanna-spring-winter day! Or a... wansprinter.
Lilly: .....
Lilly: The white sleeves are attached to the bodice for ease of wearing and characteristic of the wide, bell shaped sleeves from the time period.
Lissie: Don't forget-
Lilly: Not now Lissie, we all know you look grand in bell sleeves but we need to focus on the dress, not you. Now please turn around so we can see the back.
Lissie: *sigh* You know, this isn't what I thought modeling would be like. It's a good thing this dress is pretty or I would be really bored.
Lilly: The bow looks funny Lissie.
Lissie: Yeah... Our Big Person is awful with bows, no help for it. But I wear it with style!
Lilly: The back of the dress closes with snaps.
Lissie: Infinitely easier than velcro! I tied my hair up just in case it would get caught, but since it's snaps, I didn't have to worry about it.
Lilly: Now it's time to take off the dress so we can get a closer look at it.
Lissie: Does this mean... I can talk endlessly about myself now?
Lilly: No.
Lilly: The dress is made from a Civil War reproduction fabric created by Judie Rothermel. She works with Marcus Fabrics and makes not only stunning Civil War reproduction fabric but also 1930s reproduction fabric too.
Lissie: Fabric can be reproduced, but no one can reproduce General Washington!
Lilly: The sleeves close with snaps as well, much easier to use and more flattering than the velcro that AG uses on the sleeves of Kirsten, Addy, and Samantha's outfit.
Lissie: And the snaps make it easy to hide dangerous contraband like dark chocolate in those giant bell sleeves!
Lilly: ...Is that why the sleeves were so large?
Lissie: Obviously! Nothing says 1860s like dark chocolate in the sleeves.
Lissie: The only thing better than the front of a dress is the back!
Lilly: How so? All the decorations are in the front.
Lissie: Ah, but all the skill goes to the back.
Lissie: Look Lilly! It's a secret message sewn into the dress!
Lilly: Don't be silly, that's Ms. Gabor's clothing label she includes on all her clothing. My! Look at how tightly those snaps are sewn on. Not even a tornado could whip those off.
Lissie: It doesn't have to withstand a tornado, just my awesomeness!
Lilly: The inside of the dress is neat with no fraying ends.
Lissie: Everyone likes to see the clean guts of a dress.
Lilly: I'm not sure clean guts is the proper term for finishing edges Lissie.
Lilly: Here you can see a close up of the serged edges, all straight and neat, meticulously done.
Lilly: And here you can see where the decorative buttons on the front bodice attach.
Lissie: The sash that ties in the back is sewn onto the sides of the bodice. The seams are watertight and straight and neat as an uncooked spaghetti!
Lilly: Overall, this dress is not only historically accurate and beautiful, but also easy for both adults and children to use.
Lissie: Or modeling dolls.
Lilly: Yes, especially modeling dolls. Now we'll go to Cecile and Samantha, who will explain how you can enter to win this lovely dress! Lissie, where are you going?
Lissie: Sorry Lilly, a doll model's work is never done!

Lissie: I'm back!
Cecile: Shhh Lissie! You must model en silence, silently.
Lissie: Oh moon pies and cheesecakes, fine!
Sam: Hello everyone! Cecile and I are here to tell you how you can enter to win this beautiful 1860s Purple School Dress for your lucky doll.
Cecile: Il est facile, it is easy! All you must do is visit Ms. Gabor's shop and tell us which is your favorite outfit and why.

Sam: The giveaway is open to all entrants, including international readers as well.
Cecile: There is no purchase necessary-
Lissie: Ask for gold! Ask for candy! Ask for golden candy!
Sam: Shhhhh Lissie! We can not ask for such extravagances. If you are under the age of 13, please ask your parent or guardian to enter for you.
Cecile: This is très important! Do not forget to include your name with your entry! You can comment using the "Name/URL" option. Put your name in the "name" option and you can leave the URL part blank.
Sam: Thank you again so much to Ms. Gabor for providing us with such a lovely dress to give away.
Cecile: Oui, merci Ms. Gabor! Bonne chance! Good luck everyone!
The giveaway will run from Feb. 23 - Mar. 5 (midnight Central USA time).
To enter:
Visit Katherine's Creations' Etsy Store by clicking here. Share with us your favorite item in her shop and why. (theme, design, style, time period, etc.).
For bonus entries:
Favorite Katherine's Creations' Etsy store. (include username in comment for verification)
"Like" Katherine's Creations on Facebook (click here to go to the page) (include username in comment for verification)
"Like" Lissie & Lilly on Facebook (click here to go to the page) (include username in comment for verification)
"Like" Lissie & Lilly on Facebook (click here to go to the page) (include username in comment for verification)
Follow/Google+ this blog. (If you are already a follower/google+, just comment with your account. ^_^)
Share about this giveaway on social media (Facebook, Your Blog, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Google+, Pintrest, other forums, etc.) - Be sure to include the link(s) to your post(s) in your comment so we can verify where you shared.
*max 9 additional entries*
The winners will be announced in 2 weeks on Friday, March 6th on this post, so check back then! ^_^
Another great post! My favorite outfit is the white and pink Button Down Shirt, Capri and Slouchy Sweater set because I like that the pieces and be mixed and matched with other outfits easily.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! I'm confirming I have your entry down. :)
DeleteI Would like to enter!
ReplyDeleteI really like the 30s style dress. It is really cute.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Keep up the fantastic work.
Thank you for sharing your favorite and your lovely comments! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteWow! My favorite is the pink and brown Felicity colonial dress because the colors and pattern are perfect and they look so good on Felicity. My google plus name is Esther Ackerman and my etsy name is bittercollieday. I think my Facebook name is also Esther Ackerman?
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your thoughts and for favoriting! :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI actually really like the purple wrap dress. I've been looking for clothes for a future custom (based off a movie character), and while I was looking to replicate her (strange) outfit, I've been gravitating more to pieces like this, since her "actual" outfit would be hard to replicate without my commissioning or making it myself. Said custom would probably also share with Joy, my 1970s girl who moonlights as two other time periods. XP The 1860s everything is a close second; it's a lot of contenders for my Addy. I've also favorited the shop with the username citrusellaflugpucker. XP
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for sharing your thoughts and favoriting! Best of luck with your custom and getting her wardrobe together. :) It can be challenging but fun! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI actually like the one you featured in your interview best of all, the Vintage Nurse outfit. The cut and style are really nice and the hat is super cute.
ReplyDeleteHi L&L! First, sorry if this is a double comment. We aren't sure if our first one went through. Our favorite dress is the Navy Blue Polka Dot 1930s Princess Seam dress because it looks so pretty on her Ruthie - we definitely need more pretty dresses!!!!! We liked her FB page, her shop and your FB page as KitandKat. We're also google-following you. And we posted about your giveaway here:
Thank for taking the time to comment again since the first one didn't go through. :) I appreciate you sharing your favorite with us and for sharing/liking! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteShe has many beautiful items (I liked everything!) but my favorite is actually the Simple White Petticoat. It's beautiful, authentic, and would look lovely under under any of my 1800s girls' dresses. (Also, in human scale I'd wear it myself!) --Elewys from AGC.
ReplyDeleteFor a bonus entries, I liked her store on Etsy (aemuncy) and on Facebook (Ada Elewys Hobbitt). :)
Hahaha! I'd wear it as well! ^_^ Thank you for stopping by and sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI adore the 1700s En Forreau Gown. It's not super fancy for Lissie.
ReplyDelete(Also added the shop on Etsy (nethilia) but not so much as only an additional entry as to keep it on file!)
Thank you for sharing your favorite! ^_^ I think it's a beautiful gown and well suited for Lissie's character from the books. I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteMy favourite is the Navy Blue Floral 1860s Dress for 18 inch doll though I love the fabric of the Pink and Brown 1850s Dress for 18 inch Doll, too. I think both would look beautiful on Addy.
ReplyDeleteI've favourited Katherine's Creations' Etsy store (myriadcolours).
I've "liked" Katherine's Creations on Facebook (Firinel Turner).
I've "like" Lissie & Lilly on Facebook (same as above).
Thank you for sharing your favorite! :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeletePlease enter me in the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item in Katherine's store is the Turkey Red dress, but I also really like Molly's 1940 peach dress!
I favorited the store (Sophie Trahan - Sophinette72)
I like your Faceboo page as well as Katherine's and commented (Sophie Trahan).
I am a Google+ follower.
And I shared on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/370561875565646571/
Thank you for letting us know your favorite and sharing! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI love the navy blue floral dress because it would look great on my Addy - it's a good kind of frilly.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteMy favorite is the nurses outfit because daddy is in the Medical field. Your stuff is so amazing. You are very talented!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words and for sharing your favorite! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteYAY! I had already favorited her shop on Etsy (walshap). I really liked the 1930s style (navy blue polka one) as I think my Emily would rock it. I am also quite fond of the vintage holiday shirt and jumper.
Thank you for sharing your favorite! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteShe's been on my favorites list for awhile, heathero95. My favorite outfit she has in her shop right now is the Vintage Style Holiday Blouse and Jumper Set. I like the colors and the time era it's based off of.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite item! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down. (Also the Josefina in your avatar is beautiful!)
DeleteThanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI really like the blue polka dot 1930s dress. It's simple and not too girly, but beautiful... perfect for KIt!
- lavenderag8 from AGC
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your favorite! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteMy favorite outfit is the sweater, button down shirt and capri set. I like it because it would look great on any of my modern dolls. Addy is hoping to win the purple dress though.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the "Button Down Shirt, Capri and Slouchy Sweater Set for Isabelle or 18 inch Doll" because it's really cute and modern, but not too frilly and babyish, or too "grown up".
Thank you for sharing your favorite and for following the blog! :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteWe're following your blog. ^_^
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the construction of her garments. I appreciate the served seams too!
ReplyDeleteI'm very happy to hear that you enjoy the construction of her outfits! ^_^ I will be sure to pass that on to Ms. Gabor.
DeleteI've been a fan of Katherine's Creations for some time now. No really, I'm not just saying that to earn bonus points! I've had her "hearted" her on etsy (as nummaria17) since I discovered her shop via AGPT. Her work is exquisite! It's so hard to pick a favorite, as I love fashion from the 1860s and the 1770s. But if I had to pick a favorite, I'd go with Felicity's en forreau gown. It's so harder to find fashions for Felicity now that she's retired, plus Felicity looks stunning in brown!
ReplyDeleteI was also very pleasantly surprised to see how beautiful Felicity looks in brown. :) Thank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteMy favorite is the 1940s shirt dress. I favorited on etsy (StarQuilts)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI love the Black and Light Blue Wrap Dress for Isabelle or 18 inch Doll, because of the simplicity of it. It is simple, yet absolutely beautiful, and it is an outfit that transcends any one time period. This dress could work for so many dolls, and so many different looks.
ReplyDeleteThanking for letting us know your favorite, and for sharing/liking/following! ^_^ I really appreciate it! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI favorited Katherine's Creations on Etsy. User name is Christi Easter
ReplyDeleteLiked Katherine's Creations on Facebook, user name Christi Easter
ReplyDeleteLiked Lissie & Lilly on Facebook, user name is Christi Easter.
ReplyDeleteShared on Twitter.
Following on Google+, link to my profile. https://plus.google.com/u/0/100313649134893168183/posts
ReplyDeleteI love the 1700 en forreau gown! The regent era is one of my favorites! Jane Austen is m favorite writer and the colonial style makes me think in my natal home: Antigua Guatemala, one of the most pretiest colonial cities innthe world!
ReplyDeleteI love that she does both modern and historical. I think her floral button down with yellow capris is fabulous... Yellow is my favorite color.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely! Her wide range of time periods means everyone can find something they love. :) Thank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the vintage nurse uniform as I work in the healthcare industry. It is so authentic with the hat and cape. I actually didn't see anything I didn't like! And I appreciate all the work in putting the snaps on. Lovely work!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! I agree, it's rare to see such a well made nurse outfit. :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the vintage three piece nurse uniform!!! I am a nurse so it is absolutely perfect! Such a great post!
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to see there are many readers who are in the health field. ^_^ Thank you for sharing your favorite, and for liking/following. I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI also liked Lissie and Lilly on FB(Meagan Musselman)
ReplyDeleteI liked Katherine's Creations on FB(Meagan Musselma)
I liked Katherine's creations on Etsy(Meagan Musselman, or dumanmb, I'm not sure which is my username)
Oh and I follow your blog! Lol. For some reason I can not remember all the entries haha. Username is Musselmm. Thank you so much!!!
ReplyDeleteI also Followed on Pinterest(Meagan Musselman)
ReplyDeleteWe're not in Pinterest Meagan. Would you mind sharing the link you followed? I hope someone is not claiming to be the blog on Pinterest. >_<
DeleteI followed Katherine's creations on Pinterest. Sorry for the confusion!
DeleteThank you for clarifying! I didn't even realize she had a pinterest! ^_^
DeleteI didn't either! I was so excited! 😊
DeleteI love the Navy Blue Polka Dot 1930s dress but my daughters favorite is the one you can win...Felicity is our FIRST and most loved doll in our home :) I follow you on FB.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite and for following on FB. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI tried to post once but it didn't work so if this ends up a duplicate, sorry! I love the Black ginham summer dress with the pomegranite underskirt. The details are gorgeous, the contrasting colors are so striking and it really does remind me of summer. I like Lissie & Lilly as well as Katherine's Creations on Facebook (user: Tricia andPatrick Dahlstrom) and I favorited Katherine's creations on Etsy (user name is PatrickDahlstrom - my husband's name was auto used from facebook login). Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry for the technical difficulties and I really appreciate you taking the time to repost your comment! ^_^ Thank you for sharing your favorite with us. :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteNavy Blue Polka Dot 1930s Princess Seam Dress is my favorite, I adore this era.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteHi Lilly Maiden!
ReplyDeleteMy favorites are the two "Turkey Red" dresses-- the 1800s Civil War dress and the 1850s one. I love the silhouettes of both and the color and fabric is just beautiful! The 1800s one in particular is really tempting. ;)
Thank you for holding this giveaway!
--StoryTeller from AGC :)
Hi StoreyTeller! ^_^ Thank you very much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the Navy Blue Polka Dot 1930s Princess Seam Dress for Kit, Ruthie or 18 inch Doll.. it's so cute.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing you favorite and for following/liking! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI heart Katherine's Creations (gkran).
ReplyDeleteI'm a GFC follower.
ReplyDeleteI posted this here:
I favorited her shop. My name there is "hodgewyfe."
ReplyDeleteActually the dress I like best is the one in the give-away because I love that fabric! But among the dresses at the shop, I think my favorite would have to be the blue & white polka dot.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! The fabric is really stunning in the giveaway dress, more so because she uses reproduction prints so it's historically accurate! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteIt’s so funny you have posted this; I love the creations of kgabor19 so much!
ReplyDeleteThe navy blue floral 1860’s dress is my absolute favorite. I have admired it for some time; since before you even made this wonderful post actually! The only thing stopping from making a purchase was the scale of the flowers on the fabric unfortunately. However the one if your giveaway is PERFECT!
I really hope she makes another in a similarly scaled fabric pattern in case I don’t win so my 1860’s girl who is based on my great-great-great-great-grandmother, whom I am named after, can have one, lol.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :) I will be sure to pass them on. She uses reproduction fabric for her historical clothing so the prints are realistic and accurate. If you particularly like the print of the giveaway dress and do not win, please don't hesitate to message her for a custom! It's possible she may have more of that fabric left. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the vintage 3 piece nurse uniform. I love the clean, crisp look of it. I think it is sad that today all nurses wear scrubs, actually everyone wears them and you do not know who is a nurse versus the housekeeper or the maintenance man. The nursing cap is adorable.
ReplyDeleteI also wonder when the transition from those crisp uniforms to scrubs occurred. :/ I feel like that uniform brought many patients comfort and conveyed a sense of respect and authority as well, much like a doctor's white coat. Thank you for sharing your favorite! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteMy daughter would love the "Turkey Red Dress with Black Dots 1850s Dress." She would love it because it is pretty and goes all the way down to her dolls feet. Those are her favorite types of dresses. For both herself and her doll.
ReplyDeleteThank you (and your daughter) for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteThe red Turkey dress! And the 1860's Navy floral there isnt any way to narrow it down to just one !
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I understand, they're both so lovely. :) Thank you for sharing your favorite(s). I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love the Prairie dress in red 1880s Mary and Laura Prairie Dress in Red for 18 inch doll (style maybe not the fabric). and I have been looking for someone to design a dress with a Peter Rabbit theme and the white apron like this dress https://www.etsy.com/listing/223906975/green-floral-prairie-style-dress-with?ref=shop_home_active_2 and I favorited both of the modern sweater sets...
ReplyDeleteThank you for letting us know your favorites and for sharing so widely Bella! :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
Deleteextra entries... I favorited her Etsy shop (my Etsy name is Kristy (Bella) Stevens. Liked on Facebook Bella Kristy Stevens Google Plus'd it Bella armyknightslady. Feature on my blog http://agdollobsession.blogspot.com/2015/03/contest-on-my-fellow-blogger-lissie-and.html on Twitter https://twitter.com/Armyknightslady/status/573542967253733376, my Pinterest Group board Her Obsession Errr My Obsession, and on my Facebook Fan page https://www.facebook.com/BellasSecondLife/posts/840166159355989
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the Black and White Gingham 1850s Summer Dress because I love the color scheme and the the time period!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entry down.
DeleteI love that pink daisy print dress for kit as well as the modern sweater sets as they are all practical yet super cute! I followed Katherine's creations on instagram, if that counts.
ReplyDeleteYes it does count! Thank you for sharing your favorites! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteMy favorite outfit on her Etsy is the Vintage holiday blouse & dress. It is abosolutely adorable and I could definitely see my dolls modeling the dress in a few different seasons. I favorited her shop, I think my user name is just my name, and I liked both pages on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite and for liking on FB! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI love the navy blue floral 1860s dress. Navy is one of my favorite colors, and the sleeves and collar are gorgeous. Plus, if my Kirsten and Cecile are any indication, I really like the mid-1800s.
ReplyDeleteI follow her FB page as Kenna Pauley (about to double check that it's liked), and on Etsy as kennabeth. I now follow this blog as, I believe, kennabeth25.
Thank you for sharing your favorite outfit with us and liking on FB and Etsy! :) I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI really like the Button Down Shirt, Capri and Slouchy Sweater Set. I like that the set has 3 pieces. I can really see my daughter mixing and matching the cute pieces to make other outfits.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite and for liking on FB and Etsy! ^_^ I'm confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI "Like" Lissie & Lilly on Facebook. Jamie L. H.
ReplyDeleteI "Like" Katherine's Creations on Facebook. Jamie L. H.
ReplyDeleteI Favorited Katherine's Creations' Etsy store. (Jamie H. richjamie)
ReplyDeleteI liked Katherine's Creations on facebook
ReplyDeleteI liked lissie & Lilly on facebook (Melissa Shepherd and one the one above also)
ReplyDeleteLike the purple cardigan with slim jeans and button down shirt. I like it not just for this time period but each item can be combined to go into another time period such as jeans with baggy shirt the 80's, both tops with skirt the 40's
ReplyDeleteThank you for letting us know your favorite and for liking on FB! I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteMy favorite outfit was her Black and White Gingham 1850s Summer Dress for Cecile, Addy, Kirsten or 18 inch doll, mainly because of the beautiful colors and dress design
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your favorite outfit! I am confirming I have your entry down.
Delete1880s Mary and Laura Prairie Dress in Red is my favorite. I love the checked fabric and the style of the dress. I am a fan of the Little House Books and this reminds me of Laura.
Thank you for sharing your favorite! I also am a big fan of the Little House series. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.
DeleteI favorited your Etsy shop. Kathy Davis
I like Katherine's Creations on FB as Kathy Newsom Davis.
I like Lissie & Lilly on FB as Kathy Newsom Davis.
Love the purple dress and also the navy dot dress Ruthie is wearing. ADORABLE...my baby girl would love any of them.
Thank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entry down.
ReplyDeleteHi Gail! Thank you for sharing your favorite! I moved your comment from the Giveaway page to this blog post for Katherine's Creations so it's all in one place. :) I am confirming I have your entry down.